Chapter 10- Maisy

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Chapter 10- Maisy

** One week after the party **

 I woke up to Sadie screaming at me to wake up. I lazily open my eyes to see she was giving me an unimpressed look.

"WAKE UP ALREADY!" She shouted at me. 

"I like it how your words are so soft and the way you wake me up brings a smile to my face." I say with sarcasm. 

"Ah your too kind." She replies back with equal sarcasm. 

"Now seriously, what the fuck is this for?" I say seriously after we have a giggle.

"Because, You need to go to work in like 3 hours." She said as if it was obvious.

"Oh I don't wanna!" I shout/whisper at her burying my head in my pillow. I managed to get a job at some restaurant and i have to work from 5 p.m until 11 p.m and i hate it. 

"Well, Call in sick and have a day at home." She said with excitement. Why did i even leave that opportunity open for her?

"You are such a great influence Sadie..." I say, my voice thick with sarcasm. 

"Shall i call them?" She said ignoring my comment. I gave her a weird look. She wanted me off work for a reason... I Stared at the ceiling and looked back at her she was already on the phone to my boss. Of course. Yup. I sighed at her childish face she was pulling. Obviously my boss had caved in and let me have the day off. I didnt laugh though. When she hung the phone up she squealed and said 

"YAY! You can spend the day with me! We need a major catch up on things!" I cocked my head to the side when she said that. Wheat is there to catch up on? I mean i had seen dan quite a bit only because he came round with phil quite a lot. Thats about it... I had been with sadie for the past week. I really needed to work on a youtube video but other than that i have been doing fuck all. 

"Kay, First of all, Shall we go to starbucks, I'll pay." I say shrugging into a purple jacket and looking for some trainers.

"Your still in your pyjamas." Sadie States.

"And So are you." I say while trying to tie my shoelaces. I looked up at her and she was staring at me. She shrugged and ran to her room. She came back five minutes later with a coat and some Dookie Converse on. I brought them for her last week. 

"Ready?" I ask her. She nods and we run out of our apartment. When we leave the building completely we run down the road to starbucks gaining weird looks from most people.

We got into starbucks and we got a table at the back. We got a few weird looks from people in here, an old lady even walked past us and tutted at us. Sadie just burst out in uncontrollable giggles, obtaining everyones attention now which made me laugh. Then we got up and got in line to order our food and coffee. When we got to the counter a young man stood behind it. He looked about my age, quite tall and he had the most attractive emerald green eyes. His warming smile gave me butterflies in My stomach. 

"Hello there, How may i help?" He asked in a smooth austrailian accent.

"Um.. I'll have a blueberry Muffin and a Caramel Macchiato to go. What do you want?" I said with a smile. I looked over to sadie and her face showed fear. I cocked my head slightly and tapped her shoulder. Her expression didnt change. I shook her slightly and said 

"Earth To Sadie!" She shivered in response then she said 

"I'll Have the same." 

"Alright then, Who is it for?" The Guy said chuckling.

"Maisy." I reply kindly. I drag Sadie away and go sit at the table. She sits opposite me and her expression is just blank. 

"What's up with you?" I said to her. She sighed and said

"Nothing, Shall we do a liveshow later?" I thought about it then i nodded. 

"Yeah sure." I say with a giggle. That would be fun...  

"Coffee and Blueberyy Muffins for Maisy!" I hear someone shout. I get up and grab the muffins and coffee's. 

"Shall we go home and have these?" Sadie asks. I shrug and follow her out of the shop. We walk home in an awkward silence. 

When we got back To the apartment we ate our muffins and drank our coffee's. I didnt ask why she freaked out at starbucks, its for the best. 

** A Few Hours Later **

We had wasted most of our day being idiots, but i loved it. Right now i was logging onto younow to start the live Show. I set up my webcam and then i was on. 

"Hi Guys, i'm just doing a random Live Show with sadie here!" I say then sadie runs into my room with her pikachu teddy. Oh Sadie. 

"Heyy!" She says casually. I quickly tweet about the liveshow and the audience grew.

"So guys, Sadie has her pikachu with her, which is worrying. But first of all im sorry for my absence, I have been busy with... Things. Anyway..." I say jokingly. The chat explodes with stuff like,

'OOh Things To do with dan?!' I Laugh so hard i almost fall off my chair.

"OOps, sorry, If you mean have i seen dan at all, the answer is yes." I say once ive stopped giggling.

"Q and A time!" Sadie shouts with enthusiasm.

"Where the hell is the next prank video?" Sadie reads aloud. 

"Um... I dont know. I'll film one if you guys want me to." I reply.

Then we spend forever answering more questions. ME and sadie have had a laugh really. It turned out more like truth or dare.

"One more question guys!" I say. Then the chat explodes with 'awws' and 'OMG DANS IN THE CHAT!' I try scrolling up to see the question and Dan was in the chat and the last question came from him. 'Will you go on a date with me?' It read.

"Yes dan, I will go on a date with you!" I say With a stupid smile plastered to my face. 

"Alright guys, well now the two love birds will probably text eachother all night so we are going to end this liveshow. Bye all you maniacs!" Sadie said before switching off my webcam.

"YAY! Congracts cupcake!" She squealed immediately. I hugged her and carried on smiling. Why did dan have this effect on me.  Even thinking about him makes me smile stupidly. I cant believe it. He asked me on a date! I ushered Sadie out of my room and then i floppd on my bed. I couldnt be happier right now. I reach for my phone and i look through my emails. I saw one that said i had read it but i dont recall reading it... Hmm.. I opened it and read it carefully. Well... That just ruined my day. 

A/N: Hai guys, Here's a small filler chapter, sorry its not that great but its a start :) I will re-start my weekly updates from here onwards unless i say so :) And yeah. Im feeling much better, its so nice to know that all of you guys cared so much. :D So thank you  <3 Thats all my wonderful followers, I will try to get another oneshot done this weekend and maybe an update on my pj fanfic If i get writing ^_^ STAY AWESOME EVERYONE AND I WILL TTYL BYEEE!!!! ^_^ 

~Robyn xxx

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now