Chapter 29- Dan

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Chapter 29- Dan

I don't say a thing while i witness the rest of the scan. Why did she not tell me? It honestly doesn't matter Actually. She's carrying our twins. God.. Why was i so blind? I completely blanked whatever the nurse said. The scan ended quicker than i wanted it to and we were told to wait for the scan photo's. Maisy got up and left first and the other girl just stood there.

"Hi dan." she said timidly.

"Hi... umm, thanks for the message, anyway im guessing it was you, if it wasn't then this is awkward.." I rambled. She smiled and said

"Yeah, that was me... my names elizabeth." she said sticking her hand out for me to shake. i shook it politely and smiled at her.

"Thank you, seriously." I said before walking out the door.

"Maisy." I said simply as i watched maisy stand and talk to sadie. She looked at me and back at sadie. Sadie nodded and maisy came towards me. I walked out of the waiting area and into a corridor so everyone didnt hear our conversation. I held the door open for her and she gave me a slight smile. When the door swung shut maisy started to say

"Dan, I'm so sor-" but i walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her and held her close, she hugged back instantly.

"Don't be sorry, You were right Maisy, I was pushing you away." I mumured. I felt her squeeze me slightly. I sighed and we both pulled away.

"I am sorry though, I never told you... I should have, you had all right to know." That burnt through my mind. She's right but i was being horrible.

"Maisy, that doesn't even matter. Honestly, I was being a massive dickhead practically, I never gave you a chance. But honestly, please, please, please forgive me." I pleaded to her. I looked into her bright eyes and tears formed in her eyes. A tear slid down her face and she wiped it away.

"Dan, why would i not forgive you? You mean too much to me." She whispered. I smiled widely and i grabbed her hand and entwined our fingers. she looked down at our linked hands and she gave my hand a squeeze. We walked through the door and paid for our scan photos. Beautiful. I couldn't even say anything. I looked down to maisy and smiled.

"Looks as if everything is going our way dan." She said just loud enough so i could hear it but not any of the others. She's right, after about two years of waiting, everything is going my way. Our way. we've been through a lot. We walked out the hospital and decided to go back to mine and phils place. The whole way there i kept maisy's hand in mine.

** At the apartment **

Maisy and sadie sat downstairs and i pulled phil upstairs.

"What's the matter dan?" He asked me on the way up the stairs. I shushed him and carried on into my room. I quickly rummaged through my top drawer and i found the velvet box. I held it up to phil and i stared at me.

"Are you sure dan?" he said seriously. I nodded.

"Please phil, I've waited nearly two years, i think i'm ready. Just.. tell me how to do it." I said despreately. I needed phil's help. He's done it, and look at him now, happily married. How the hell do i do that?

"Just, do it at the right time, i wouldn't recommend right now, because she's just got home from a scan and its all a bit hectic. But make it special. I you want to do it tonight, then i suggest try to make it romantic as possible..." He said carefully picking his words. I nodded and took it in.

"Tonight would be ideal..." I murmured.

"Then go for it dan, i think she'd be stupid to say no." He said reassuringly. I smiled and thanked him. put the box back in the drawer and went downstairs.

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now