Chapter 24- Dan

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Chapter 24- Dan

 I sat at home by myself doing nothing. Why did Maisy do that? And Then,  me being the twat i am, decided to tell her to delete my number... Now she blocked me from every social networking site. Good Job daniel. I sat on the sofa with a blank face. It was like mid-day. then my phone started to ring. I kinda wanted it to be maisy to be honest but it turned out to be Phil. Sigh. I picked the phone up and he said

"Hey Dan, I thought i would give you a call as i thought you would be in the state of where you a literally doing nothing. Am i right?" 

"Yes Phil you are right, Congratulations you get a gold star." I say, my voiced laced with sarcasm.

"Well Maybe if you was less mean maybe you would be doing something with others." He said. 

"Seriously Phil..." I said sighing

"You need to forgive Maisy." He said simply.

"Yeah im totally going to forgive her once she snogged you at your wedding, dude why did you even do that?" I say getting angry

"Dan, That picture was photoshopped." Phil said sighing in annoyance.

"Yeah yeah phil, whatever." I said obviously bored

"Well Dan, If you want to be like that fine, I gotta go now, Bye." He said quickly. he hung the phone up and i sighed again. Why am i being a massive twat to everyone? The second i put my phone down it rang again. if it was sadie this time i swear... Oh its Valerie. Strange. She doesn't usually phone me. 

"Er.. Hey Valerie." I say 

"Hey dan!" She chimed. She sounded quite happy. 

"How are you?" I ask kindly.

"Oh i'm fine thanks, how do you feel about getting a coffee?" She asked nicely. 

"That sounds cool, I'll meet you at starbucks in 15 minutes, Ok?" I reply. 

"Yeah sure! See You dan!!" She said in a jolly tone before hanging up. Having that slight conversation brought a smile to my face. I never really talked to valerie but she seems nice. I better go get ready to go out i guess.

** At Starbucks ** 

I sat where i usually sit, quite near the back and i waited for valerie. I was early, but i ordered my drink. As i sat there casually drinking my coffee, i coud feel someones eyes pierce the back of my head. I looked behind me and Valerie was sitting there. She started to laugh and she said

"I was wondering how long it was going to take before you noticed me here."

"Well... I feel dumb." I said simply. is that all my brain could think of? I took a sip from my coffee in hope the caffine would wake me up.

"Don't feel like that, obviously your mind was... pre-occupied..." She said softly. I gave her a side smile and she returned it. She sat down opposite me and she leaned forward placing her hands on the table. 

"So how are things dan?" She asked nicely. Maybe a little too nicely for someone i only met like three times but you cant really get people who are too nice these days.

"Crap, I mean, maisy has just cut me off, Phil is.. i don't even know whats going on with phil to be honest... uhh... How are things with you?" I said in one breath. That made me sound like it was maisy's fault. Which it wasn't really but it didn't matter.

"Oh really? Wow dan, weren't you and maisy like... dating?" She asked awkwardly. 

"We were, But there's a picture... and i ended it." I said sadly. 

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now