Chapter Thirty Five

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Fear. What does it mean to you? Does fear mean being afraid or is being afraid a symptom of fear?  Emotions like fear, love, happiness, anger, are what make us human.  If I didn't feel any of these, where I would I be right now?  Would he still care for me, if I felt nothing?  Fear is a necessary part of our existence, without fear we would go down dark alleys late at night, jaywalk through the streets without looking, say whatever we wanted whenever, unafraid of the consequences.

I race through the woods, dodging trees and bushes, sweat running down my forehead, my breathes shallow as I run as fast as I possibly can.  I can't let him catch me.  Please someone help me.  Please someone find me. How did I end up here?  How did I go from a normal high school girl to this?!

48 Hours Earlier

It's quiet. Too quiet. Do I think Maddox left town?  No I don't think so.  So why is it so quiet?  Cam's arm around my shoulders brings me some comfort.  I am currently sitting at my usual lunch table, my friends, my brother, and my boyfriend besides me.  I should be feeling happy, loved, but all I feel is fear.  Fear that Maddox is lurking around the corner, ready to hurt me or the people I care about.  Cam's hand rubs my shoulder soothingly.

"You okay?"  He whispers so only I can hear.  I smile up at him and nod.  He pulls me closer and I lay my head on his shoulder, breathing in his cologne, his smell calming me.  My phone vibrates on the table.

'The football field after you get out of school.  Meet me and I swear I'll leave you guys alone.'  The text was from an unknown number but I instantly knew who sent it.  Maddox.  I gulped nervously.  He wants me to meet him after school, alone?  Does he think I'm stupid.

I instantly show the text to Cam and he rips the phone out of my hands.  His body freezes as he glares at my phone, as if he could kill Maddox through the phone.  Cam starts texting him back but I stop him by snatching my phone out of his hands.

"What are you doing?"  He asks me, harshness in his voice.  I roll my eyes at him and lock my phone.

"I have a better idea." 


I bite my lip nervously as I pace back in the center of the football field.  Maybe this was a bad idea.  Cam barely agreed to this but it was the only thing I could think of to get rid of Maddox.  The plan was that I meet with Maddox like he requested while Cam and the others are hidden in the bushes a few feet away. 

They were going to film the whole thing and if Maddox threatens us or tries to harm me in any way we will give it to the police if he doesn't leave us alone.  I didn't want to live in constant fear and the police won't do anything about him without proof.

I gulp nervously as I see a figure approaching from the street.  Our high school tore down the old fencing around the field and they are currently trying to put a new one up but for now the field is open to the public.  As Maddox approaches, my heart starts beating like crazy from fear.  Once he's within a few feet of me, he smiles wickedly at me.

"Nice to see you again babe."  I roll my eyes at him and try not to look shaken.

"What do you want Maddox?  Why can't you leave us alone?"  He smiles and shakes his head at me.  He stays quiet as he circles around me, like a predator circling his prey.  He has no idea that he's my prey today. 

"You're really stupid to come here alone."  He says, taking a step closer to me.  It took everything in me not to jump away from him.

"The thing is, I don't think your stupid at all."  He takes a step closer to me, his body just a few inches from mine.

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