Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/N I'm thinking of changing the cover photo, if you have ideas please email me at

Cam grips my hand tightly as we move through the cheering crowd. I nervously look around at all the people. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. I shake that thought out of my brain. I can't let Cam go through this alone.

I have to support him, no matter how hard it will be to stand alone and watch him get hurt.  I grip his hand tighter as we weave through the crowd.  We make it towards the makeshift ring and stop.  Cam turns to me and places his hands on my shoulders.

"No matter what you do, do not leave this spot. Don't talk to anyone. Just stay here." Cam says, his eyes filled with worry. I nod and force a smile on my face.

"Don't worry about me, you can't be worrying about me while you fight, you'll get hurt.  I'll stay right here."  I say.  He nods when someone signals him to go up on stage.  I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek.

"Good luck."  I say.  He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"My good luck charm came with me today, I definitely won't lose."  He says, winking at me.  I laugh, his corniness is always adorable. He quickly takes off his shirt.  My eyes widen and my mouth drops open in surprise. 

My eyes train down his chest, admiring the sight before me.  I can hear Cam chuckle but I don't care, I continue to stare, after all he is all mine.  Cam grabs my hand, places his shirt in my hand.  I snap out of my trance and look from his chest to his eyes. 

He chuckles again and leans towards me and places a kiss on my cheek.  As soon as he steps in the ring my heart speeds up in fear.  The world around me silences, all I can see is Cam standing in that ring.  I don't even hear the announcer announce him or his opponent. 

I barley hear the bell ring, signaling that the fight is starting.  I close my eyes as Cam's opponent's fist heads towards his face.  I hear the impact and my eyes snap back open.  I see the other guy stumbling. 

Cam must have dodged his fist.  Cam circles around the guy, his fist raised to block his fist, his face hard, his eyes dark.  This Cam, the one in the cage, is one that I don't recognize, one that looks dangerous.  My mind flashes to Cam smiling at me sweetly. 

How can they be the same person?  Cam's opponent lands a punch to Cam's jaw.  I wince as my heart starts to hurt deeply.  Seeing him hurt, I can't do it.  Cam dodges his opponents second time at trying to hit his ribs.  His opponent quickly recovers and lands a punch into Cam's ribs. I flinch as he stumbles.

Cam's fist swings out and he punches his opponent straight in the jaw.  The guys staggers back as Cam advances towards him, cornering him to the corner of the ring, he punches him repeatedly in the gut, blood comes out of his opponent's mouth.  I close my eyes and try to calm my rapidly beating heart.  Panic rises as Cam's dark expression flashes in my mind. 

I can't watch this anymore.  I'm sorry Cam, I know I said I would stay but I can't.  I turn around, Cam's shirt gripped tightly in my hands.  I push through the cheering crowd, trying desperately to find the exit. I push the door to the exit open and am met with the cool night air.

I take deep breaths, hearing the door slam behind me. I lean against a nearby wall as the events that transpired just moments ago play over and over in my mind. I don't know what exactly I was running away from, seeing Cam get hurt or seeing him becoming someone I don't recognize.  I know that I was the one that wanted to come along but I didn't expect him fighting to effect me this much.

What do I do?  What do I say to Cam when he comes to look for me?  I did not think this through at all.  I should have just stayed home worrying about Cam instead of coming here and trying to prove something to myself.  Trying to prove that I could be the cool girlfriend and accept what Cam is doing for his family but I can't help but worry about how dangerous it is. 

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