Chapter 1- Dan

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A/N: Hey guys, so this is the sequel to I'll Never Forget You, Dan Howell And this was highly requested so i am trying really hard to make this good :) kk enjoy!

** Recap from "I'll Never Forget You, Dan Howell" ** 

"I love you so much Maisy." i whisper. her hand jerks away from mine and i look up at her. she has a blank expression on her face...oh no...

"Oh... I am so sorry, but...  um... who are you?" she says simply. My whole world just came crashing down aound me at that moment.

** THE END **

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)

Chapter 1- Dan 

Her Blank face showed it all, she didn't remember me. it broke my heart, even know i knew it was the truth. i couldnt accept it. 

"I-I'm sorry, i really have to go." i say hesitantly before running out of the room. I  ran all the way out of the hospital and i started running down the street. I took out the velvet box from my jacket pocket and stared at it. There's no point for this now. She doesn't remember me. I fet tears sting my eyes and i blinked them away. all those memories. Gone. Just like the wind came and blew them away. I started walking further down the road and i eventually got to the old coffee shop maisy worked at about a year ago. I walked in and sat down by a window by myself.The coffee shop was fairly empty so it was quiet. I sat there by myself until a waitress came along.

"Hi there, I heard about maisy... Is she... is she ok?" the lady said sensitively. i looked up at her and said

"You knew Maisy?" Dumb question yeah, but i didnt want to say random stuff to her about my maisy... 

"Yeah, she used to work here, and i watch your videos, dan..." She said shyly. I gave her a nice smile and said 

"Oh right, well hi there." she nodded and whispered

"So what about maisy?" 

"She... Woke up.. but without any memory of anything..." i forced out. her face fell and she attempted to give me a smile. i nodded once and walked out. i didnt want to talk about it. 

After wondering about the streets for a while i decided to return to the Hospital. I walked in and i knocked on her door first.

"Come in!" she chirped. i walked in and she said kindly

"Oh hello there, i'm Maisy and you are?" 

"I'm Dan. Nice to meet you." i reply nicely. I stand by the door awkwardly and i look around. Erin and Tony are Standing together happily, Sadie and phil are engaged in a conversation and Maisy was staring at me weirdly. it didnt bother me though. I met eyes with the doctor and he frowned at me. he cleared his voice then

"Dan, come with me for a moment please." he said in a monotone. i nodded and followed him out of the room.

"I heard what you said earlier..." he started to say

"Look,i didnt actually know she would forget me... i'm sorry, i was being a dumb ass." I say cutting him off

"As i was saying, i heard you and it was quite obvious that you didnt know. I feel sorry for you. Erin explained to me when you went off. I really think the best you can do is either move on from maisy or re-build a relationship with her."  he carried on. Re-build a that means... that she wont re-gain her memory... what?

"So... isn't there a way of her yenno... getting her memory back?" I asked. i couldnt accept it. there had to be another way!

"I don't think so dan...I am so sorry..." he said before walking back into the room. My heart was already shattered but now its like exploded into nothing. should i move on? No! i shoudnt! There had to be another way... There just had to be...

A/N: kk So i understand that this may be a boring chapter or something... but hey, It's here guys! the beginning of the sequel that everyone wanted! :D Hope you guys enjoy this! If any of you like KickThePJ i am starting to write a fanfic about him so if you would go have a look it it that would be cool ^_^ and thats it guys i shall TTYL STAY AWESOME BYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

~Robyn xx

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now