Chapter 25- Maisy

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Chapter 25- Maisy

I stood at dans door and he just stood there with his mouth hanging open.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I heard Valerie say. I turned around and rolled my eyes 

"None of your business." I replied. Dan just stood there staring. 

"Maisy come in, Valerie do you mind if you wait downstairs while i talk to maisy?" He said keeping his eyes on me.

"Yeah sure dan." She said. She pushed passed me and strutted into the appartment. bitch. He held the door open for me and i walked in. It all of a sudden felt really awkward to be here even though i had all the memories from the past of me and dan. I walked up his stairs and stood outside his door. He followed me up and opened his door. I walked through the door and stood there looking down. He walked in and stood infront of me. 

"What?" Is all he said. He said it oh so softly it made my heart melt. 

"I remember dan." I said looking up slightly. 

"You're kidding me." Is all he said chuckling.

"Why would i say that For the fun of it dan!" I said to him in disbeliefe.

"You would though wouldn't you? Just to get me to forgive you. Wake up call maisy, I'm not gunna, I bet you cant even prove it either!" He said raising his voice, throwing his hands in the air. As an instant reaction i flinched away. 

"Dan at this point in time i couldn't fucking care less about getting you to forgive me, And Why would i fake it just for you? At the moment dan, you are being a collosal twat, so i really don't see as to why i would go through this for you." I say to him through gritted teeth.

"Well what other reasons are there for you to come here then!?" He said harshly. I narrowed my eyes and thought, The Twins i'm carrying that are infact yours. What stopped me from saying that is the fact that he doesn't deserve these two if he's just going to be a twat at the moment. 

"I have my reasons, I fucking remembered my history, i thought you would be the slightest bit happy dan!" I growled at him. 

"Prove it then maisy, Prove it to me that you remember." he said chuckling as if he knew i was deinatly faking it. 

"We met because i saved you from getting hit by a car, On our first date i gave you chilli chocolate in the cinema, You got kissed by milee while erin was in hospital for collapsing, And your full name is Daniel James Howell." I stated. He stared at me for a while soaking everything in. I may have gotten through to him.

"Go." He said holding open the door.

"What?" I say,  obviously confused. 

"Get out Maisy. I'm Not interested." He said again. I glared at him, feeling as if i was on the very verge of tears.

"Dan, What happened to the guy i fell in love with? Where is the guy who waited 6 fucking months for me? Who is the guy thatsaid to me that he loved me?" I said softly.

"That guy Isn't interested in you're bullshit maisy." Valerie said. I swear she's just there whenever a shitstorm starts. 

"What the fuck are you even talking about Valerie?" I rage at her.

"She didn't cut me off when i needed her." He said in a monotone. 

"Well i'm sorry dan but i couldn't help it if you text me saying delete my number. I usually take it as, i don't ever want to talk to you. But i dont know anymore." 

"You made him a promise maisy, You remember it?" Valerie said with a sickly grin on her face. I felt like breaking down there and then. 

"If you're going to be like that, Fine, i don't care anymore dan. Be like a twat. It's not as if i need you around, but believe me, when i'm gone, i'm not coming back." I stormed out of his room and down the stairs. I walked straight out of the house and didn't look back. I heard as he called my name down the hall and i ignored him. Too fucking late dan, Too fucking late. 

I got home and i was alone. good. Thats what i needed to be. I walked up the stairs and shut myself in my room. the moment i got in there, i sat there and i cried my eyes out. Why did dan reject me? I proved to him perfectly that i remmebered. and he didn't care at all. Well its his loss. But also my loss. I actually loved him.

I must have cried for an hour stright before I sat down at my desk and sighed. My life has literally been destroyed. Why didnt dan believe me? Why did he just leave me broken and confused. Maybe i should have just left it. Maybe i should have never tried to go after him. I Told him my feelings and he said he felt the same. And then i fall and take the damage. wow. He played me so well i didnt even notice. He Told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. He Said he wanted a family. Well where is he now? He obviously moved on to the next girl he laid eyes on. Thats where.I shook my head, in attempt to get rid of my thoughts about dan. i Placed my hands on my growing bump. I remebered you dan, and you just left me... I sighed and set up my webcam so my stomach wasn't in shot. I could live without that debate. Time for a liveshow. I logged onto younow and Started Up the liveshow. I quickly tweeted about it then my audience grew.

"Hi guys, Its been too long since i last spoke to you guys, so uh... ask me questions because im guessing you guys want me to talk about specific things." I say trying to swallow the lump in my throat. I sighed and started to massage my temples in preparation for all the questions about Dan. Like I had assumed the chat explode with questions about Dan and daisy and just plain things that make me wanna scream.

"Stop It! Ok Guys! Stop it with Daisy! Stop it whit dan! We are no longer a thing I dont even Think We're friends anymore!" I shout. The Chat stayed quiet and it was the most awkward 1 and a half minutes ever until someone said something. 

'Dan's Watching.' 

"Well... Well Dan, What do you have to say then!" I said a little more calm but still with all the emotions i felt. 

'We're not friends.' Was the only sentence needed to destroy me. 

"see... Well I'll make a video for you guys and i'll see you in a little bit." I turned off the webcam and sighed. I let my tears run down my face as all hopes of me and dan ever being a thing had gone. Unless he pulls his head out of his cock but i doubt that. Maybe I can carry on begging. But that makes me sound slightly despreate. But i am. I'm pregnant for fucks sake... I felt like banging my head against a freaking wall. I'm not right in the head. I feel terrible. This is stressing me out and thats bad. I need to calm down. But how. Its dan's fault. I need help i can't do this pregnancy alone. I need to tell someone, and fast. 

A/N: Yup,  whadda you think? :D personally i think i messed it up somewhere but i'll sort it out later, im off to sleep now! :D  Soz for such a late update but i did stay up until 2 A.M to write this ^_^  I feel slightly sad that its coming to an end but there IS a happy ending OK? OK? :D i'll ttyl stay awesome byyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

~Robyn xxx

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