Chapter 2- Maisy

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Chapter 2- Maisy

I sat and stared at The guy called Dan for a while... I feel like i  know him...  He seems so familiar to me... yet he is still unknown. He left the room with the doctor and i was left with my 'cousin' Erin, my 'Best Friend' Sadie and their boyfriends. I put air quotes around them because i am not to sure to be honest... That's just what i've been told... 

"Um... Guys, Im a bit tired, so do you mind if i sleep?" I ask nicely.. Sadie smiles at me then walks out with her boyfriend. then Erin and tony leave right after them. Finally... I'm alone. I felt quite drowsy so i let my eyes droop shut slowly. 

** Dream **

I was casually sitting on a sofa watching some cartoon on TV. Then i heard the door swing open and my head turned towards it.  Standing in the doorway was a rather tall man, but i couldn't see any features.All i saw was a Silhouette. i felt like i knew him. But i just cant seem to identify this person. He came over gracefully and sat himself next to me. I smiled at him and said

"Hi" ruffled my hair and replied

"Hi there beautiful." this obviously made me giggle. I didnt know who this guy was, but it felt riht for him to be here. 

"So what do you want to do right now?" he whispered into my ear. I snuggled up closer to him and I whispered

"I dont know... Maybe just relax here.."  

"I'll do whatever you wanna do." He whispered. he turned his body towards me and he took one of his hands and moved a strand of hair out of my face. Oh i wish i knew who it was.

"I just want you to know... I love you Maisy." He siad passionatly. I couldnt say the same to be honest... I didnt know who it was. He grabbed my hand and started stroking it slightly. It felt so real to be here with this man. whoever he was, i was meant to be with him. It was all tooreal for me... I leaned into him and i listened to our heartbeats.

** End of Dream **

I woke up but i didnt open my eyes. my head was filled with thoughts of the sihlouette man.That wasn't the first time i had a dream about that man. I have been having those kind of dreams for ages now. Apparently, i was in a 6 month coma, so it was in that time period where i would have thought about him non stop. Someone was actually stroking my han, i didnt pull away though, and they were saying something... i still didnt open my eyes.

"Maisy...I really wish you would remember me... life is Literally shit without you.... I dont Even go on the internet that much anymore, and thats saying something.... I really love you... I really want you to be mine." The Male voice whispered to me. He sounded just like that silhouette man... I must be mental... It can't be Dan, I have no clue who he is... It's impossible. I heard him sigh and go out of the door. It clicked shut and i fluttered open my eyes. i sat up and looked about. I saw sadie sitting in the corner of the room. 

"Hi there." i say chuckling slightly.

"Hello." She replies with a smile. 

"So your my best friend?" i ask. probably stupid to them but i really wasn't sure. 

"Yeah, we've known eachother since we were 4 years old and i called you Madi,  I'm Sadie-Jane Brents" She said clamly, keeping a slight smile on her face. Sadie-Jane...  Sadie-Jane.... I looked up at her with a look of uncertainty and then i kept my eyes on her. Sadie-Jane... Hmm... 

"Sadie,  I feel like your statements right.. but now, i need to think about it... Just out of interest... whats Erin's Last name?" I say. Things are clicking in my head... Sadie... certain little facts about her started whirling round my head... Then if Sadie's my best friend... should i believe the Erin is my cousin...

"Warrick... Erin Warrick." Sadie says. Warrick... hmm... I don't know...

"Sadie... Can i trust you with anything?" I ask uncertainly.

"Yes, Of course Maisy!" She chirps. Time to tell her about my weird dreams of that guy.

"Well... I've been having these dreams.. .about a man, I can't see any features... so he's just a Silhouette, and i seem to be in a relationship with him.. but i can't match anyone i know to him..." I say staring into space.

"Of a guy? do you know his name?" she says excitedly. I shake my head with as frown. Her fac falls into a frown and she says

"Do you want m to get a doctor? Are you ok?" 

"I don't need a doctor for this Sadie, Please don't tell anyone... I feel fine..." I reply. I did feel fine. As fine as i could ever feel anyway... Who was that guy? I must be mental to even think of that guy... I shake the thoughts out of my head and sigh. 

"I'll leave you alone, i'm going to see how phil is." Sadie says. I nod to her and she walks out. That guy who was stroking my hand could have been that guy Dan... But that makes him somewhat a pervert. I don't even  know the guy... or do i? I dont know...

A/N: An extrememly rubbish update and i am sorry ;_; but still an update... yeahhh.... I may be able too update tomorrow but if i do it'll be the last one until saturday as i re-start school on tuesday... yup...  INFY,DH Reached 30,000 Reads and i find that mindblowing... SO thank you guys who have read it and are excited for this :) I have nothing else to say so i am going to go now.... TTYL STAY AWESOME BYYYYYYYEE!!!!!!!!!

~Robyn xxx

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