Chapter 17- Sadie

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Chapter 17- Sadie

It's our last night in jamaica. Its been... magical. I loved every second of it. earlier today me and phil done cliff jumping. It was kind of a fail as we were both terrified but in the end Phil attepted to push me of the highest cliff and As i was clinging on to his shirt, He came down with me. It was actually quite funny. Then we went to swim with dolphins, which i just adored. Now we are just taking a walk across the beach hand in hand. It was a private beach so no one else was about. I was wearing a light cotten white dress that dragged across the floor, getting slightly wet from the waves with some little white slip on pum. Phil was wearing his Gengar shirt and some black shorts. Yeah. for once he wasn't wearing black jeans. 

"I'm gunna miss this..." I mumbled.

"Hmm... what do you mean?" Phil said squeezing my hand slightly. 

"It was just So perfect... One week in jamaica alone with you..." 

"Who's saying we can't do it again in the future?" He says pulling me towards him. I thought about it for a sec. He had a point. 

"We're married now, love. We can do whatever you want..." He said. A smile came across my face at the thought of being with phil. I feel like my life is now perfect. I started running and it took phil a while to catch up but it turned into a race so i dropped his hand and sprinted ahead. I startled laughing as i knew he wasn't too far behind. I quickly kicked off my pumps and carried on running. It wasn't long unti phil cought up and grabbed me by the waist making both of us topple over into the sand. we laughed for a while then phil's lips were pressed against mine. I straddled him and tagled my hands in his hair. 

"God i love you." He mumbled before resuming with the kiss. We broke apart not long after with equal smiles on our faces. 

"Come on. Lets go to sleep." He whispered in my ear making me giggle. he gave me a piggy back ride back to the beach house and we ended up collapsing on the bed. 

** 2 days later ** 

We Were finally back in england. I walked down the stairs to see maisy on the sofa. 

"Hey cupcake! Nice to see ya, you slept for 12 hours so i didnt talk to ya!" Maisy said getting off the sofa to hug me. 

"Hiya, Its so nice to be back! Well... That can't do. After i quickly skype my parents, you and i, are going to have a girls day!" I said grinning. 

"Aren't you an phil visiting your parents today?" She asked.

"Not any more. thats why im going to skype them. Then we can go get Erin and have a girls day!" I said happily. I skipped back up the stairs and sent a text to phil saying

'Hey we aren't going to see my parents 2day, im havin a girls day love you xxx'

'That's cool babe, i'm going to record a video love you too xxx' he replied. Phil lester loved me. Oh my god. I remember being a fangirl over him and now look. I'm married to him.  Then i quickly loaded up my skype and with some luck my mum was online. I clicked on video call and her face was on my screen.

"Hey honey, can't wait to see you and phil later!" My mum said smiling.

"Hey mum, see the thing is... umm we can't make it today. Maybe another day though." I say feeling bad for disappointing her. 

"Oh that's alright, i would guess that you would want to spend a little time with maisy and erin." She said with a warming smile. 

"Yeah i would, thanks mum." I say with a small smile. 

"No problem sweetie. I have these pictures i want to send to you so you print them off. They are just beautiful!" My mum gushes. 

"What photos?" I asked. Knowing my mum they could have been anything from 10 years ago till the present, so it was worth asking.

"Photos from the wedding! I got a few of you and phil, then i got you and all the bridesmaids then i have a lovely one of maisy and the best man!" She says in one breath. 

"Ok send them over email then, mum, thank you!" I say happily. 

"Alright hun, i've sent them over, i've gotta get going now, places to be, people to see. Well bye love you." Then her face disappeared.  I checked my emails and i saw the photos. she was right. They were beautiful. I looked at the one of dan and Maisy  and i think it was my favourite one. I printed them all out and wrote on the back of them with a sharpie. Then i got to the one of dan and maisy and i wrote,

'Daniel James Howell and Madi Camerons @ the wedding xx' 

Instead of putting that photo into the photoframe with all the other wedding pictures, i put it in maisy's box. I should show her that but... she doesn't need to know who Myles is. She can live a happy life just knowing the basics of that she lived in austrailia. No complications. I felt kinda bad keeping her life away from her, but i didn't want her to freak out or worry. As long as she knew a minimum amount of things i knew myles would keep away from her. I put on a mickey mouse shirt with some black leggings and i jogged downstairs. 

"You called erin?" I asked her.

"Yeah she said she'll be round in 2 minutes." Maisy said happily. I smiled at her and she patted the space next to her on the sofa. 

"I can't wait to hear about your time in jamaica." Maisy said 

"And obviously, something went on over here as there are a vase full of daisies. Which i can only guess as dan... Girl you and dan have something going on." I say to her in a sassy voice. Just on time erin burst through the door dramatically.  We both ran up to her and we both hugged her

"I know you guys have missed me! Ooh sadie, nice tan." She said giggling, hugging us back. 

"Well lets get going!" I cheered and we all walked out of the apartment cheering and laughing.

** Three Hours Later in starbucks ** 

"So Maisy, i've been hearing some things about daisy. Spill." Erin says. We've been shopping for three hours talking about life. and now we are just sat down in starbucks and erin asks her that. Poor maisy. 

"Well, I've been out on a date with him, thats it." She says blushing.

"Nu uh. There's more." I say pushing her.

"Uhh.... I stayed round his...." She said getting sheepish. 

"And according to tumblr you guys kissed!" Erin said finishing the sentence. 

"Oh my gawd really!?" I said happily. She nodded and i walked round to hug her.

"I really like him. What do i do?" She asks. Oh my god, i have to tell dan this.he'll be happy. 

"Just wait. Im sure he likes you back." wrong, he loves her.

A/N: Yeah here you go guys, a small filler chapter, Sorry for the wait but i have had a few problems over the weekend and ive been down and of course i have my fingers taped up so its harder to type ^_^ But yeah, Life sucks at the moment for me, so... @_@ Anyway.... How are you guys doing? Oh yeah, i would like to ask you guys to ask me anything, im practically gunna do a Q/A  and i would like you guys to ask me anything. I was just considering the fact that i will tell you guys anything so ask away :) Im gunna answer them in a video and it shall start my youtube hobby :P I still dont have a name for you yet, my brain is failing me D: No update for the PJ one again, sorry guys, im just struggling a bit :s Yeah guys thats all and i hope you guys are awesome, i love you all and ill tttyl! BYYEEEEEE 

~Robyn xxx

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now