Chapter 13- Sadie

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Chapter 13- Sadie

** 3 months later **

Oh my god, im getting married... Today. I was getting married. I don't think it set in until today. Ive been fine with planning it and calling everyone, telling them im engaged. Then here i am now, Getting my Makeup and hair done by professional stylists and glancing over to my wedding dress. I felt my heart rate increase slightly.

"Calm down Sadie" Maisy said to me.

"Easier said than done my friend, your not the one who's getting married... Yet." I said cheekily. I chuckled a bit at the thought of her wedding day... I hope it becomes a reality...

"Haha very funny, im probably never going to get married Sadie, but still, your getting married to Phil, the guy you love. You made it this far so don't back down now." she said to me in a jolly tone. Oh Maisy. Only if you knew how much you were loved by Dan... She did have a point though... I can't back out of this marriage now...

"Its perfect!" my mum gushes. While I was list in my thoughts the stylists must have said something.

"pardon?" i ask politely.

"your hair and makeup is done, you ready to see it?" one of the ladies asks. I nod and look into the mirror. My hair had been plaited then made into an elegant bun. Holy crap. I have never bothered to plait my hair in ages only because i grew it so it was about at my waist. It did look really pretty. My makeup was natural with the exception of my lips which were bright red.

"Its perfect... Thank you." I whisper.

"Time for the dress!" Erin and maisy Squeal at the same time. I sigh and walk up to it. I take it out of the bag and lay it on the bed in the hotel. I glanced around and at an instant everyone walked out. My fingers shake as i grab the silky fabric. I undo the zip at the back and i slide into the dress. I give it a twirl before looking in the mirror. It was a Short white dress that was from Mori Lee. It was ruffled at the bottom. I put on my strappy heels on and then i yelled

"Come in." Then i was swarmed by the stylists, my mum, Erin, Maisy, and Becky. They were all saying pretty much the same thing about how lovely it looked. Then it all went by in a blur. I walked out the hotel and i got driven to the venue. About fifteen minutes to go. i got to the venue, five minutes. Holy crap where's maisy? She was my maid of honour where was she? I started pacing at the top of the stairs. All of a sudden, Maisy, Erin, Becky, Aimee, Valerie and Carrie burst through the doors. Ok... Panic over. Everyone except for Maisy had matching long red dresses that dragged across the floor. Then Maisy wore a knee length red dress with a white ribbon around it. Oh my god this was happening right now.

"Go on Sadie, one step at a time" Maisy said in attemt to comfort me. She opened the door and i walked through it. She passes me the bouquet of red roses before I grabbed her hand and she smiles. I heard the classic 'Here comes the bride' music as i started to walk down the staircase. Oh god. I kept looking at maisy and then looking down to make sure i wouldnt break my neck. Maisy was walking me down the aisle because i didnt want anyone else to. Might sound weird but she's the person im closest to. We got to the bottom of the stairs and rounded the corner. Oh god. I could see Phil at the end of the room in a black suit, white dress shirt and a red tie. I didnt pay attention to anything else.

I managed to get to the end of the room without tripping or dying and Maisy's hand left mine. I turned myself round to look at phil. Even in heels i couldn't look into his eyes. I still looked up to him. A smile tugged on his lips and his eyes were full of joy.

"I do," Phil said with A grin. I wasn't Listening at all but i heard that.

"I do." I said after him.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride" the Vicar says. Then phil cups my face in his hands and places a kiss on my lips. Then a round of applause happened. I was finally Sadie Lester. He pulled away and slid his hand into mine. We turned towards everyone and smiled.

"And now for Dan and Maisy to make their speeches." Phil announces then them tow join us at the altar hand in hand.

"Phil and Sadie, first of all congratulations." Dan started to say. "I'm so happy that Phil git married. Now, ever since i met him he always said i would be the first out if the two if us to get marries. Well i don't see myself proposing any time soon. But honestly, congrats Phil your very luck to have found such a lovely person like Sadie, i hope you guys have a long and happy marriage together." Dan says. I glanced over to Phil and he was developing a small blush across his cheeks. Aww.

"Sadie, Phil, congratulations. Both you crazy psychos found eachother and oh my god you make the most adorable couple. But im just happy you both found eachother. Sadie I've known you... For the majority of my lifetime and you are like a sister. And to see my sister just love life the way you do and to end up here, getting married to a wonderful man who loves you. I feel proud to say that we are sisters! Congrats!" she says before walking off.

"you ready to begin our life together?" Phil whispers in my ear.

"Can't wait" I whisper back. The rest if the day goes in a blur, the pictures, memories being made meeting the family. It just went so quickly.

Right now I was in a hotel room with Phil. I took my hair out of the plaited bun so it was now simply a long plait. Phil was in the shower so I was left watching tv. Then I heard three knocks on the door. Who would that be? We were at a hotel in London at the moment but he's making our honeymoon a surprise for me. I walk up to the door and I see someone I didnt expect to see.

A/N: Hey everyone :D how's it going? I updated! :O but yeah, its the holidays so two weeks off school... That means a couple of updates on both stories hopefully and a few oneshots :D but yeah I hope you enjoy this chapter sorry if its inaccurate but I've never been to a wedding so I worked from my movie knowledge lol anyway... Who do you guys think this 'Someone' is? Its a character I introduced before ages ago lol but first person to guess will get the next chapter dedicated to them lol :) so yeah I have nothing else to say but STAY AWESOME BYYEEEE

~Robyn xxx

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