Chapter Eight

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A/N This chapter and all after are not edited, I am currently working on it, in the editing Brad's name has been changed to Trevor and Xavier's motorcycle has been changed to a car, sorry if this causes confusion 02/17/2021

I sigh as my alarm goes off. I turn it off and turn around in my bed. It's Thursday and I have successfully avoided Cameron for the whole week. Somehow through the week I had also caught the flu. I've been up all night with my head against the toilet bowl. I can faintly hear the door open. I look over to see my mom smiling sadly at me.
"You feeling okay honey?" Mom asks. I shake my head and take a sip of my water.
"I was up all night. I can't go into school today Mom." I say. She nods and places a trash bin by my bed. She pats my head and smiles at me.
"I have to go to work and so does your father. Will you be okay by yourself?" She asks. I smile slightly and nod.
"I'll be fine." I say. She nods and says goodbye, walking out of my room. I groan and grab my phone. I text Spencer that I don't need a ride.
'Why? What's wrong?' Spence texts back.
'I'm not feeling well. Tell the others please.' I text. I almost immediately get a text back.
'Do you need me to come over?' He texts back. I laugh dryly.
'No! You can't miss school. Have a good day :)' I text. I put down my phone and fall back to sleep.
Bang. Bang. Bang! I groan and roll over. I look over to see it's 11:50 a.m. I groan and close my eyes, trying to go back to sleep. Bang! Bang! Bang! I groan and slip out of bed, instantly feeling dizzy. I gain my balance and make my way down the stairs, gripping the rail tightly. The whole world shifts with every step I take. I make it to the door without falling. I unlock the door and open it, closing my eyes as the sun hits my eyes.
"Holy shit Cupcake. You look like death." I hear a deep voice say. What? Wait...he said cupcake. Only one person calls me that. I open my eyes to see Cameron standing at my front door, looking worried at me. I rub my head, hoping the pounding will go away.
"What do you want Cameron?" I ask. Cameron looks down at me.
"I heard you were sick and alone. I wanted to make sure that you were okay." He says. I scoff.
"Like you care about me." I say sarcastically. He looks at me confused. The world starts to become dizzier and I lean against the door frame.
"What? What are you talking about?" He asks. I open my mouth to answer but the world starts to spin and become darker. Darkness fills my vision as I feel my body falling to the floor.
"So beautiful." Someone whispers. I groan softly and open my eyes. I see Cameron's face above me as he pats a wet washcloth against my forehead.
"W-What happened?" I stutter. Cameron looks down at me with worry in his eyes.
"You passed out. You're running a very high fever. I can't believe you were going to stay here the whole day by yourself." Cameron says. I look at him and smile. The smile instantly falls off my face when I remember I am angry with him. I frown and turn away from him.
"Just go Cameron. I don't need your help." I say. Cameron lightly grabs my shoulder and turns me back over. I look up at him, shocked.
"I know that you're angry with me but you need help. I don't care that you're mad at me because you need me now more than ever. So just be quiet, forget that you're angry, and let me take care of you." He says, his voice raising slightly towards the end. I sigh and nod. I do need help. I can barley sit up without feeling sick. Cameron pats my head with the cloth and I sigh in relief of the cool water on my forehead. I close my eyes and take deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart. I am not used to being so close to a guy as attractive as Cameron. It still is going to take some getting used to. I open my eyes to see Cameron looking down at me, an unrecognizable look on his face.
"C-Could you hand me my water please?" I ask. Cameron nods and grabs my water. I try to sit up but fail.
"You really are weak. Here, let me help you." He says. He sets down my water and wraps his arms around my neck and under my knees. He shifts me up so I am leaning against my headboard. The sudden movement wakes my stomach churn and I quickly push Cameron away, grabbing the trash can Mom left and throwing up the remaining contents of my stomach in the trash can. Cameron rubs my back as I continue to throw up. He rubs soothing circles in my back and I feel my body relax. When I finally finish vomiting, I place the trash can on the other side of my bed. I take a drink of my water, hoping to make the taste go away.
"I'm sorry you had to see that." I whisper, weakly. Cameron stares at me with his gorgeous green eyes and doesn't say anything. I must have disgusted him. I lay down feeling exhausted, I turn away from him.
"If you want to go, I won't blame you." I whisper and close my eyes. I hear footsteps move across my room. I guess he decided to leave. I know I said I wouldn't blame him but I am hurt. I guess I was right, he really doesn't care about me. I sigh and try to go back to bed. My bed dips and my eyes snap open. I see Cameron laying next to me on my bed. I look at him, confused.
"What are you doing?" I ask. Cameron smiles and wipes my hair off my damp forehead.
"Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." He says. I want to argue but I am tired and knowing that he will be there when I wake up is a nice feeling. I close my eyes and feel myself drifting into unconsciousness.

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