Right, You can ignore this now ^_^

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  • Dedicated to To Those Who Care <3

HAI GUYS! Yeah, i've deleted what was here, because, im back, and im writing and pretty much everything is cool now ^_^ the only thing that will stop me from updating as much as i want to, will be school,but i'll work around that :D 

So yeah, im just changing this, because i loved all the messages you guys left me and they all just gave me so much happiness it was amazing all the support i was getting from u guys as fans and friends ^_^

That's all i wanna say, and if you missed it, the Epilogue is up so i suggest you go read it ;) Ok guys, i'll see ya laters :D 

~Robyn x

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now