Chapter Eleven

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A/N I think I am going to change the name of the book. I'd love to know if you have any ideas or suggestions! If you have any questions (no spoilers), ideas, or anything really email me at: The picture is of Hailee's dress. That is not what she looks like or her figure type, I just love the dress. A special thanks to amazeballs16 and lilprincess21508 for their amazing covers they made for me! Thank you for reading!
"I can't do this. I can't do this." I say again and again. I go through more clothes in my closet.
"Calm down, everything is going to be okay." Kylie says. I look over at her, shocked.
"Calm down? Calm down! I'm going on my first date with Cam, sweet, hot, Cam and you want me to calm down?!" I say. Kylie giggles when I say that Cam is hot. I'm too worried about my date with him to care that I just called Cam hot out loud. I groan and look at her laying on my bed.
"Instead of giggling you could, oh I don't know, help your friend get ready for her first date!" I exclaim, I am shaking from being so nervous.
"Okay, okay. I will help you." She says. She walks towards my closet and goes through it. I watch as she goes through my clothes.
"I can't do this. I'm going to cancel." I say. I grab my phone and press Cam's number, wanting to explain to him. The phone starts to ring.
"Don't you dare!" Kylie yells. I ignore her and shakily put the phone to my ear to hear it start to ring. I see her glaring at me, I turn around. The phone stops ringing as I hear Cam say,
"Hello." I grip the phone tightly.
"Hi Cam. I'm really sorr-ugh!" I groan as Kylie tackles me onto my bed and my phone flying out of my hand.
"Hailee! Hailee! Are you okay?!" I hear Cam yell faintly from wherever my phone is. I grab my phone off the floor and try to cancel again but Kylie grabs me, shaking me.
"What are you doing?! You can't cancel on Cameron! This is your first date with an amazing guy. Don't ruin it." She whispers. I sigh and slump against my bed. Kylie grabs my phone.
"Sorry Cameron. She called you by accident. She'll be ready on time. Bye!" Kylie says, hanging up on him. I sigh.
"I'm so nervous and afraid. What if he finds out that he doesn't like me in that way? What if I screw everything up? Why would someone like him want me anyway?" I whisper, my insecurities and doubts flowing through me. Kylie glares at me and shakes her head.
"You are so hard on yourself Hailee. You're a beautiful person inside and out and Cam is crazy about you, I can see that and so can the guys. Cameron stepped into your life for a reason, do you want to spend your life wondering what could have been but never was because you were afraid?" She says. I smile at her.
"Thank you Kylie. I am so lucky to have you." I say, hugging her. She laughs and hugs me back.
"Now let's find you some amazing to wear that will knock the jocks socks off." She says, laughing at her cleverness. I sigh.
"You are not going to find anything. All my clothes are not special enough for a first date." I say. She walks over and steps into my closet, it's not a walk in closet though so she has to be looking really deep. The only thing back there is old clothes or clothes I bought but never wore. I wish I had more time so I could have bought a new dress. I sigh as she squeals and pulls something out of my closet. I watch as she pulls out a white and gold dress that looks short enough to stop at the top of my knees with a matching gold belt. I stare at it, trying to remember when I bought it.
"I love this! It is perfect!" She yells. She pushes it into my hands and tells me to try it on. I walk into my bathroom and slip out of my comfy clothes and into the dress. I stare at myself in awe. I forgot how good I look in this dress. I actually can't believe it. The dress hugged my waist and flowed down. I looked elegant and the gold made my blue eyes shine brighter. The belt was a little tight but I loosed it all the way to the last hole. (Picture in the beginning) I walk back into my bedroom to see Kylie sitting on my bed. She looks up and gasps.
"Oh my gosh! Why have you never worn this dress before?! It's gorgeous!" She exclaims. I stare down at it, running my hands across the fabric.
"I can't remember. I'm not even sure I bought it." I say, confused. Where did this come from? I had to have bought it since no one else really knows my size. I shake my head and focus on getting ready for my date.
"Let's start your hair and make up!" She says. She sits me down in the bathroom as she helps me get ready for my first date. She straightens my hair and then curls it entirely. Since my hair is only wavy it doesn't curl all the way. I smile as I look at my completely curling hair. I close my eyes as she applies my make up. I told her I didn't want anything too noticeable. I don't want to look like those girls that fall all over Cam.
"I'm done." She says. I open my eyes and gasp. My hair is perfectly curled, no frizz or anything. My eyes have a light color of white mixed with gold on them, the mascara making my eyelashes look a million miles longer and my natural blush bringing out my blue eyes more than ever. I stand up and look at myself in the full length mirror on the door. I look amazing. I don't think I have ever looked better than I do right now. I look over at her and smile widely. I hug her tightly.
"Thank you so much! You're amazing!" I exclaim. She smiles and hugs me back. I pull away from her as she fans herself with her hand.
"Aw! My baby is growing up." She says and pretends like she is crying. I roll my eyes as we rush back into my room to find shoes. I rummaged through my shoes until I find the perfect pair, gold flats with sparkles that reflect off the light. I smile and slip them on, buckling them and standing up. As I finish getting ready, putting on my jewelry and my perfume I hear the doorbell ring. My heart beat quickens as I look at the clock. 9:45 pm. He's right on time. I offered to reschedule our date since it would be a late date because of the football game but Cam refused. His reason was the sweetest.
"No, I don't want to waste another day without taking you out on the date you deserve." I remember that I blushed after he said that. I don't care if our date is somewhat late, I'm just excited that I get to go on a date with Cam.
"I got it!" I hear Kylie yell as she makes her way down the steps. Uh oh. I shake my head, laughing. I grab a purse and everything I need in it. I walk down my stairs and take a deep breath, here goes nothing. I walk towards the front foor.
"If you hurt her, I will not hesitate to castrate you." Kylie threatens. I laugh.
"Thanks for all your help Kylie." I say. She smiles at me and nods. She walks out my front door as I faintly hear her say something to Cam,
"Take care of her." She whispers. I smile to myself and watch her walk towards her car. I look over at Cam and catch my breath. Cam looks amazing. He is a red and black flannel, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a white t-shirt with a slight v-neck, dark blue jeans, almost black, and a black beanie, making his hair pointing slightly out of the beanie in an attractive matter. As I stop staring at what can only be described as a very attractive man, I realize that I am way over dressed for whatever we are doing. I meet his eyes as I see him staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face. I look down at my shoes.
"I'll go change." I say quickly. I turn around but Cam catches my hand. I turn around to see him looking at me in amazement.
"You look beautiful." Cam whispers, his hand cupping my cheek. I blush under his intense gaze.
"Why would you want to change?" Cam asks. I look in his shinning green eyes.
"I'm too dressed up. I wasn't sure what we were doing, since you refused to tell me." I explain, playfully glaring at him. He smiles at me and pecks my cheeks.
"You look perfect Cupcake." He says. He looks me up and down and smirks at me.
"I'm the luckiest guy in the world, hell the universe." He says. I blush furiously at his words. He runs his thumb against my red cheek. He pulls away and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers and dragging me out the door. I laugh and stop, locking the door behind us. I follow him to his car and see him waiting with the passenger door open for me. I smile and thank him while I climb into his car and buckle myself in. I can feel myself shaking widely. I am so nervous. Cam climbs into his car and looks over at me, his eyes fill with worry, he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.
"Are you okay?" Cam asks. I nod and force a smile.
"I am just nervous, first date and all, not to mention it's with you." I say. Cam smiles at me.
"This may not be my first date but it is my first date with you and that means way more to me than any other date with any other girl." He says, staring deeply into my eyes. I sharply inhale, my heart skipping a beat. He smiles at me a kisses my hand with his soft lips. He turns towards the road and starts driving. I couldn't find anything to say so I just smile to myself as I watch him drive, his hand squeezing mine tightly. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of his hand in mine. I turn to look out the window as we pass by stores, trees, and patches of empty land. We live in the city so when I started to see empty patches of land, only illuminated by Cam's headlights, I was getting curious as to where we are going that is this far out of town. I watch as me get closer and closer to a group of lights. I stare in amazement as Cam drives into the parking lot of a late night carnival. I smile widely. I've always wanted to go to a late night carnival. Late night carnivals are a little different than day carnivals. They have the same rides but different attractions. They have dark magic shows, night creatures, haunted house, and so much more. I've never been to one but they are well known. They aren't exactly carnivals, they are mixtures of fairs, carnivals, and theme parks. I reach for the door handle.
"Stop!" I look over at Cam, alarmed.
"What?" I ask. He smiles at me and gets out of the car and comes over to my door, opening it for me and offering me his hand. I smile and take his hand and step out. Instead of letting go of my hand he intertwines our fingers and locks his car.
"Thank you." I whisper. Cam looks down at me.
"You're welcome." He says. We walk towards the opening of the carnival, our hands swinging as we walk. I never knew it would feel so amazing to just hold hands with someone. I look up at Cam and smile softly. It's not just holding hands, it's holding his hand, feeling his rough strong hand in my soft one, knowing we are connected, that we mean something to each other. I don't know where this is going but I don't want to obsess over it, I want to enjoy this time together, enjoy this time with him. We walk up to the admission booth and I let go of Cam's hand.
"Hey." He says, pushing his bottom lip out and pouting. I giggle and shake my head. I open my purse and take out my wallet.
"No no no. Put that away." Cam says. I look up at him.
"It's okay. You don't have to pay for me. This is the 21st century, in fact I could pay for you." I say, smiling at him. He playfully scowls at me and shakes his head.
"I am aware that it is the 21st century but I was also raised to respect women, treat them as if they are queens and be a gentleman. So let me pay for you, please?" He asks. I stare at him in aw, he spoke with such passion about being raised.
"I'd love to meet the woman who raised you so well." I say, smiling at him. He smiles at me, a far off look in his eyes. He pays the lady and we get two wrist bands, proving that we paid and we can do as much as we want. Cam takes my hand and intertwines our fingers again.
"What should we do first?" He asks. I stare at everything that lays ahead of us. Hm. So many choices.
"We could play some games." I say, looking around. There were all kinds of games around, darts, basketball, water guns, and more. The ultimate goal is to win a prize. Some prizes are stuffed animals, others are cheap jewelry, or gift cards. Cam drags me to the basketball game, if you throw a certain amount of balls in the hoop you win a prize. He hands the man the money needed for the game and looks over at me.
"Ready to be impressed?" He says confidently. I laugh and roll my eyes at him.
"I don't know. You don't look like you have a good throwing arm." I tease. He playfully glares at me.
"I know for a fact that you know saw my throwing skills earlier today." He says. I smile remembering how happy he looked at the game tonight.
"Go ahead superstar, impress me." I say. The time starts and he starts shooting, grabbing more basketballs as he takes one shot after another. I watch in amazement as he makes every shot. The final buzzer goes off and the total baskets made was fifteen in two minutes. He looks over at me and smirks.
"Impressed?" He asks. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck.
"Very. Way to go superstar." I say, pecking him on his lips, sending speaks through me.
"Winner!" The man that runs the game yells. I blush, realizing we just kissed right in front of a stranger. Cam turns towards the prize wall and looks at all the prizes. His eyes move from to the wall to me.
"Pick whatever you want." Cam whispers in my hear. I smile softly at him.
"Are you sure?" I ask. He nods and I look at the stuffed animals until my eyes land on a an overly stuffed hedgehog. I point at it.
"That one please." I say to Cam. He smiles and turns to the man, asking him for the hedgehog. I smiles as Cam hands it to me and I hug it to my chest. Cam slips his hand into mine and we keep walking.
"Out of curiosity, why did you pick the hedgehog?" Cam asks. I smile to myself.
"He reminds me of you." I say. Cam looks down at me, his eyebrow raised slightly in confusion, a very cute look on his face.
"How so?" He asks. I look up at him.
"Tough on the outside but soft and kind hearted on the inside." I say, slightly embarrassed. Cam chuckles and kisses the side of my head.
"You're so cute cupcake." He says. We continue to walk until Cam starts pulling me towards the haunted house. Oh no. I am terrified of haunted houses. I know they aren't real but I get surprised by the sudden skeletons and ghouls jumping out at me. I was dragged in a haunted house with Kylie one year during Halloween and there were real spiders. They were in glass cages but it was still terrifying to me. I groan internally as we walk through the entrance. I grip Cam's hand tighter. As we walk through the haunted house people start to jump out dressed in ridiculous costumes but as we get further through the haunted house it gets scarier. My eyes search through the darkness, wishing for the end. Something drops from the ceiling and right in front of me, I scream in surprise and grip tighter onto Cam. Cam moves his arm around me and pulls me into his warm embrace, I instantly relax and take deep breathes. It's not real Hailee. Not real. I repeat over and over in my head. As we near the exit I see tons of tiny spider crawling all around us. I shake from fear. I hate spiders. I watch as they slowly crawl towards us then disappear once they touch us. I groan at myself. I should have noticed they were a projection. We finally reach the exit as I breath a sigh of relief as light hits my eyes. I take a step further away from the haunted house when someone jumps in front of me. I scream in surprise. I stare at the man with a chainsaw in his hand and take short breaths, trying to calm down my rapidly beating heart. He takes a slow step towards us, waving his chainsaw in the air. "Don't worry cupcake, I will protect you." Cam whispers in my ear. I hear his laughing. I groan as my face heats up in embarrassment, I pull away from his embrace and keep walking. I can't believe I let myself get so scared of a stupid fake haunted house. I keep walking, too embarrassed to wait for Cam.
"Cupcake! Wait!" I hear Cam shout. I roll my eyes, he doesn't even care that he is yelling that out in a crowd. I keep walking, smiling to myself. This is what he gets for laughing at me.
"Hailee!" I hear him yell. I stop walking and sigh. I turn around to see Cam walking towards me, my hedgehog in his arms. Oh! I must have been so afraid that I dropped him. I walk towards Cam, pulling the hedgehog out of his arms and hugging him to my chest. I look into Cam's eyes and see him looking offended.
"Oh I see. You hug the stuffed animal instead of me." He say, pretending to be upset. I laugh and kiss his cheek.
"Thank you for saving CJ." I say, suddenly thinking of he perfect name for the first gift Cam has ever given me, other than his sweatshirt. Cam looks at me, a curious look on his face.
"Why CJ?" Cam asks. I smile at him.
"It stands for Cameron Junior." I say, since I compared CJ to Cam it seems like a fitting name. Cam smiles and slips his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and squishing CJ in between us.
"I like it. He can protect you when I am not around." He says. I laugh at him, pretending that CJ is real. I look up at Cam. I see him staring down at me with affection in his eyes.
"You are so beautiful. So kind. What did I ever do to deserve you?" He whispers as he stares into my eyes. I open my mouth to say something but no words come out. Cam leans down and kisses my forehead affectionately.
"I'm the lucky one. You've broken down my walls, protected me from my demons (Jerk Face), took care of me when I was sick, you make me feel special, I feel sparks when you kiss me. I never imagined that I could meet someone like you. That I could let myself believe that this is real...that you are real." I whisper, snuggling deeper into his chest. I feel Cam tense. I pull away and look at his face. His face is blank of any emotion.
"What's wrong?" I ask. He looks down at me and shakes his head.
"Nothing. Let's play more games!" He says, forcing a smile on his face. He drags me towards more games. That's weird. I wonder what's wrong with him. I shake my head. I must have read his face wrong. There's no reason for him to be upset with what I said. I feel an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. I shake my head and focus on Cam. I don't want anything to ruin our first date. No insecurities, no bad feelings. Cam drags me to the water gun game. We each sit and take our water guns. You have to spray water into a tiny hole and as the water hits the target it makes your player move closer to the finish line. The buzzer goes off and we start to play. It's harder than it looks to fit the water exactly in the hole. I just continue to focus and try my best. My tongue is slightly pushed out in the corner of my mouth, I only do that out of habit when I am concentrating. When the game ends I look up to see I won.
"Yes! In your face!" I exclaim happily. Cam rolls his eyes at my childish behavior but I see the corner of his lips turn upward. I look at the wall of prizes. I look over at Cam.
"Pick whatever you want." I say, teasing him. He raises his eyebrow at me. I smile cheekyly at him. He looks around and points at a bracelet. It was obvious a guys bracelet. It has black beads on it and one white heart. He slips it on his wrist and kisses my cheek.
"Thanks babe." He says. I smile at how corny we are. I doubt he is going to wear that thing, he doesn't seem like the male jewelry type but just for tonight we can be whoever we want. We walk through the carnival, hand in hand and look for something else we would both like to do.
"Cupcake, do you want to go on the ferris wheel?" Cam asks. I stare up at him, admiring his kind face and handsome features. I nod. It was like any normal ferris wheel except it had darker color lights on it, to make it blend in with the theme of the carnival. We walk up the stairs and into one of the seats. We sit side by side as we gaze out at the sky filled with stars. I lay my head on his shoulder, aware at how fast my heart is beating. I never want this day to end.
"Hailee." Cam says. I sit up, surprised at how serious he sounds. He scratches the back of his neck, not meeting my eyes.
"Yes?" I ask, unsure of what is happening. He finally meets my eyes and smiles softly.
"Ever since I met you I have felt things I didn't know I was capable of feeling. You make me want to be a better version of myself. I want nothing more than to protect you, to care for you, to cherish you. You are everything that is good and pure in this world and I don't deserve you. God knows I don't deserve you but I want to spend every waking moment showing you how truly beautiful you are, inside and out." He takes a deep breath and grabs my hand.
"Hailee, Cupcake, will you let me spend every waking moment cherishing you, as my girlfriend?" He asks, so much passion and love in his words. I stare at him, tears filling my eyes. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe Cam wants me to be his girlfriend. I pull him by his shirt and slam my lips on his. I kiss him with everything I have. I pull away and stare into his waiting green eyes.
"Yes. I'd want nothing more than to be yours." I whisper softly so only he can hear. He smiles widely and captures my lips with his. This is exactly how I want to stay. His lips on mine. Cam is my boyfriend and I am his girlfriend. Life could not get any better than this. I wrap my arms around his neck and let myself get lost in the mystery that is Cameron Blake.

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