Chapter Twenty Two

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Cam's POV

It is a bright and sunny morning, the sun is shining directly on to my face, I put on my hat so I am shielding from the harsh light as I walk towards what could be the biggest mistake of my life.  I can't believe I agreed to do this.  I shake my head and sigh at my own stupidity.  How could I do this?  Hailee is not going to like this at all.  I have to do this for my family and all I can do is hope that she understands. I walk into the lock room at the ring. I change into my workout clothes, not really knowing what else to wear except for basketball shorts and a T-shirt.  I shove my things into a locker and make my way to the sign in desk. I look around the abandoned building that they created a secret fighting ring inside of and wonder how no one has found out about this place.  All the new fighters have to sign up with their name or the name they want to be called and place the money for entry. The one who wins, gets to stay and fight as a regular and gets more money. I hesitantly place the money down on the table. It always makes me nervous handing over money for no reason. The man at the table with a balding hairline hands me a number. He explains that the number is the order to when I get to fight. He goes on to explain that there is only one rule, no outside weapons. Each guy here is going to fight one other person and all the winners get to make this a regular thing, the more you win, the more money you get paid. I look down at my number, five. It looks like I won't have to wait that long to fight and get out of here. I look around the crowded room and notice a small section of the room is where the spectators place their bets. A bell rings loudly and the noise goes down slightly. I look towards the ring to see a man with a microphone in the center of it.
"Place the last of your bets now! The shows about to begin and remember that if anyone tells the police where we are located that they will have to deal with our champion, the Hulk. Now that the boring part is over, let's begin! Number ones come down to the ring!" The man announces. Two men enter the ring, one is so muscular that it looks like the veins in his arms are going to explode at any moment, he has a bald head and is very tall and tan, he reminds me of the Rock. The other man standing at the other corner of the ring is less in comparison. He looks completely nervous at seeing who his opponent is, the sweat is already glistening off his forehead as he moves his dark hair out of his eyes. He is tall, which for his sake, I hope he can use. His white skin seems to be getting paler by the second.
"First fight for today, in this corner," The announcer says, pointing to the man that looks like Dwayne Johnson,
"Weight 260 pounds, this is his fifth time fighting here, so far undefeated, give it up for Titus!"  Titus huh, firing name for the huge man. 
"In the other corner weighing 200 pounds, his first time fighting here, give it up for Andrew!"  The announcer yells.  They obviously don't use the same weight class here.  I didn't expect any less from an underground fight club.  I'm eyes trail to the scared looking Andrew, whose name is not even in comparison to Titus'.  The announcer exits the ring and shortly after the fight begins. One round later and Andrew was knocked out and the crowd was going wild, cheering for Titus. I can only hope that my opponent isn't as huge as Titus is, I'm not sure that I can take a guy that size, I'll need much more practice. I'm just an amateur. I make my way towards the stage and into the ring. Before I know it, the fight has begun. I was so focused on the size of my opponent that I didn't listen to them announce us. The man, Zeke, who is currently advancing towards me, a look of pure hate in his eyes, is smaller compared to Titus but definitely bigger than me. His fake tanned biceps are twice the size of mine. I start to access him more, trying to find a visible weakness, when his fist comes rushing towards me, hitting me square in the jaw. I stagger back, surprise, my jaw aching in pain. I shake my head, I need to focus, I need this money. I throw my fist out just as Zeke, dodges it by ducking under my arm and punching me in the rib cage. I fall back, my back hitting the ground. I quickly get back up, swinging fiercely right at his face. My fist hits his jaw and he staggers back, I quickly grab him and slam him against the ring, backing him into a corner. I punch him again and again in the rib cage, letting my anger towards Brad fuel me to win this fight. Zeke lands a punch on my shoulder, my body twisting around and landing on the ground. Zeke gets down on the ground, holding me down with his weight and punching my face again, blood spurts out of my mouth as I struggle to get him off of me, I cover my face, trying to block the punches. With my other arm I swing out my fist, hoping it will connect with something. I hear him grunt in pain and the weight on me decreases. I stand up, seeing a disoriented Zeke on the ground of the ring. I managed to hit him just right. I get on top of him, pinning him down. The announcer counts to five and the fight is over. I can't believe it, I won!

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