Chapter Twenty Three

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I stare down at the Colby, who is currently sleeping soundly in my bed.  I convinced him that I had talked his brother into having a nap at my house, I did not want to worry him.  I check my phone, still no word from Cam and it was well past three p.m.  Where could he be, he has been M.I.A. for seven hours?  After I found out he wasn't at his house, I even had my dad drive by the mechanic shop where he worked and he wasn't there either.  I grab my mom's car keys, the car they let me use as long as they weren't using it.  I head over to the living room where my parents are watching a movie.
"I'm going to look for Cam, can you please watch over Colby for a little while?"  I ask.  Mom nods, a worried look on her face.
"I hope Cameron is alright."  Mom says.  I sigh.
"I hope so too."  I say, heading towards the door.  Just as the front door is about to close I hear my dad say something.
"I knew this guy was no good for her, he disappears and makes her worry." I sigh and get in the car, pulling out onto the road.  I have to find Cam and then I have to try to convince my dad that Cam isn't a horrible guy.  I don't even know where to look him.

Cam's POV

As I open my eyes, I squint as the bright light hits them. I sit up as my head pounds in pain. What happened? I look around my room and wince as the pounding in my head worsens. I stumble out of bed and into my bathroom. I gasp at my own reflection. I have a black eye and there is a huge bruise forming on my jaw. How long have I been out? I rush back into my room and grab my phone. I see several missed calls and text messages. I groan. This wasn't supposed to happen. I had another fight last night and when I won, I got another and another. I knew it was getting late but I really need the money. I ended up rolling into bed, bruised, sore, and tired around five a.m. I took some ibuprofen and told myself that I would take a short nap then go get Hailee for school. I even set an alarm, which obviously did not work. How could I have been asleep for this long? I see a missed call from Colby's day care. Oh no! I can't believe that I fell asleep for that long. I rush and grab my keys and my jacket, heading out the door. Where would they have taken Colby if I didn't pick him up? The police station? God I hope not. I don't know what would happen to him if they sent him there. Would they take him away from me? Fear shot through me as I open my car door. That cannot happen. A hand lands on my shoulder, making me jump in surprise and I turn around to the sight of my beautiful girlfriend with a look of complete relief on her face. Hailee stares at my face and gasps.
"What happened to you?!" She exclaims.
"I'm sorry Cupcake, I'll explain later, I have to go find out where the daycare took Colby." I say, rushing into my car, too worried about my brother to say goodbye.
"Wait!" She yells, grabbing the car door before I could shut it.
"Colby is at my house. The daycare called me when you didn't show up." She says. I sigh in relief and slide out of my car. I pull her into my arms and sigh in relief.
"Thank you." I say, sighing in relief.

Hailee's POV

I reach out and touch his face, softly brushing my thumb against his bruised jaw, careful not to hurt him. Saddens sweeps through my body as I stare at his beat up face.
"What happened Cam? Did you get in another fight with Brad?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"Let's not worry about this right now."  Cam says, pulling away from me. I stare at him shocked.
"Cam, what happened?" I ask again. His face is bruised and battered and he wants to talk about it later? Who did this to him?!  He backs away from me.  He stays silent.  I take a step towards him.  I notice the hesitant look on his face.
"Cam are yo-" 
"Hailee, just drop it."  He says, interrupting me, his voice filled with slight annoyance. His words harsh.  I flinch, surprised.  Cam has never spoken harshly to me.  He even called me Hailee instead of Cupcake. I shake my head, frustrated. All I wanted to know was who hurt him. I spent all day worrying about him and stressing over it and he can't even give me an explanation. What was so wrong with wanting to know what happened?! Why he disappeared? I sigh angrily and walk back to the car.
"Cupcake-" I laugh dryly. Now he calls me Cupcake.
"I'll go grab your brother and bring him home. Don't worry. I won't bother you with questions anymore." I say, climbing inside and starting the engine.

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