Chapter 14

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"What the fuck."

Angelo quickly ran towards the two and bent down near Alessa. He observed her and noticed how pale she was and how her lips were tinted. He thought that Felix was exaggerating but she was way worse than what he imagined.

He put the back of his hand on her forehead only to feel it burning up.

"Felix you know where everyone is right now so go get them please and please tell me you brought your car," Angelo said turning to Felix.

Felix reached into his pocket and took out car keys, "Yeah here I'll go get them." he said before rushing out to get the others.

Angelo then carefully picked up Alessa and headed outside the door.

Luckily no one was in the hallway and the class that Felix and Alessa were in didn't have a class right now.

As he was rushing through the hallways to get to the exit, he saw Alessandro rushing towards him.

"What happened?" He asked frantically.

"I don't know but we got to go to Adriano quickly." He said before starting to run again.

He found Felix's car after a minute or so and laid her in the back with Alessandro. He quickly turned the car off and started to drive off.

"Tell the rest to meet us at the med base and call Adriano and tell him to get a bed ready." He instructed Alessandro.

Alessandro nodded and took out his phone to call Adriano first.

After three rings he picks up, "Wh-"

"Get a hospital bed ready quick, I'll explain once we get there." He said not letting him say anything else before hanging up the phone.

Adriano on the other hand was confused as to why Alessandro said to get a bed ready. Questions were filling his head.

Did anyone get hurt? Did they get attacked at school? What if something happened to one of them?

He quickly got a private room and bed ready and anxiously waited for them.

Alessandro quickly told the rest to come to the med base.

The rest of the boys were filled in on what happened by Felix. Luckily they were all together for the long break so it was easy to find them. They all quickly drove to the med base with Felix, Max, Eli, and Liam still at school. Though they wanted to come, Gio forbid them to but told them they could come after school.

Alessandro on the other hand was still wondering how it happened, "How did this happen and why is she so pale?" He asked his brother.

"All I know is that she fell asleep and when Felix went to go wake her up and she wouldn't wake and when he saw her face she was pale and had slightly blue lips." He explained.

"W-What the fuck. She was perfectly fine this morning." Ales responded confused.

"Yeah, I am confused too." They both sat in the car in silence. After a few more minutes they pulled up to the med base where Adriano was standing out front looking concerned and slightly confused.

They quickly parked and gave the keys to one of the guards to go park somewhere else. Alessandro quickly took out Alessandra and when Adriano saw who was in Alessandro's arms his eyes were practically bulging out.

Before Adriano could say anything Angelo interrupted him, "No time left she fainted she's pale and has blue lips help her." Adriano quickly took Alessandra from his brother's arms and ran inside the ER. He quickly put in an IV for her and hung the fluid.

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