Chapter Twenty One

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I stare at Brad from across the cafeteria.  I can't help shake the feeling that something big is coming.  Cam's arm is wrapped around my waist and we are eating lunch with my friends. 
"I had an idea that I thought would be fun for all of us to do."  Cam says, I look over at him curiously.
"We should all go to the Zone, my friends are going to be there tonight and it could be nice for your friends to meet my friends."  Cameron says, looking at me for the last part. 
"That would be fun!  I haven't seen your friends again, it will be nice to catch up with Kate and Zoe.  Would you guys want to come?"  I ask my friends.  They all nod.
"That sounds like fun!"  Kylie says, clapping her hands in excitement.
"Okay! We should all meet around five p.m. and take two cars. Cam's and Jakes. If that's okay with you two?" I ask them. They both nod in agreement. Once the bell rings, signaling the end of the lunch period we had decided all the plans for tonight. To say I was excited would be an understatement. The Zone is a lot of fun and I love to dance, plus it will give me the opportunity to hang out with Cam's friends as well as Xavier, if he is working that night. I walk to my next class with Cam's hand in mine and not a care in the world but just for this moment. I know I have a lot I have to figure out but in this moment all I want to do is forget about it all for a night and go have fun with my friends. I made sure to tell my parents ahead of time that I would be hanging out with friends tonight and spend the night with Kylie. We figured it would be better that way since we are most likely going to be at the Zone for a while and we all don't have school tomorrow. My parents trust me to make the right decisions which means they don't question everywhere I go. I'm sure they would feel uneasy if I told them I was going to a club but I don't drink and neither do my friends. It's okay to be a little bad once in a while, right? Part of me feels guilty though, ever since I met Cam I haven't spent that much time with my family. I will definitely have to set it up so that we have a family movie night soon. I smile to myself as Cam pulls me closer to his body.
"I'm going to come over at 4 p.m. and we will get ready together!" Kylie exclaims.
"Sounds like a plan to me."  I say, smiling at her and waving her goodbye as she walks towards her class which is further down the hall.
"Are you sure it's okay to go out tonight? I don't want you to have to miss work or leave Colby somewhere." I say, looking up at him as we stop in front of our class.
"It's perfectly okay Cupcake. Colby will be with my grandma at the hospital and I have the day off. I think after everything that is going on lately that we could all use some time to relax and have fun." I smile and nod in agreement. He gives me a small peck on the cheek and we head to class.
As I wait impatiently for the last class of the day to end I start thinking about the secret that I am keeping for Cam. I started my job at the grocery store on Monday, it was easy enough and one of my coworkers, Blanca, is very sweet. I don't want to keep anything from him but I'm doing it just so I can buy something nice for him and Colby. He has been so sweet to me and I love him so much that I walk to give him something and Colby is just so adorable that I can't not buy him a toy or something to show that I care for him. I'm planning on telling him as soon as I get paid and I buy his gift. My parents have been picking me up and dropping me off. Sometimes I take the bus as well. It just depends on what shifts they are working. I have to go to work as soon as school ends but luckily, for the plans tonight, I am only working a two hour shift. The bell rings, signalling the end of of the school day, I hope out of my seat and grab all my things, heading towards the parking lot. Spencer is going to give me a ride to work. I am buying him Starbucks for driving me. Even though he refused to accept it, I am still going to buy it for him. I told Cam that I didn't need a ride home and that I would see him when he came to pick us up. Kylie, Cam, and I are taking one car and Jake and Spencer are driving up in Jake's car. Jake wanted Kylie to ride with him but she said she wanted to help me get ready.  I hope out of Spencer's car, promising to buy him Starbucks later and thanking him again.  I quickly head to the bathroom in the store and change into my uniform.  I clock in and start my shift.  I can't wait for tonight.
Hours later Kylie and I are finished getting ready for tonight.  She is wearing a strapless white dress with a creative purple and pink floral pattern with a black band just under her bust and ends just above her knees and I'm wearing a thick strapped dress that is black with orange pink designs all over the dress, a piece of black thread under the bust which you can tie so it fits perfectly, it ends just above my knees. (A/N Pictures above, sorry I am bad at describing dresses)  Her hair is in a french braided ponytail with very light purple eye shadow and a little bush.  She looks unbelievably gorgeous.  I straightened my hair and she did my eye shadow with natural colors and putting on some light eyeliner with my mascara.  We look amazing.  We take a few pictures together until the doorbell rings.  We grab our things and bound down the stairs, I throw open the door to see Cam looking devilishly handsome in a pair of black denim jeans and a black button up long sleeved shirt, which he rolled up to his elbows.  I almost melt just looking at him.  He looks at me, smiling widely.  He grabs my hand and pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me and moves his head in the crook of my neck, sighing.  I hug him back, inhaling his cologne and loving the feeling of his arms around me.  Kylie clears her throat behind us.  We take a step away from each other and I turn around to see her staring at us with her eyebrow raised.  I laugh.
"Now you know how I have felt all this time."  I say, teasing her.  She playfully glares at me and we walk out of the house, I lock the house up behind me.  We all climb into Cam's car and we are on our way to the Zone. Jake and Spencer are going to meet us in the parking lot by the Zone. I smile and click on the radio playing which was playing a love song. I hum along to the song. After some time listening to songs, talking, and playing road games we arrive at the parking lot across from the Zone. Cam opens the passenger door for me and I step out.
"Thank you." I say, kissing his cheek. I look around the parking lot to see Jake's car. Jake and Spencer step out of the car once they see that we arrived.  They walk over to us and almost immediately Jake moves to Kylie's side.  Cam grabs my hand and laces our fingers together.  We all walk towards the club.  Cam knocks on the door with his free hand and waits as the door opens to reveal his friend Damon.  Damon smiles widely as his gaze lands on Cam.
"Cam, Hailee, it's so good to see you guys again!"  He pauses and looks behind us.
"Oh and you brought some friends, come on in."  Damon says, holding the door open for us.  We all walk through the door as the music from inside the club gets louder, I notice as we walk in that instead of having a band today they have a DJ on stage.  Cam navigates through the crowd, paving a path for all of us to walk through.  Once we are inside we head to the bar and wait for Cam to find his friends.   The song finishes up just as I see Cam wave me over.  We all walk over to the little hallway where Cam and his friends stand.  It is a little more quiet than the dance floor but not by much.  The minute I reach them I an engulfed in a hug by the Zoe and Kate.  I laugh and hug them back.  I haven't seen either of them since the first time we met however we have all been texting in a group chat.  I pull away and Andrew gives me a hug next. 
"It's so nice to see you all again!"  I exclaim.  Then I proceed to introduce my friends to Cam's friends.  Kylie and I start talking to the girls while the guys talk to the guys. 
"We have missed you so much Hailee!"  Zoe says, flicking her black hair over her shoulder.  I smile at her.
"I missed you guys too, I'm sorry that I haven't come to see you guys sooner."  I say.  She waves her hair and dismisses my statement.
"It's okay! All that matters is that you are here now."  Kate says.  Zoe grabs my hand and Kate grabs Kylie's.  The girls pull us back on to the dance floor.  We all start dancing.  The guys eventually join us.  I feel a pair of hands on my hips and I twist around to see Cam smiling at me, his hands land on my hips again and I instantly wrap my arms around his neck.  He pulls me closer and we dance to the beat, my hips shaking to the beat as Cam pulls me closer.  I close my eyes, ignoring my slight embarrassment.  I move my body to the beat, not caring who is looking.  Cam leans closer to me, so close that I can feel his breath on my neck.
"You are so beautiful."  He whispers, in my ear.  Shivers run down my spine.  His hands on my hips feel hotter than before as I look up at his exquisite face, I stop dancing as I am flooded with emotion.  I never could have imagined that I could be this ecstatic with my life.  I stand on the tip of my toes and lean towards him.
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Cameron."  I say, putting more emphasis by using his full name.  I press my lips against his for a quick kiss that still makes my heart jump out of my chest.  The song starts to die out and the guys decided to go get something to drink.  Kylie, Zoe, Kate, and I decide that we want to go check out some of the other doors.  The last time I was here I went into the door which was marked 'Adventure' and met Xavier.  I stop at the door.
"I'll be right back!"  I yell over the music and open the door.  I walk inside to see Xavier looking over towards me.  I smile at him.
"Hi Xavier!"  I say.  His face breaks out in a smile.
"Hailee!  It's so good to see you, what are you doing here?"  Xavier says, walking towards me. 
"I'm here with my friends and Cam.  It's so good to see you too Xavier."  I say.  I see surprise flash in his eyes at the mention of Cam's name.
"Can you take a break real quick?  I'll introduce you to my friends and we can have some fun!"  I say, looking at him with hopeful eyes.  Xavier is a really nice guy and I think it would be great if we could all hang out more.  His eyes wander over to the clock.
"Yeah I have some time, let's go have some fun!"  Xavier exclaims.  I walk out of the door and join the rest of the girls.  I introduce the girls to Xavier and we start walking through the hallway, reading all the doors and trying to decide which to go through.
"Each door has a little shop behind it, the club let's us rent the space and we can do whatever we want with it.  For example, this door,"  Xavier stops at a door that says 'Sweet.'
"Behind this door is a candy store.  You can buy something sweet to eat while you dance."  He says.  Kylie smiles widely and rushes through the door.  That girl is obsessed with all things candy.  I follow through the door, wanting to see all the goodies that the store has inside.  As I walk into the store, I blink as the bright lights hit my eyes.  I look around to see a bunch of clear boxes filled with all sorts of different candy.  I smile and walk over to where the gummy worms are.  I instantly fill up a bag with gummy worms and sour gummy worms.  Yummy.  I walk over to the counter to see that Kylie got her usual favorite white chocolate covered pretzels and chocolate covered raisins.  Zoe got jellybeans, Kate got gummy bears, and Xavier grabbed some laffy taffy.  Once we all paid and headed out we instantly start eating our goodies. 
"Hey!"  A voice yells over the sound of music.  I look over to see the guys making there way towards us.  I smile at them.  Cam moves to my side, Jake to Kylie's, and the rest of the guys surround us.
"Guys, this is Xavier.  Xavier, this is Andrew, Spencer, Jake, and you've met Cam."  I say, introducing them all.  Cam wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer.  Cam clenches his jaw. 
"Hello Xavier."  Cam says, through gritted teeth.  I elbow his side and glare slightly at him.  There is no reason for him to be so rude to Xavier.  Xavier nods at Cam. 
"Let's go check out the other doors!"  Kate exclaims, rushing further down the hallway. I laugh and follow her. She stops in front of a door labeled 'Fun.'  She opens the door and we instantly see a room full of different types of toys and knick knacks.  I stay outside the room, not wanting to spend more money.  I have to save up for Cam's gift. 

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