Chapter Four

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A/N This chapter has been edited on 02/13/2021

Cam and I decided to watch a couple of movies until we had to meet up with our friends. Cam said he didn't want to leave me alone, he wanted to make sure I didn't have a concussion and I am glad for the company. We just finished watching the first movie when I start to feel uncomfortable in my jeans and decided I don't want to be uncomfortable in my own home. I stand and head towards the stairs.

"I'll be right back." I say and Cam nods, taking a sip of his Crystal Light I poured for him. I head upstairs and quickly change into my soft pajama pants with cupcakes all over them. They are my favorites and my want to be comfortable overshot my embarrassment. I head back downstairs and straight to the kitchen. I grab another ice pack from the freezer and walk back to the couch.

Cam's eyes move from the TV to me, his eyes moving down to my pajama pants and a large smile spreads across his face. I stop in my tracks; my heart beat starts to quicken. His wide, genuine, and dazzling smile that makes my heart skip a beat. I shake my head, regaining my composure.

"Not a word." I say, threatening him.

"Whatever you say Cupcake." Cam says, his eyes shine with mischief.

I take a seat next to him and place the ice pack on his ribs, where he was hit before and he winces slightly.

"Don't call me that." I move back to my side of the couch and put my feet up on the coffee table.

"Okay Cupcake." He says holding his ice pack against his bruised ribs.

"Don't call me that Cammy." I say, teasing him. He moves closer to me.

"Don't call my Cammy. It makes me feel like a little kid." Cam says. I reach out and pinch his uninjured cheek.

"Is wittle Cammy upset?" I ask in a little kid voice. He swats my hand away and moves back to his seat, collapsing against the couch.

"Let's just watch a movie." I roll my eyes and stand up from the couch and crouch besides the entertainment center. I open the cabinet to find all my movies. The right side of the entertainment center is for my movies only, it's easier to find them this way.

"What kind of movie do you want to watch next?" I ask.

"I like the kind of movies all guys like." Cam says, giving me sass. I smile and decide to mess with him.

"So romance?" I say. "I'm not surprised. I knew under all that bad boy exterior was a romantic at heart. If it's a romance you want, it's a romance you'll get. The Notebook? A Walk to Remember? Oh who am I kidding? I know you would prefer Twilight, I'll put it in." I tease, reaching for my Twilight DVD that I got for my eleventh birthday when I was obsessed with it.

Suddenly strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me to my feet. I gasp in surprise.

"You should never tease a man about his manhood." He says, leaning closer to me, his mouth just inches from my ear.

"Especially about Twilight." He whispers. I shiver unintentionally. I'm trying not to enjoy his arms around me but it's hard. I'm not used to being this close to a guy that isn't my family or friends especially one so...attractive. I struggle in his arms, trying to break free.

"Cammy, I will hurt your manhood if you don't let me go." I struggle more in his arms and he abruptly let's go of me, when I was still struggling. I lose my balance and start to fall. I reach out and grip Cam's shirt to steady myself but it's too late. I'm falling and I'm taking him with me. My back hits the hardwood floors with a loud thump and Cam lands on top of me, knocking the breath out of me.

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