Epilogue- Dan

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Epilogue- Dan

** 6 Years Later **

6 years... It's gone so fast. I don't even know where it all went. After the wedding, everything fell into place.Me and Phil got offered a radio show with bbc. So with that, Me,Maisy, Lilly and Alfie moved to London along with Sadie and Phil. After that, it all just went past in a blur. I couldn't ask for anything else. 

Watching Lilly And Alfie grow up, has been the best And there is still more to come. I have no idea where i'd be without my family. And Maisy, Jut being with her, Has just been the best thing ever. I never actually thought i would be here right now, with a wonderful wife and two amazing children. It feels like a dream to be honest. 

I was lying in bed next to maisy with my eyes wide open. I still had to get her a birthday present. Her birthday was tomorrow. I hadn't planned anything major yet. I glanced at the digital clock to my left and it was 6:14. I got out of bed and walked out of the room quietly. I got out onto the landing and looked into Alfie and Lilly's Room. They were both sat up playing with Lego. Ah kids. I drew away from their room and went into the office. I sat in the office chair and thought. What could i get her... A new video game? Nah... Not that special to be honest. A new camera? Hm... Too short notice. I started looking at all the shelves in this room and i noticed something. 

On the furthest shelf, in the corner of the room  there was a lot of books and behind them, covered in dust was maisy's old box. I had completely forgot about this. I'm pretty sure she would have as well. I picked it up and i took it off the shelf. I placed it on the desk infront of me and i lift the lid off. So many old photo's. I look through most of them and i smile. All of her old photo's. in this single box. God Sadie and Erin were a pair of geniuses to think of this. I put this box to the side for a few moments and i logged onto the computer.

On the computer i looked through the photo's on there and i smiled as i saw all the more recent photo's. Ones from the beginning of our relationship, Ones from our old livestreams that people would send us, General Photo's of us and the kids, Summer in the City one year, Radio one trips. So many memories. It was perfect. Right. I closed the office door and began working on this.

I started printing out the pictures i wanted which was a lot. And then i realised i could do with somewhere to put all of these pictures. We don't have enough photo frames to store all of these thats for sure. I left the images to print and stood up. I walked over to the door hastily and slid into a jacket. I poked my head into the kids door and i said to them,

"I'm going out to a shop quickly, be quiet for your mum." They both got up and came over to me.

"We're making mummy a surprise!" Lilly said with her dimples showing and her slight lisp. I chuckled and kneeled down to give them a hug. Then they collectively ushered me out the door. It was lovely being around my kids. They come before anything in my life. I don't think, i could think of life without my kids. I jogged down the stairs of the house and went out the door. i quickly went to a few shops and i picked up the things i needed to make a few scrapbooks. I had a pretty good idea of what i wanted to do for maisy by this point. 

** A few Hours Later ** 

I had finally finished the gift for maisy, but after being sat in that chair for so long, printing out pictures, sorting them out and sticking them in the books, I couldn't stand. I tried standing up to see how the kids were doing and I just fell over in a lump. Just at that moment, Maisy opened the door and i had to spin the chair round and turn off all the Computer and Printer, in a poor attempt to hide what i was doing.

"Dan, May i ask what you are doing on the floor?" She says chuckling and Rolling her eyes.

"I don't know maisy. I just kinda, fell out of th chair..." I say rather unconvincingly. 

"Uh-Huh." Maisy replied. I picked myself up off the floor and stood next to her. 

"So, whaddaya want to do for your birthday?" I say smiling stupidly.

"God, I really don't mind, Lets just stay home with the kids..." She replied resting her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and walked downstairs to make her a coffee. She went to go sit on the couch and i boiled the kettle to make her a coffee. I made the coffee rather quickly and put it on the coffee table in the lounge.

The Kids also appeared out of no where, Sitting on the sofa with her. I smiled and Joined them on the sofa. Alfie and Lilly Gave her a Card and a cake out of lego. You could just see the smile crawling across maisy's face and im pretty sure mine matched hers.

"Let me, just go and get your gift babe, i think you'd like it." I say before going up the stairs to the office. I pick up the 3 Scrap books i had spent my time making and I tied them all up in a silky purple ribbon, so it looked more professional. I walked down the stairs, praying she would like it. Its not like the general crazy things, but i honestly wouldn't know what to get her. As i walked into the room with the books behind my back and a cheesey smile, Maisy raised an eyebrow.

"I'm guessing, whatever is behind your back, is the reason why i first saw you in a  lump on the floor rather than in bed next to me?"  Maisy said a smirk dancing on her lips. I stopped the smile from growing across my face and nodded in embaressment. I took them from behind my back and i passed them over to her. Her eyes lit up when she got them and unravelled the ribbon. Then she opened up the books and began looking through the images.

"Oh god, dan... this must have taken you ages..." She murmured flipping through the pages. I was looking at her face as the smile grew, and tears lightly formed in her eyes. She looked at the last page and it was the first picture that was taken, during our first stream, hinting we were a couple.

"Oh god dan... was it really nearly 8 years ago now? when we done those crazy streams, dates and Conversations?" She asked, the tears now going down her cheeks, while she was chuckling. I went over to her and i wiped her tears.

"Don't cry maisy." I say smiling slightly. By this point, Alfie and Lilly were sat behind us looking at all the pictures. This is just perfect. Proper family time.

I don't really know where i would be, without this family, without maisy, but i do know, that i wouldn't be the same person i am today. Even though, this has been going on for 8 years now. 8 years since she saved me from being hit by a car. Now all thats left, is Lilly and Alfie. But that's all the future holds for the time being. This has been one hell of a rollercoaster life, but I do seem to be out of my Existential crisis....

A/N:  Well it took me long enough to end this story XD If i think About it now, it was about a year ago when i started writing the first book and then i didn't ever think i would be here, writing the epilogue to the sequel. Well. 1 year i spent writing these books and i have adored every moment of writing this. I find it amazing that u guys put up with my terrible spelling/grammar and that people even enjoyed this. So yenno. I just want to say a great big thank you, to every single one of you who clicked on my story and continued reading it to this day ^_^ I really do appreciate how far this got and every comment i've had left and everything you guys have said. And i really hope that majority of you guys decide to stay around for my other stories ^_^ So yeah, i have made friends with so many of u amazing guys and srsly, your all so cool and yeah :D 

Right idk what else to say other than THANK YOU! and i am not making a third book to this guys :3  Oh yeah, and listen to the song on the side, It was the inspiration for this chapter so yeah, and its perf ^_^ So yeah, when i next update, i'll talk to all of ya then :D So for the last time on this story, 

Stay aweome you guys, BYEEEEEE

~Robyn xx

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