Chapter 10

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"Anyways my turn never have I have had sex." Felix said looking right at me smugly. Everyone else turned to me to see if I drank. Everyone drank except for me and Max. They let out a breath of relieve air seeing as I didn't drink until I drank from the cup.

I think I might give them a heart attack today.

"You've had sex!" Gio exclaimed standing up.

"Yeah." I said meekly.

"But I thought you said that you didn't yesterday." Antonio stated.

"Well half of it was a prank the other half wasn't." I told them.

"Which halfs?" Ales said narrowing his eyes at me.

"Well the part where me and Eli fucking was a prank and the part where I've had sex multiple times was the truth." I said my voice getting smaller towards the end.

"Multiple times!?" Angelo exclaimed.

"Yes," I said quietly, "again I was mad those days and when i'm mad I usually do something stupid and having sex or drinking is one of those stupid things." I said in one breath.

"You are so stupid sometimes you know?" Eli said, shaking his head at me.

I flashed them my smile, "isn't everyone?"

"Oh my lord." He facepalmed.

Right when he said that we heard the door open and footstep heading our way. I turned around and saw the rest of them back including Leo.

"We're back, what'd you guys do while we were gone?" Dante asked taking a seat next to me.

"Alessa made a punching bag fall off its hinges and beat Gio in a match ." Dan said randomly making everyone look at me.

"It was so cool I have it on video too." Dylan said taking out his phone. Everyone gathered around him as I leaned back sipping on my water like its wine for some reason. After a few minutes the video ends and everyone slowly lifted their head to look at me, some with surprise and some with fear and shock.

"You broke a punching bag off its hinges." Adam said slowly.

"Yes?" I said confused.

"How the fuck did you do that?!" Dante exclaimed.

"By punching it and kicking it." I said slowly.

"How did you learn how to do that?" Uncle G questioned.

"Practice and a ton of punching bag." I said.

"You beat Giovanni, the best fighter among all of us." Raf said.

"It's not that hard, how is he the best." I stated.

"Damn Gio you suck." Adriano retorted.

"Shut up I was injured." Gio defended himself. I was injured too.

"Wanna rematch after you 'heal' then?" I said innocently.

"No!" he exclaimed quickly.

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