Chapter Fourteen

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A/N I am so sorry for the long wait! This was a very difficult chapter to write, took all of my thinking power. Love you all, thanks for reading!

The rest of the week went by in a blur. Kylie and I have been so busy getting everything we need to get ready for winter formal and just spending time together that we have barley seen our boyfriends. We brought Spencer along with us. We used him as our muscle and for his opinion as a guy. Although he was mostly quiet, stealing glances at me. I tried to ask him what was wrong but he refused to tell me. It looks almost as if he was trying to tell me something but he could never find the words. Cam has been distant as well, he has been trying to tell me something but we are rarely alone. It seems as if everyone has to tell me something. It is now Friday and Kylie and I decided to have a sleep over and get ready for Winter Formal together. I am now standing with Cam by Kylie's car.

"I'll see you tomorrow at eight." I say, smiling at Cam. Cam frowns at me.
"Cupcake, there was something I was wanting to talk to you about." Cam says. I look up at him, waiting. Kylie honks her car.
"Come on Hailee! We are going to miss the movie!" Kylie shouts from her car. We were planing on seeing Magic Mike XXL together. I glare at her and turn back to Cam.
"Could it wait until after Winter Formal? We are going to have so much fun! I can't wait!" I say, smiling widely at him. He smiles softly at me and nods.
"Sure. Have fun." Cam says, pecking my cheek. I blush and walk toward the passenger side of Kylie's car. I smile at my incredible boyfriend.
"Try to not miss me too much." I tease. He laughs.
"I always do, whether it's a minute or a day." He says. I smile widely and wave goodbye, climbing into Kylie's car. She pulls away.
"You guys are so cute." Kylie says. I laugh.
"Thanks, you and Jake are really cute together too." I say. She smiles widely. After all that time together, they are still so happy, so in love. I want my relationship with Cam to last that long, hopefully even longer. I know it may be too soon to think about this but I want to be with Cam for a while. He makes me happy, he makes me feel loved, secure, protected. I love the way his green eyes light up when he laughs, the way he looks at me, like I am his whole world. I want to be brave for him. I want to change in positive ways. I want him to be proud to call me his. While I was lost in my thoughts Kylie drove all the way to the movie theater. We got out of her car.
"Jake was jealous when I told him I was coming to see this." Kylie says, laughing. I roll my eyes.
"Guys are so ridiculous, what did he think you were going to do, jump in the movie and marry Channing Tatum?" I say, laughing. She laughs.
"I have no idea but believe his exact words were, 'why do you have to pay money to watch shirtless men dance when I am right here.' I just laughed at him." She says. I laugh.
"That's hilarious!" I say. Suddenly an idea pops in my mind.
"I have a great idea!" I say, I take out my phone. I text Cam.
'Hey! Guess what I am going to a see?' Kylie is watching over my shoulder as I text Cam. I get almost an instant response.
'What?' He texts. I laugh.
'Hot shirtless men, I didn't want to tell you before because you would have gotten mad.' I text back. Kylie laughs. I wait for his reply which is in less than a minute.
'What?! I thought you were seeing a movie with Kylie?!' We laugh and I decide not to answer.
'Cupcake! Answer me! You aren't really going to some strip joint with Kylie, right? You wouldn't do that to me.' My eyes widen. We burst out laughing.
"He should know me well enough to know I wouldn't go do that." I say. I take a picture of the poster of Magic Mike XXL that is outside the theater and send it to him.
'You're so mean Cupcake, making me jealous. I was almost to my car, I was going to drive all over town until I found you.' He texts back. I smile widely at him being jealous, he really cares about me. I shake my head, sending him a kissy face and putting my phone away. Kylie and I buy our tickets to the movie and our snacks.

Cam's POV

Football practice is especially difficult for me today. Every time I would see Brad I had to hold myself back from punching him. He would look at me every now and then and smirk. Spencer is glaring at me, he does not say anything but I can feel the hatred for me coming off in waves. I don't blame him. I hate me too. Hailee's face pops into my mind, her eyes full of tears as she asks me why I did it, why I betrayed her. Someone hits me hard and I fall on my back, getting the wind knocked out of me. I hear coach blow his whistle.
"You have to pay attention Blake!" He screams. I was so lost in my thoughts about how disgusting I am that I didn't noticed one of my fellow teammate advancing towards me. I go to sit up and regain my breathing. It was a really good tackle. I stand up. How can I be so stupid?! I am going to wreck the best thing that has ever happened to me. I take off my helmet.
"I don't feel good." I tell coach.
"What? Tough luck, get back out there." Coach says. I shake my head and walk towards the locker room, ignoring the calls of Coach and my teammates. I have to tell Hailee the truth, it would be better if she heard it from me then from Brad. I quickly change back into my normal clothes and walk towards my car. I sigh and bang my head on my steering wheel. This knot in my chest won't go away.

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