Chapter 11- Dan

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Chapter 11- Dan

I stared at the screen with a smile starting to come across my face. She said yes. Now a normal person would go share it with their mates that they got a date with the person, I am just going to share it on twitter. As soon as i did, all i got replied was

'DAISY IS BACK!!!' Which made me laugh but i wonder if mine and maisy's relaionship will ever get as far as 'Daisy'.

"CONGRATS DAN!" Phil shouted from downstairs. I grinned slightly even though no one could see me. I Grabbed my phone and rang her phone number. I wanted to tell her some details. She Picked up rather quickly, and before i said anything i heard her sniffle slightly.

"You alright?" I asked just in case.

"Yeah..." She replied with a slight giggle.

"So about that date? You still alright for it?" i asked he, silently hoping that she would say yes.

"Yes, of course dan!" She said her voice instantly sounded happier.

"Does Wednesday sound ok?" I asked her with a stupid smile on my face.

"Yeah that sounds great what time?" She replied giggling. Aw. Her giggles are so cute.

"6 o'clock?" I asked giving her the first time that came to my head.

"That's perfect dan! I cant wait to -Oh Crap, dan i'll call you back later i have to go sorry bye!" She said quickly before hanging up. Strange... I shrugged it off and caried on scrolling through twitter. Then i got a direct message from Aimee. We still chat once in a while but not very often.

So u went back to maisy? Well if it makes u happy congrats xx

The message read. I still cant help but feel so sorry for aimee. I mean she legitamently liked me and i just used her as a decoy. Just to take my mind off of maisy. But i played her. I kissed her then told her to go away. Not as bad as some cases but its still pretty bad.

Yeah, thanks.

Is all i could think of replying. What else was she expecting me to say? I sighed. Sometimes i really overthink my life. Im just a colleage drop out and everyone thinks im a player. My life in two statements. Thats just fantastic, isn't it? I sighed and looked at the time. 11:50. I'll be sensible and go to bed. Yeah. Just sleep on it.

** Two Days Later **

Today is the day i take maisy on our date. If anything i really want it to be special. Not just for me but for her as well. I need to make the impression. I was taking her ice skating then to do whatever she wants to do. Yes i can not ice skate and i look like a total fool while doing so, but it'll be a laugh. It was mid day right now and i just got up. 6 hours to get myself ready.I dont need that long but i will spend most of that time on tumblr before rushing because i'll only have half an hour. If i can help it that wont happen but its probably realistic. I go downstairs and i see that phil has waken up and is watching something on tv.

"So what are your plans for today phil?" I say staring up a conversation.

"Im going to go meet PJ at the train station, so i hope you have something to do."

"Yeah im taking maisy ice skating." I state.

"Can you even Ice skate dan? And can Maisy?"

"No i can't and i'm not sure about maisy to be honest. It's something different." I say giving up as phil started to laugh. I sighed at the end.

"So your taking her ice skating where your just gunna fail and theres a chance that she could just put you to shame? Well tell me how that goes alright?" Phil said chuckling. I sighed and started ajusting my hobbit hair. Should i leave it like this. Could i bare to go out with hobbit hair? Hard choice... I'll leave it to later... for now i think i'll just go look on tumblr... yup. my life is so intersting isnt it?

I am so excited for this date though... This is my second, and possibly my last, chance with maisy. if i mess this up she might never feel the same way... Thinking o the possible future is scary really... Oh god... Well lets hope that it turns out better than the worse case scenario, of her hating me and never talking to me and why am i thinking like this?

I am only now thinking about getting ready. I left myself an hour to get ready and get to hers. I might have to leave my hobbit hair... Fml. I quickly remembered to text her saying wear warm clothes. I wouldn't want her to turn up im shorts and then tell her we are going ice skating. She'll probably a) freeze or b) kill me for not telling her. I never got a text back but im guessing she saw it. I quickly got in the shower and right now i was pulling apart my wardrobe to find warm clothes. I ended up wearing some nike tracksuit bottoms, my space jumper, a suitable jacket and some trainers. It really didn't matter what I looked like. I checked the time and i had a little more time than i thought. Then i looked out the window to see that its pissing down with rain. Great. Phil had already left so i was alone anyways. i walked out the door and locked it behind me before getting the lift down and starting the walk to maisy's. I got more and more excited with just the thought of her actually accepting to go on a date with me.

** ten minutes later **

I had just enough time to get to her house. I knocked on her door and i got a face full of cream. What?

"Oh My God Dan im so sorry! I thought it would be Erin!" Sadie cried. I started chuckling as i walked in there house to find a tissue. I got in there and all i can say is that their kitchen was a warzone. I got some kitchen roll and i wiped the whipped cream off my face.

"Dan?" Maisy asked coming down the stairs.

"no, its just a random guy ready to go on a date with you." i say seriously. She rolled her eyes and chuckled in response.

"Well what are you doing wiping cream off your face?" she asked, chucking to herself.

"Well im guessing you and Sadie had a whipped cream war, and i just kinda got attacked by her." i say gazing over to their kitchen. A slight red tint came to get cheeks . Aww that's the cutest thing ever.

"Sorry. About that.." she replied, obviously Embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, you ready to go?"

"Yep!" she said excitedly. I smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek before we walked out her door. She looked stunned for a moment before going a darker shade of red and shouting

"Bye Sadie!" she turned back to face me, her face still slightly red and she gave me a sheepish smile. I intwined our fingers togeter and smiled back. I could tell this would be a good date.

A/N: Yeah... Im sorry its not amazing... ; _; Ive been procrastinating so much its unbelieveable... but i hope you guys accept this as something :) I know this is bad... dont rub it in... I dont expect this to be that long either... i tried ok? I'm not sure about anything at the moment. But here you go guys... As for my oh fanfic... *ppffttt* I'll try write a long one to pay up for missing a week then I'll post it Sunday probably. :D that is all you lovely random people! I shall ttyl and you all must stay awesome byyyyeeee!!!

~Robyn xxx

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now