Chapter 30- Maisy

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Chapter 30- Maisy

"Sadie, what do i do? i really am waiting for him to say anything about our future, such as if we will live together, or if well get a house. I'm really waiting..." I said to her.

"That's tough maisy... I say wait a while, maybe he'll hint at something." She replied.

"I don't know Sadie, I just want to be with him, but will it be too much?" I said obviously worrying.

"Maisy, stop freaking out and finish this evening off." She said before hanging up. Thanks sadie. I rolled my eyes and went into shakeaway. Dan was standing near the door and looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and said

"Did you order yours already?"

"I ordered both of ours. Hows sadie?" he said quickly. I didn't wanna answer that really...

"Oh thank you dan!" I replied kindly. I put down The carrier bags of babie things and smiled.

Then out of nowhere he pulled me close to him and pecked my lips. Oh how i missed him kissing me. A grin formed on His face and my face mirrored his. He then bent down to kiss Me again before remembering we were in public. God dammit. If only we weren't in public... sigh. then our shakes got called out by a waitress. Dan awkwardly walked to the counter.

"One Butterscotch and White malteasers, and an oreo and kinder bueno for maisy." The waitress called. He got his shake and walked back and i gave him a weird look and then grinned. He was so sweet. I got to the counter and picked up my shake. I looked at it and in marker, it said

'Will you marry me maisy? Oh my... I felt tears sting my eyes and a smile tug on my lips. I turned around and he was down on one knee with a cheesy smile plastered on his face.

I stared at him and a bigger grin formed on my face. I took a few steps closer and held out my shakey hand. A smile came across dans perfect face and he took the ring out of the box. he then looked at me and i said out loud

"Daniel James Howell, I'll never forget this night, Of course i'll marry you!" He slipped the ring on my finger and got up. The whole of the shop started cheering and Dan then pulled me in and passionatly kissed me. I kissed back instantly. We pulled away remembering we were in public. and we both had cheshire cat grins on our faces. Oh my god. We walked out the shop with our shakes with our hands entwined. I glanced at the ring every so often and thought, I'm going to finally be Maisy Howell.

"Maisy, I know you must be thinking i'm nothing more than a dick or that i rushed things, but seriously, i've waited almost two years to do that. You don't know how happy i am. I love you so much maisy, you were the only one who had my heart and you kept it, all this time." He said passionatly. It honestly made some tears come to my eyes. I was ready for a future with this man.

"Dan, I was mad, but you know what? you were being a dick and maybe i did forgive you too easily, but i just wanted to pick things up again. And now, i couldn't feel happier. I am so in love with you dan, you don't even know." I said back to him. we looked eachother in the eyes and i felt those feelings i felt long ago, the feeling of when I knew I was in love with Dan.

** One year Later **

Oh my god, It's my wedding day. Right now. Its a few months after i gave birth to our beautiful babies, Lilly and Alfie. Thats what we decided to name them. We haven't moved yet but we were planning on it in a few years.. But right now, It was time to finally be Maisy Howell. Sadie, Obviously was my Maid Of honour, and she was going to carry Alfie with her. I rolled my eyes when she mentioned that but its her choice. Then Erin came from under her rock and was here, along with Becky, Elizabeth, Kobe, Meg all of those amazing girls were my bridesmaids. I was remarkably calm about this. Most of the preparation passed in a blur for me. all the gushing that sadie was doing and the excitement of others went over my head. 

It was in the same venue as sadie's was so i was waiting awkwardly at the top of the staircase. Now i know how she felt. as if you were about to break your neck. But i was smart and went with ballet flats to everyone's disappointment, so that i wouldn't die today. yeah. Sadie was disappointed to begin with but then she got the grip of that i physically can't walk that far in heels on a flat surface, so me going down stairs would end in inevitable disaster. I was composing myself, while everyone else was running about picking up flowers, sorting out their hair, sadie was attempting to get alfie to  stop crying and erin was sorting out Lilly's Dress. Holy crap.

The music started to play and everyone went silent.

"Shit." Erin mumbled. It sounded loud breaking the silence of everyone else. I whacked her round the head pointing out that she was holding Lilly. She mumbled something else that sounded like an apology and then everyone quickly started walking down the stairs. Erin squeezed my hand and held onto it. I'll need that erin. I mentally thanked her and looked around. probably shouldn't but whatever. The babies had stopped crying which was a plus. one step closer. Holy crap. We got to the bottom of the staircase andi looked down the aisle. My eyes were fixed on my brother with a genuinely happy look on his face. It made me smile knowing that he actually wanted to be here. Then i looked at dan. looked at him was an understatement. I stared at him. Oh my god. I was marrying that guy. i took some deep breaths and smiled. He turned towards me and smiled back. His eyes then flased to Alfie and Lilly and chuckled. i got to the end of the aisle and erin let go of my hand and held Lilly properly. Ok panic attack over.

I looked up to dan. God dammit, why was he so tall? Why am i even asking this to myself? After what seems like forever, i'm asking that when we are getting married. Good job Maisy. You totally know hwat to think at the right times. Round of applause for the stupidest question... but then again, he's the youngest youtuber yet he's one of the tallest. That will forever make me wonder. But seriously. Why dan. I'm just going to have to look up to you. I come up to his shoulders and its annoying. He just has to be like 6 ft 3 or something like that. I internally sighed and facepalmed. I really need to stop with that. 

During that internal debate with myself i had pretty much blanked everything said. Shit. Had i completely stayed silent when i was meant to talk. I zoned out. yeah i could say that in apology but that'll make me sound dumb and ugh. I zoned back in and he had asked the question to dan. 

"I Do." Dan said with a grin looking down on me. I kinda pity him. He has to look down on me. God I need to stop thinking about height! 

"And do you, Maisy Camerons, accept Daniel Howell to be your Husband?"  The preist said. I chuckeled to myself and said 

"Of course i do."

"Well then, i pronounce you husband and wife, you can now kiss the bride." the prienst said. He then walked off and i rolled my eyes. there was something comical about that guy. he just didn't give a fuck. It was amazing. Dan bent down and placed a kiss on my lips. Holy hell, I'm now Maisy Howell.

A/N: Right guys, I'm not dead, just lazy with a tonne of homework. But yes, that is the end of this book, there will be an epilogue and thats it. This story is done. there will not be a thrid book. that's that guys. Take a listen to Your Song by elton jhon while reading this chapter, thats the song im going to attempt to put on the side but yeah, i wrote this chapter along to that song :) I know i have a tonne of comments to reply to and i know i said there would be two chapters but yeah, one chapter now (Which was this) And an epilogue. I'll be doing a proper goodbye for this story in the next Authors note so yeah... I hope you guys aren't going to murder me and i hope you are all ok! I love you all, Stay awesome and BYYYYEEEEEEE!!!!! 

~Robyn xxx

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now