Chapter 18- Dan

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Chapter 18- Dan

** 1 Month Later **

It's been a month since the wedding and everything has died down a bit in real life. But... on the internet, everything has blown up. I asked maisy to be my girlfriend and she said yes. And now the internet has gone mental. I am just... Mindblown that i'm back where i was with maisy. The only thing is, is that... It hurts to know that maisy just has no clue about anything. Its nice to know that ive managed to redo our whole relationship, once again. I love her more than anything. and she's even said the same to me. When she said that my heart fluttered. She was mine. And lately, she's been staying round mine because Sadie and phil are looking into moving in with eachother, so thats cool . I may end up living with maisy. We had also discussed, in the time being alone, the situation on how far we would take our relationship. We both agreed not to do anyting so sexual until we were both fine with it. Honestly, i'm just waiting on her descision. That must make me sound like a man whore... God dammit daniel. Get a grip. She doesn't love you like she did. But i had managed getting her to be my girlfriend again.

Right now, I was getting ready to go out for dinner with Phil, Maisy, Sadie, His parents, my parents and Sadies parents. It was a big thing for some reason. I straightened my hair and got together the most formal outfit. Just my eclipse shirt with jeans. Ohil came out of his room in his green checkered shirt and some skinnies. I was so excited. Finally my mum and dad are able to meet maisy. 

"Come on Phil, We're Gunna be late." I moan from the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok, Ok." He said rushing. He came down the stairs and nodded at me. We both walked out the appartment and got a taxi to pick up the girls. I sent Maisy a text to let her know we were on our way.

'Hey love, we're on our way to pick you up xx' I loved having the privalage to call her 'Love'  and put kisses on the end of texts, cheesy things like that. We pulled up outside their appartment building and both girls walked out. Sadie was wearing an Icy blue silk strapless Dress that bobbed just above her knees. She wore some white strappy heels and then her hair was french plaited. She looked flawless. Then Sadie wore a bright tie dye Dress that was one shouldered and came down to the floor. She had left her hair so it was wavy. Both girls just looked perfect. 

They slid into the taxi and we told the guy where to go. 

"Well someone looks gorgeous tonight." I murmur into Maisy's hair.

"Some looks like they dont have a wardrobe today." she murmured back. I Pretended to look shocked. 

"What?" I say putting my hand over my heart. She started to giggle and say

"I swear you wore that last week dan. You dont have a lot of things to wear." I pretended to look sad and she pecked me on the cheek. The guy pulled up along the restaurant  and i paid him. I got out first and stood by, waiting for maisy to get out. I grabbed her hand in mine and walked into the restaurant. I could see all our parents from here. I took a deep breath and walked up to my parents. 

"Oh Dan!" My mum gushed as hse pulled me away from maisy and engulfed me in a teddy bear hug. 

"Hi mum." I said hugging her back. We pulled away and i gave my dad a quick hug then i shook hands with everyone before introducing maisy.

"Maisy, these are my parents... Yeah." I say awkwardly. Maisy walks forward to shake hands with them sheepishly.

"Aww Sweetie don't be shy, so your dans lovely fiancee?" My mum asked instantly. I coughed awkwardly and Maisy looked confused. 

"Ahh, No i'm only his girlfriend at the moment, I hope to maybe be lucky enough to be his fiancee one day." she says smiling like a fool. Phil and sadie were busy bonding with all their in laws and stuff. 

"Dan? I thought you propsed to her last..." My mum says, clearly confused.

"I was going to mum, but yenno what happened...." I said quietly. Maisy's head kept snapping back and forth between me and my mum. My mum pulled then Oh-Right-so-sorry face at me and i just sighed.

"Wanna eat, love?" I whisper into Maisy's ear. She nods her head. Then my dad starts to interrogate her.

"So maisy, What do you do for a living?"

"I Do youtube videos, like dan" She replies smoothly.

"Nice, so you both share that in common, But i need to ask you one very important thing Maisy... Do you seriously love dan? Or is this just a fling?" My dad asked staring her in the eyes. Maisy replied with

"I Seriously love dan, from the bottom of my heart. He's the one i want to spend my life with..." my dad sat there for a few Moments shocked. And before he could ask anything else, A waiter comes over and we all order our food and have a general chat. You know the chat that goes 'How are you? How's life going? You guys done anything special?' And so on. The awkward questions never really came back though. But maisy said she loves me... I feel spectacular. 

** Hours Later **

By the end of the night, we all left with tears of joy streaming down our faces. It was a good night. We all took a taxi back to mine and Phils and me and maisy instantly went into my room. I pulled maisy along with me into there. She smiles at me with her beautiful grin and i pull her in close. I press my lips to hers and she kisses back. I knew what i wanted. I just hope she wanted it as well.

A/N: Ok guys, so heres the thing... A rubbish filler but i am to update again.... Downside is that in the next chapter, imma go fifty shades of grey on yo... I mean it. Yup. They are gunna have sex. I know some of you guys are like younger or are my age and are not interested in a poorly written fifty shades of grey, so i advise you guys to skip it if you want to. I am still gunna post it though. Yeah, I have no pride left do i? So anyway i hope you guys are all good and i apologise for such a bad filler chapter, After this it gets better, i promise. I just needed this to carry on the story i had planned ;) Anywayz.... I love all of you guys, i hope your lives are good and i'll ttyl Stay awesome guys BYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee

~Robyn xxxx

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