Chapter 16- Maisy

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Chapter 16- Maisy

** Three Days Later **

I woke up and rolled over to see dans peaceul, sleeping face. I smiled and hopepd out of bed. I had serious feelings for dan. I hope he asks me to be his girlfriend. I wouldn't want to be friend zoned. I walked down the stairs and decided to make some breakfast for the two of us. As i started frying the Eggs Dan wrapped his arms around me.

"Morning beautiful." He mumbled into my hair which was fading from its previous Bright red colour to a pink like colour.

"Morning." I reply.

"How about we go on our date later?" He asked as i was putting the fried eggs on a plate with some bread.

"Forward much? No, 'How are you?', 'What you doing later?' Just straight to the point huh?" I said. He rolled his eyes and said

"Seriously Maisy...."

"I would love-" I started saying before my phone started ringing. I ran into the living room to answer it. My boss.

"Hello?" He said on the end of the line

"Hi Dave" I said sweetly. Maybe i can get away with getting today off work as well.

"Yeah, Maisy, You gotta come in today or i'm gunna have to fire you." He said. Gosh what was it with Men being so forward.

"Ok I'll be in at five." I said Sighing

"No, You'll be in at three today, You need to be in early." He Said sternly

"What, Oh thats... Perfectly fine, Dave see you later bye." I said through gritted teeth. Damn it.

"Dan i can't do tonight." I shouted even though he was like in the next room.

"Why?" He said walking into the living room and sitting on his sofa.

"Work" I reply with a monotone.

"You Still have that job?!" He asks. i punch his shoulder and nod.

"I DONT WANNA GO!" I whine.

"Ditch it then." Dan says Casually, Eating His egg sandwich.

"OH wow... I haven't thought of that before." I said sarcastically.

"Why don't you then?" He pushes.

"I need the money, I wanna go travelling next year." I mumble.

"Oh...We could still do the date tonight though... after work." Is all he says.

"Yeah i guess we could, I'll have to text you when i finish but a Warning, I Very well could be grumpy." I say to him. He shrugs and Pulls me over to him. I kinda melt into his warm embrace.We had been like this since we were alone. Nothing more happened than when i kissed him a few days ago. He hasn't Made any moves really. He pecked my cheek every now and then but nothing more than that. I fell onto the sofa next to him and he put the TV on. He put it on some random music channel and we both started dancing to fall out boy blaring from the surround sound speakers. His neighbours will hate him. Its like 9 A.M on a saturday.

** Later **

"Dan!" I shouted as i struggled to do my make up while packing spare clothes for our date in a bag. He ran in and said


"Lemme use your straighteners!" I say to him desperately. A few moments later he chucked his GHD's at me. I quickly straightened my hair and started running down the stairs.

"By dan." I say before pecking his cheek then running out the door. I quickly ran out of the building and to the crappy restaurant.

** 2 hours Later **

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now