Chapter Twelve

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A/N This is not what Hailee looks like or her body type, this is just her dress.

I woke up with a bright smile on my face. Last night was unbelievable. Cam and I became boyfriend and girlfriend, I went on an amazing first date, and I got CJ as a gift from Cam. I start to move to get up but something wraps around my waist and pulls me back down on to a warm and comfortable surface. I accidentally elbow the hard surface. I hear and groan and I sit up sightly, staring into the green eyes that I have become so found of. After the amazing date that Cam took me on, he didn't want it to end and neither did I. I came into my house, saying goodnight to my parents and Cam slipped into my house after they went to bed. We cuddled and I had an amazing night sleep. I am not used to sleeping with a guy but Cam never stepped over my limits, it was about comfort and about enjoying each others company. I look at my elbow which is pressed into his ribs. I quickly remove it, placing my hand on Cam's bare chest.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you Cammy." I say, without thinking I lean down and kiss where I hurt him, feeling his warm skin underneath my lips. I hear Cam take a sharp breath. I move away from him, blushing furiously. I look down at Cam to see him staring at me, a look in his eyes that I have never seen before.
"I'm sorry." I whisper, embarrassed. I jump out of bed, wanting to escape my embarrassment. I feel Cam's hand grasp my wrist and pull me back into my bed. I land on top of him, my face inches away from his. He leans towards me and pouts his lower lip.
"You hurt me pretty bad, I think I might need another kiss to make me feel better." He says, leaning towards me. I roll my eyes and pull myself out of his embrace. I stand up, my hand on my hip.
"Is that all I am to you? Just kisses?" I ask. Cam uses his elbow to push himself up as he smirks at me.
"No, of course not." He says. I smile at him.
"You have a really nice body too." He says, slowly looking me up and down. I gasp, my cheeks heating up. He starts chuckling as I playfuly glare at him, pretending like I am not happy he likes my body. No one has ever been so interested in me before. So many guys have given me dirty looks because of my body, it is nice to feel attractive, to feel beautiful and Cam makes me feel beautiful. Cam slides out of my bed and walks over to me, he stops in front of me, towering over me like a giant. I look up at his 6 foot 2 frame and smile at him. He leans down and kisses my lips softly, his hands wrapping around my waist and exploring the one curve I have on my body. I wrap my hands around his neck, my left hand playing with his hair. The kiss turns deeper, hungrier. I feel the heat and desire in the kiss. I had no idea that Cam desired my touch, that anyone could actually like my touch. I love that I have this affect on him. Cam's hand travels up my waist, making my shirt rise as Cam touches my skin. I gasp and jerk away from him. I pull my shirt back down so no skin is showing. I look down at the floor, not meeting Cam's eyes.
"I'm going to get dressed, Kylie should be here soon." I say, grabbing clothes and heading to my bathroom as quick as I can. I can't believe myself. Why am I so insecure that I pushed Cam away? He wasn't even looking at my skin but I know that he could feel the stretch marks. It never occurred to me that Cam and I would become more intimate, I didn't think Cam would ever want to see me that way. It was an innocent gesture, just his hand on my waist but it still made me uncomfortable to have Cam touching my skin, so close to my stomach and full of stretch marks. A tear falls down my face. Why? Why am I so insecure? Why can I feel so happy and beautiful one second and the next I feel gross and big? Tears fill my eyes as a sob escapes my mouth. I cover my mouth, I need to calm down. I can't let Cam hear me. Tears streaming down my face, I slowly slide on to the ground. I hear someone frantically knocking at the bathroom door. My parents have already left for work so that means it is Cam at the door.
"Hailee! What's wrong?" I hear Cam ask on the other side of the bathroom door. I wipe away my tears for them to only be replaced by new ones. Words people used to call me through out my life flash through my mind. I have tried to forget the hurtful words they said, tell myself that I am better than them but there words eat me alive when I am the most vulnerable.
"Cupcake, let me in. Let me help you." Cam pleads. I hear the door knob twist and I look up at the door. Through my blurry eyes I see Cam walk into the room. Cam drops to his knees and embraces me, moving me to sit in his lap. I quickly go to move off him, not wanting to put too much weight on him but his arm tight around my waist stops me.
"What's wrong baby?" He whispers, running his hands through my knotted hair. I press my face into his neck and let out all the tears. I cried and cried until no more tears came out. I hate that I ruined our first day as a couple. I pull away from Cam's warmth and his eyes meet mine. He wipes away my tears.
"What is wrong baby? Talk to me." Cam pleads. I sigh, looking down at my hands.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to push you away, to ruin our day." I say.
"Hey. Hey, look at me." Cam says softly. I refuse to meet his gaze. I feel his hand grasp my chin and raise my head as my eyes meet his.
"You didn't ruin my day, tell me what's wrong. I want to help you." He says softly. I sigh and look deep into his green eyes.
"I don't want to push you away, trust me that's not what I want. I just-I am not used to someone wanting to be with me, you-we were kissing and you were touching my skin-"
"Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to. I wasn't going to push you to do anything." Cam says, interrupting to me. I shake my head and take a deep breath.
"It's not that. I trust you Cam. I just don't like anyone touching so close to my stomach." I say, looking away. Cam pushes me softly off his lap and before I know it, he pushes me onto my back with him hovering over me, careful not to crush me.
"Cupcake..." He whispers, staring into my eyes intently.
"You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?" He asks, his hand trailing along my waist, squeezing softly up and down my side, causing myself to gasp.
"I love your body, you have no idea how much self control I have to have when I am around you. I meant what I said back in your bedroom. Not that it is the only thing I like about you but it is one of the many things I like about you. You're so beautiful and it is not just your appearance, it is your heart. You are so kind, so caring, your heart is beautiful and that makes you ten times more beautiful. You are my beautiful, perfect, amazing, and sweet girlfriend and I am the luckiest guy in the world to call you mine." Cam says with so much passion, so much depth and truth in his eyes. He flips us over so that he is on the ground and I'm on top of him. I normally would be grossed out that we are on my bathroom floor but the look in Cam's eyes is too serious, I don't dare move off him. He looks into my eyes and brushes my hair behind my ear. He kisses my left cheek, then my right, then my forehead, he kisses all over my face as I let my eyes close, enjoying the feeling of sparks all over me. I feel Cam's hands on my waist, his lips land on mine and he groans. He kisses me with such raw passion that my head spins, this kiss isn't like our others, it is hungrier, needier. I can feel all his desire in this kiss. His desire for me. I am so lost in this kiss, that I don't realize I am kissing him just as much desire, that I am showing him just how much I care for him, I'm not embarrassed, I'm not hesitating, I am letting my emotions completely control our kiss. I can feel his still naked chest under my arms. I can feel his hands on my waist, exploring the curve of my body. I pull away, taking deep breaths. After gaining enough air Cam pulls me in for another kiss, this kiss the same as the one before it. Cam presses his lips harder on mine, my mind lost in all that is Cam, my heart beating like crazy, I didn't even notice Cam grabbing the end of my shirt and pulling it up slightly until I felt his hands on my bare waist. I gasp and try to pull away but one of Cam's hands is placed on the back of my neck, gently holding me in place. I stop struggling and let him touch my waist, my stretch marks. He flips us over so he is above me. He breaks our kiss. I take deep breaths, trying to regain my breathing. He straddles my waist as he stands on his knees.  Cam stares down at me, his eyes dark. He pulls my shirt up higher, stopping just above my stomach. I gasp as he stares at my stomach. I move my hands to cover my stomach but Cam grabs my arms.
"Don't...please." He whispers. I stare up at him.
"I want you to see yourself the way I see you." He says, he runs his hands over my stomach, trailing his fingers over my skin. I shiver at the feel of his warm hands on my stomach. I am so embarrassed. I can't believe this is happening. I look up at Cam. I can see him looking down at my stomach with a look in his eyes that can only be described as awe, he is looking at me as if I am the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.  The more he stares, the more uncomfortable I get.  Cam smiles softly at me and pulls my shirt back down.  He stands up and gives me his hand.  He helps me up.  Once I am on my feet I wrap my arms around Cam, hugging him tightly, feeling his back muscles underneath my hands.  He wraps his arms around me.
"Thank you.  I can't believe I was lucky enough to run into you."  I say.  His arms wrap tighter around me and I breath in his comforting smell.  I press my face against his bare chest and blush.  He rubs soothing circles on my back.
"Thank you Cam...thank you."  I say, not knowing what to say.  I feel so many things right now, I can't put them into words.  Cam makes me feel beautiful, he makes me see myself in a different way and words can't describe how grateful I am to have Cam in my life. 

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