Chapter 31

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(This chapter has a trigger warning... bullying/abusive topics in this chapter)


        THE BELL RINGS as I rush down the corridor to get to my next class, English and even though Mr Hudson likes me, I hate to upset him by interrupting his lesson because I'm late. I would of been on time if I didn't get held up by Mrs Gordon, my history teacher. I wouldn't mind but, I'm seeing her first thing tomorrow morning in first period and asking me about my history paper that's due on Friday could of waited till then.
My white converse squeak on the tile floor of the corridor as I slow my running to a brisk walk, noticing I'm about to pass the office. The last thing I want is to get in trouble for running in the hall, let alone be late as well. Once I've passed the four large windows I then start running again, down the hall and up the stairs only I don't make it up the stairs. As I turn the corner to take the first step a body collides with mine, sending me backwards and my books fly everywhere. Sheets of paper scatter around me in the air and I land on the floor with a thud, hitting the back of my head really hard on the floor. I think I heard a crack?

"Shit, are you alright?" a deep voice says. I notice a dark figure descend down the stairs, crouching down next to me as I try to blink my vision back to normal. I've hit my head pretty hard and I can't seem to focus. "I'm so sorry, I'm late for third period and I didn't see you."

"Urgh," I moan out, my hand moving to the back of my head to see if I'm bleeding.

"Are you alright?" the voice asks again with interest.

"I think... so?" I go to sit up when hands land on my arm, pulling me in a sitting position and then the figure starts touching the back of my head.

"Your not bleeding, but I think I should take you to the nurses office just in case. You banged your head pretty hard," the voice sounds so concerned, but no one other then my teachers or Sophie and Matthew talks to me at school. Jackson does and so do a few of his friends, but no one else is ever this nice to me.

My eyes adjust and the dizziness I feel starts to fade away slowly. My eyes start to focus and I finally see the person I ran into. His tanned skin is flawless, not any evidence of acne anywhere, his dark brown hair is messy, like he's been running his fingers through it all day and his eyes, deep chocolate pools laced with worry. His yellow lettermen jacket with the letter 'C' patched on his chest; telling everyone he is the captain of the swim team and I see his signature custom trainers to match the schools colours.
I know this boy, everyone knows this boy. He's the most popular guy in school and just so happens to be one of the people I try to avoid every single day. His hand gently touches mine and I pull back quickly, shuffling backwards to get away from him. I really don't want him to touch me. Chris Mitchelle along with the rest of his friends have bullied me since I moved here and now I'm alone with him he can do anything to me, and no one will find me till the bell rings for the next period.

"Woah, woah, it's okay Ryan..." he says moving back slightly as he holds his hands up, "I'm not going to hurt you."

Out of all the people who I have been hit by, punched by, bullied by - Chris has never once touched me or called me names. I would say he's the nicer one of my tormentors, but watching people hurt other people and do nothing is worse then doing something. When I got locked in the janitors closet last week by him and his best friend James Ying, it was James that blindfolded me, it's was James that tied me up and shoved me in there, but Chris still watched the whole thing while I cried my eyes out. He's just as much to blame than James because he stood there and watched the whole time.

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