Chapter Thirty Six

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A/N Sorry this took so long!

My eye lids flutter open, my vision blurry, a throbbing pain emitting from my wound. I blink my eyes a couple of times and when they finally focus I see I'm in a dark room, bare walls, an empty room, my hands tied behind my back and my ankles tied together by rope. I'm sat in a uncomfortable wooden chair and duct tape covering my mouth. Panic rises through me.

No one knows where I am. How did this happen? I'm just a girl, a normal girl, how did I end up getting kidnapped by a ex-con?! They are looking for me, right? Cam will do everything in his power to find me, I know he will and the cops showed up, they will be looking for me, professionals will be looking for me, right?

I struggle in my binds and the dig further into my wrists and ankles. A lump forms in my throat as I try to fight back tears. I'm going to get out of this. Maddox wouldn't kill me for revenge on Cam, right? The door slams open and I blink at the sudden harsh light.

"Good morning sleepy head." Maddox says, walking further in the room, leaving the door open. He moves out of the doorway, letting me see outside. All I see is green, trees, nothing but trees as far as I can see.

"Where am I?" I ask, keeping my voice strong. He chuckles, waving his hand to the open door, the knife in his hand glinting as the sunlight hits it. My pulse spikes up as fear courses through me.

"Somewhere far, far away, where he will never find you." He smiles wickedly. He walks towards me, his eyes assessing me up and down. He shakes his head.

"Nope, this isn't going to work, you need to look more...defeated." I gulp nervously, scared out of my mind. He crouches down, more at my eye level now.

"Now I just want you to know, I take no pleasure in what I'm about to do. It is an...unfortunate necessity to get my revenge, the pain he will receive will be far worse then if I did this to him instead." Tears start streaming down my cheeks, fear overwhelming every sense of my being. This is it, isn't it? Maddox stands and grasps my shirt, tearing the collar effortlessly to reveal the nape of my neck and part of my chest. He presses the cold steel of the knife to my exposed skin.

"Feel free to scream loudly, don't hold back, no one can hear you anyway." He states before slashing roughly at my skin. I scream out in pain and agony.

"W-Why? I didn't do anything wrong." I gasp out. I hate that I'm giving him the satisfaction but maybe if I plead, he will see me as I am, an innocent person.

"The moment you decided to be his girl friend, it was all leading to right here. The moment I knew about you, was the moment my revenge plan changed. You have no one to blame but yourself." With that he slashes the knife across my leg just above the knee. I scream and cry as blood drips down my chest, down my leg, the pain unbearable.

"That should do it, now for the final touch." The bastard says. He swipes his hand across the wound on my leg, getting my blood on his hand. I groan in pain. He grasps my neck, making my eyes widen but he doesn't squeeze. He pulls back, he used the hand with my blood on it. He put his bloody hand print on my neck. This is all for show.

"Perfect." I am shaking violently from fear, adrenaline, and pain. Pain and anger is all I feel.

"Screw you. I hope you rot in hell, bastard." He smiles and puts his hand on my head, rustling my hair.

"Feisty, too bad I couldn't make you my girl." He says, taking a few steps back, throwing his knife on the ground, my blood still dripping from the blade. He pulls out his phone and points it at me. This sick bastard is going to send a picture of me to Cam. He has to know he can't keep me forever. I take a deep breath, trying to breathe past the pain.

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