Chapter 5- Maisy

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Chapter 5- Maisy

When sadie walked out of my room and closed the door i carried on playing Left for Dead on a server. What was i doing with my life. I mean, since dan and aimee seem to hang around here all the time, i feel too awkward to go downstairs, so i sit up here on my computer. I would go downstairs sometimes to like get water or food and every freaking time I walked In on Aimee and Dan snogging, so i felt awkward... I have watched a load of videos on youtube in these past few weeks, mainly dan and Phil's, but sadie got me to watch some of my own. So yeah, i have a youtube channel. So i haven't been doing fuck all these past few weeks.... Who am i kidding? Watching videos, making videos then playing games... that is my life now. There is one video on my channel though, that really got me thinking. I played Slender with Dan... And it seemed to be some sort of prank i played on him. I laughed my ass off none the less but it still puzzled me, what kind of relationship do i have with dan?

I had spent at least two hours in my room playing games. As far as I knew I was here alone. Phil and Sadie were out together, Dan went to his apartment for some reason, Erin doesn't live here (she lives with Tony), and I hope to god that Aimee isn't here. There's nothing wrong with her, she makes Dan happy and that's amazing, but she's always giving me weird glares. I don't know, i just don't want to be in a house alone with some person i don't really know. I stood up and stretched my legs a but before reaching for the door handle. I opened up my door and I heard whispers from downstairs. I carefully walked across the landing and stood at the top of the stairs. I saw Aimee and some guy at the door standing extremely close together. 

"babe, I don't like it that your with Dan..." the guy whined.  

"Aw baby, no need to feel jealous, i am just making sure Dan doesn't go back to the whore..." Aimee replied. This was weird for me. Of course she was talking about me being a whore, but Dan coming back to me? Was I in a relationship with him? Im so confused. I stood still on the stairs quietly listening to them carefully.  

"I love you so fucking much Aimee..." the guy whispered with a strong Australian accent. His eyes searched her body in hunger 

"I love you too, babe." she whispered back. Then they started to have a make out a session. now I just felt bad for Dan. She was playing him. He was just a toy. I started to get up and walk back to my room. I just need to forget that. Yup forgetting everything was going to be for the best. I got to the last step before I stupidly missed the landing, ending up face planting the landing. I flipped around and looked behind me. The guys eyes were wide open and i could see his bright emerald green eyes. They kinda scared me to be quite honest. he pulled away from Aimee and with a smirk he said

"Oh lookie here babe..." Aimee turned around and stared me in the eyes. A sly smile appeared on her face. 

"Oh hi there, Maisy..." She said in a sickly sweet voice. It made me freeze up awkwardly on the stairs.

I glared at her and she stuck her hand out for me to accept i guess. i didnt accept it. A slight frown came to her face and she pulled my hand with force. I stumbled, but managing to stand up and she pulled me down the stairs. I ended up standing face to face with the green eyed boy. he didn't say anything but he smirked at me.

"Maisy... Promise me you won't tell anybody..." Aimee whispered into my ear.

"You know you can't keep this from dan..." I reply with gritted teeth. 

"Oh but you will..." She spat at me. She sent a glare oer to the boy and he left almost instantly. Then aimee dragged me out to the balcony. She slid the glass door shut behind us and she stared at me.

"I have to tell dan, you can't cause that pain to him!" I spat at her. Her eyes narrowed and she leaped towards me. I slid out of the way so she landed on the floor rather than me. She got up and dusted herself off and then gave e a look of pure hate.

"Now, maisy, you cannot tell dan. Whatever you saw, was a misunderstanding." she said softly. I narrowed my eyes at her. She was a liar. i stood and stared her down trying to read her expression. She quickly rugby tackled me to the ground as i was too busy with my thoughts. I tried thrashing her off of me but it was no use. she pinned my hands above my head and put her full body weight on my legs. 

"Maisy, Stop stuggling. I can go about this the easy way or the hard way..." She threatened. I stopped squirming under her pressure and she smiled. she loved haing the upper hand and i knew it.

"Right... Now you hae to promise me that you won't tell dan." She said quickly.

"I cant promise that." I reply exxagerating my sentence. Aimee sighed and shook her head.

"You'll regret saying that." She says darkly. she quickly gets out what seems to be a swiss army knife and holds a blade against my veins on my wrist. I feel the blade peirce my skin slightly and i take a quick shakey breath. I quickly feel serious pain in my wrist and i let out a pain filled yell. 

"Now, now, I wouldn't tell Dan if i was you. That cut could be much worse." She says darkly. She then gets up and stands back.I shakily stand up and look at my wrist. A deep bloody gash about 2 inches long just was there. I didnt dare touch it. That would just kill me. I looked up at her with dis-beliefe. Her way to keep me quiet was to harm me. I was about to shout at her maybe even slap her before i heard someone shout

"Girls?!" shit. Dan. 

"Girls?!" He shouted again. Aimee quickly engulfed me in a hug and we awkwardly walked out of the balcony. 

"Hi danny!" She purred. I felt sick just being touched by her. 

"Hi Aimee, Maisy!" He said cheerfully. We stood in an awkward silence for a while before he said.

"whats up?" 

"Well... Look what Maisy done to herself..." Aimee said with sorrow picking up my bloody wrist. Oh hell no. Dans face instantly fell and i saw disappointment in his eyes. Only if he could see through her lies.

A/N:Hi guys, sorry it's up late and there's probably a million mistakes in this but i hope you guys are good and happy! :D So yeah... its finally friday! Thank you so much for 100 fans, 1000 reads on this story and over 55,000 reads on INFY! So much celebration! I'm working on updates for thisweekend so keep an eye out! That is all my awesome fans! BYEE!!!!!!!1

~Robyn xxx

Am I nothing more than a distant memory? (A Danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now