Chapter Seventeen

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A/N Happy belated Valentine's Day! I hope you all have Cam's in your lives (maybe Spencer's) and if not you will! I believe it! It's going to get a little steamy. (Just a courtesy)
I giggle and squirm around.  Cam's arms are wrapped around me as he showers my face with kisses.  I smile widely and squirm in his arms.
"Stop!"  I exclaim.  Cam laughs.
"You think you are going to get away?"  Cam asks, he softly pushes me down so my back is against his bed and he is hovering over me.  Cam stares down at me, smirking.  Before I met him I didn't even think that was possible.  I gulp as I stare at his expression, serious with wanting deep in his eyes.  I blush furiously as he leans down closer to me.  His lips meet mine as he hungrily kisses me.  He kisses me with pure love and want that makes me nervous.  He has been kissing me so much since he confessed to the entire school that I was his girl.  I was so surprised that he did that for me.  When I first heard him speaking in front of the entire school I thought he was lying but everything he said up there convinced me he was telling the truth.  When he told me he loved me I almost fainted.  I kept asking him if he meant it before I told him I loved him too.  He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance.  I shyly open my mouth and he deepens our kiss.  My heart beat quickens as I wrap my arms around Cam, feeling his bare chest under my hands and push him off me.  I laugh at his astounded expression and climb on top of him and straddle his waist.  I smile down at him, attempting to be cute.  I trail my finger across his chest.  He shivers.  I look down at him and smile.
"You've never really taken the initiative before."  Cam says.  Maybe I'm imaging it but his voice sounds slightly deeper.  I blush deeper especially knowing he is half naked under me.
"I'm very shy, you know that.  This is hard for me but I love you and I want to show you what you mean to me.  Just like you did in front of everyone in school."  I say.  Cam smiles widely and reaches up and cups my cheek lovingly.
"You are so cute.  I'm in love with you, not because you push yourself past your shyness but because you're shy and because you're you."  He says.  Tears well up in my eyes and I lean down and kiss him with all I have.  He wraps his arms arm my waist and pull me completely against him.  Normally I would be insecure but I know that Cam loves me. Completely. Just like I love him. His hands rest on the exposed part of my torso as he kisses me harder.
"Bubba?" A small voice says. I quickly separate from Cam but I lose my balance and fall hard on the floor. I groan and try to regain my breathing. I look over to see Colby pushing his brothers door open.
"Hai hai, why are you on the floor?" Colby asks, rubbing his eyes. He just woke up for his nap. Cam asked me over today to help babysit his adorable little brother. I smile at his nick name for me and his cuteness. Cam looks down at me.
"Are you okay babe?" Cam asks. I nod and sit up. Colby runs at me and climbs into my lap, laying against my body. Aw!!! Cam scowls at his little brother.
"Stop trying to steal my girl friend." Cam says. I smile.
"Jealous of a little boy. Tsk, tsk." I say. Colby smiles up at me.
"I'm way mowe pwetty than bubba, right Hai Hai?" Colby asks, I smile widely and kiss him on his chubby cheek.
"Of course." I say.
"Hey!" Cam exclaims. I laugh. Cam stands up and grabs a t-shirt and slips it on.
"Let's go make you some food and you can watch your show." Cam says. Colby cheers and walks out with his big brothers room. Cam looks over at me.
"You stay right there." He says. I nod and he walks out. They are so adorable together. I look around Cam's room. It's actually cleaner than I thought it would be but part of me believes that because he knew he was going to invite me over.  I close my eyes and think back to what had just happened.  I was on top of Cam who was half naked and whom I love and I was more nervous then I would like to admit.  I know that Cam won't do anything that I'm not ready for, which I am definitely not ready but shouldn't I be making more progress? Shouldn't I be able to kiss him without blushing?  I did make some progress, that much I know, but it makes me worried that I'm holding Cam back.  I'm new to all this but at least I know that we love each other and I know Cam will be patient. After a while of waiting for Cam he comes back into the room with two grilled cheese sandwiches on a plate. I smile and climb onto hi bed, putting my back against the wall as he sits beside me. He wraps one arm around my waist and takes a bite of his grilled cheese with the other.
"I made one for you too my lady." Cam says, holding out the plate. I take it and thank him, taking a bite. I look over at my lovably adorable boyfriend and say the thing that has been nagging me since he told me he really did love me at the assembly earlier this afternoon.
"Cam, I love you. I will never get sick of saying that but there is something I have to know before I can begin to fully trust you again." I say. If I never get this off my chest I won't be able to return to normal with him if I don't know everything. Cam looks over at me with guilt in his eyes.
"I'll tell you anything you want to know. I swear no more secrets, from now on there's no one and nothing else besides us in this relationship. It's you and me Cupcake for now and hopefully forever." Cam says wholeheartedly, kissing my cheek. I set the grilled cheese down and look over at him.
"Why did you do it? Why did you agree to make me fall in love with you for money? I like to think I know you but truthfully I don't know a lot about your personal life but I do know that isn't like you to do something so cruel to a person you didn't even know." I say. Cam avoids my eyes but I can see the frown on his face. I didn't want to make him upset but I need to know why.
"When Colby was born, my mother died during child birth. There was a complication and she had to chose whether she lived or the baby, they couldn't save both so my mom chose Colby. That's just the kind of woman she was. She loved me to death and she loved Colby. All she wanted was for us to be healthy and happy. She always called us her shining suns (pun intended). She loved Colby from the moment she found out she was pregnant. I love her so much. My father was a man who did not deserve her. He left when I was two months old, saying he couldn't put up with being a father. Never seen him since. Colby and I have different fathers but no matter what he is still my brother. Colby's father is way better than mine. He and my mom met when she was working as a waitress. He was in the army on leave and he was her customer. They dated and fell in love. They dated for two years when mom found out she was pregnant. They were so happy, I was happy. I was finally going to have a family. Colby's dad, Jeremy loved me like I was his own. We were all going to be so happy until he got called for another tour.  He died in Afghanistan.  My mom again was alone and pregnant.  The moment she died my grandmother took us in.  She raised my brother from a baby and me from a rebellious pre teen.  I was angry at the world and I took it out on her.  Even through all of that she raised us and provided for us by working day in and day out.  She would work all day and still make time to play with us at night.  She is my only family, except for Colby, that I have left.  She is so sweet and loving, so kind.  I love her so much.  But when I was about to be a freshman we found out she had cancer.  Stage two. At first she didn't tell me because I was still young and she hadn't showed any symptoms. She went into her treatments in secret but I eventually found out when I came home from school one day and she had collapsed onto the floor. Apparently she collapsed because of a side affect of the chemotherapy. As time progressed she wasn't getting any better so they moved her into the hospital, Colby and I were sent to live with my mothers old best friend and her family because my grandmother couldn't take care of us anymore. Grandma took a turn for the worst and we moved back into her house, at that time I was old enough to watch over Colby and live on my own but the hospital bills keep stacking up. I needed to do something to get money. Her insurance covers a lot but not enough for us to survive on top of all our other bills. If it keeps going down this path she'll get kicked out of the hospital and I'd rather quit school and work as many jobs as I need than let them kick her out, I lucky I even have a car, I got it from my grandma, it was her car but she can't drive anymore and she knew I would need it to pick up Colby and go to my part time job but I don't make enough just being a part time mechanic.  When I showed up at school and Brad offered me the money, I knew it was horrible but I didn't see any other choice.  I'm so sorry for agreeing to break your heart but I'm so happy I met you."  Cam says, so many emotions displayed on his face through out his story.  Sadness fills me as I hear his tragic story.  He was left all alone in the world, no parents, just him, his brother, and his grandma and fate became cruel by giving her cancer.  I move closer to him and wrap my arms around him.
"I'm so sorry Cam.  I understand why you did it, it wasn't right but I understand.  I forgive you."  I say.  Cam lays his head down on my shoulder and I rub his back soothingly. 
"It will be okay.  We will figure out a way to get money for your grandmother.  I'll do anything I can to help you."  I say.  Cam hugs me tightly.
"I love you so much Cupcake."  He says.  Love is filling me completely.  I never thought it would come to this.  I never thought that it would be possible for Cam and I to get back together, I never thought it was possible that Cam would tell me that he loves me. 
"I love you."  I say.  I pull away from Cam and grab his hand and our sandwiches. 
"Let's go play some games with your adorable little brother."  I say.  After all we are supposed to be babysitting and all we are doing is spending time together in his room.
Cam parks in his parking space and looks over at me.  I look at the huge school building in front of me.  How will people react after the other day?  I guarantee I'll get a lot of glares from girls. I'm nervous to go inside. Cam grabs my hand and squeezes it tight.
"It's going to be okay. No reason to be nervous. I'm right here with you." Cam says, reassuring me.  We both step out of his car and he rushes over to my side. Cam grabs my hand and reassurance floods through me.  I spot Spencer, Kylie, and Jake at the entrance. Kylie waves over at us. She walks quickly towards me and hugs me tightly. 
"I'm so happy for you."  She whispers in my ear.  I smile widely.  Jake and Spencer smile at me.  I can do this.  I have my friends, I have Cam.  I can brave the world as long as these people are beside me.  We all walk through the open doors and instantly many eyes are on Cam and I.  Cam pulls me closer to his side, encasing me in his warmth.  Kylie and Jake have lockers in different halls then the rest of us so we say our goodbyes and promises to see each other later. I head to my locker, pulling Cam with me and Spencer trailing behind us. I spin in my combo and let go of Cam's hand to grab my binder. Cam immediately grabs it from my hands.
"I can carry that." Cam says. I smile.
"Why thank you, you're very kind." I say in a proper sounding voice. I laugh at myself. Cam smiles softly at me.
"I'm going to go to class." Spencer says. I turn to look over and him and smile.
"Okay. I'll see you later." I say. He nods and walks away. Cam and I walk towards our first class. The one where Brad (Jerk Face) and Makayla are in.  Cam walks towards the door but I pull him back. 
"I don't understand.  I'm scared.  Why does Brad hate me so much that he would pay someone to break my heart?  I'm afraid of what lengths he is willing to go to ruin my life." I say, voicing my concerns to Cam.
"I won't let him hurt you. If he is planning anything I will stop him. You can rely on me." Cam says. I look up at him and nod. I'm so happy to have him by my side.  Cam walks through the door first and we make our way to our seats. I'm so happy I can hardly contain myself. The minute I sit down Cam laces his fingers through mine.  I smile and lean my head down on his shoulder. 
"I'm so happy I have you back. I promise I'll never let you go again."  Cam whispers to me. I blush. Our teacher comes into the room and the class starts to quiet down.  I look over to see two girls looking over at us and whispering.  I'm a little embarrassed but this is what is going to happen after Cam declared his love for me in front of the school.
"Before I start the lesson I'd like to introduce you to a new student." Our teacher says. A girl steps to the front. Wow. She's really pretty. Her shoulder length blonde hair shine brightly, her blue eyes shine bright, her make up is down perfect and her smile is very pretty. She stands in front of the class facing her small figure in the direction of the class.
"Hi! I'm Aimee it's nice to meet you." She says chirpily. Yeah she is definitely going to be popular. Her eyes scan the classroom and she spots someone and smiles brighter. I look over the classroom but I'm unable to see who she is looking at. I do notice almost all the guys are staring at her. I look beside me at Cam to see him looking over at me. He smiles softly. I quickly look around to make sure no one is looking and place a small peck on his cheek.  He looks surprised and leans towards me. 
"Who are you?"  He whispers teasingly.  I laugh. It's true that I have become more outgoing since I met Cam. I just wink back at him as the teacher begins our lesson. It is still awkward doing things like this but I'm slowly starting to get used to it. I would rather feel awkward then feel nothing at all.
I head to my fourth period class with only one thing on my mind. Cam. Without him by my side my mind weighs heavy on the subject of his grandmother. He had to take on the responsibility of the bills and his little brother when he should be calm in his last year of high school. He shouldn't have to worry about bills and losing his home when his grandmother is in the hospital. He can't just worry about her but everything.  I accidentally bumped into someone.
"I'm sor-"  I start to say but as I look up I see I bumped into Brad. 
"I'm sorry."  I say.  A thought occurs to me and I grab Brad's arm, pulling him somewhere where we can talk.

Cam's POV

I twist my pencil through my fingers.  I'm so bored, this class is all just lectures.  I sigh and put my head down, waiting for it to be over. 
"Cameron."  Someone whispers.  I look over to see one of my classmates looking at me.
"What?"  I ask her.  I don't even know her.  She's just another one of the people who try to push themselves closer to me.  She is just into my surface, not what's under. 
"Are you sure your precious girl friend isn't cheating on you?  I saw her pulling Brad into one of the abandoned classrooms the next hall over."  She says, smiling with fake sweetness.
"What?!"  I exclaim. 
"Want to date me instead?"  She asks but I just ignore her.  I grab my things and rush out of the classroom ignoring the yells of the teacher.  I jog the through the hall.  I see the door to the empty classroom open just an inch.  I reach for the handle, having ever intent to rip it open and get that monster away from my girl but I hear some thing that stops me dead in my tracks.
"I want you to give Cam the money you promised him.  He did what you asked.  He made me fall in love with him, he even broke my heart.  There was nothing in your deal that said he couldn't be with me in the end."  Hailee says.  What is she doing?!  Is she crazy?  Pulling a guy like him into an empty classroom and asking for the money that I was supposed to be given for breaking her heart. Her selflessness is another reason I fell in love her.
"There's no way I'm paying him the money! If I knew that he would fall in love with you I would have thought of a different way to torment you but I stupidly thought there was no way he would fall in love with you. I can't believe that someone like Cameron Blake fell in love with someone like you. It just proves that there's something wrong with him. Instead of tormenting you I think I'll do it to Cameron as well. I'll make him realize that being with you is the biggest mistake of his life." Brad says.
"Don't you dare do anything to Cam! He doesn't have anything to do with this. Whatever this is it is between you and me. You can hate me, torment me, slap me, kick me, insult me but none of that matters because no matter what you do to me I will always be happy. I have amazing friends, family, and an amazing boyfriend. No matter what you do you cant take away my happiness." Hailee says, raising her voice at him. Pride fills me, she really has grown and learned how to stand up for herself. I also feel rage, I would never let her get abused by that monster.
"Do you want to bet?! I know things that could destroy your life. I could ruin you without a second thought." Brad says, his voice filled with anger. I burst through the door and both their heads look my way. I stand in front of Hailee, blocking Brad's view of her.
"You aren't going to do anything to Hailee. You can try but I will always be here to protect her. You will never do anything to Hailee again." I say, glaring at him. He smiles smugly at me.
"Well if it isn't the white knight himself, have you come to save your pig princess? It's really a waste Cameron, you and I could have had a lot of fun together. You and I aren't really that different." Brad says. My hands grip into fists.
"I'm nothing like you. I suggest you get as far away from Hailee and I before I make sure you can never play football again." I say angrily. I hate Brad with everything in my bones. Why can't he just leave Hailee alone?! Why does he even hate her so much?! Every time he gets near her it makes me want to punch him. I will protect Hailee with everything I have. No matter what it takes, I will not let him hurt her again. Brad chuckles and heads towards the door.
"Bye freaks. Remember Cam, if you ever want to be with a real woman and not a pig, I'll hook you up with Makayla." Brad says, walking out. My fists clench tighter as I start to shake with anger. I walk towards the door, ready to yell at him but Hailee grabs my arm.
"Just forget about it Cam. He doesn't get to me anymore." She says. I turn around and pull Hailee towards me. I wrap my arms around her waist. I sigh and close my eyes, breathing in her wonderful smelling perfume.
"I can't believe you put yourself in that situation, what am I going to do with you?" I say. She grips me tighter.
"I'm sorry. I know it was stupid of me to be alone with him but I know you need the money for your grandmas hospital bills and it is unfair of Brad to go back on his deal. Not that I'm surprised." She says, sighing. I kiss her head.
"It's okay. You don't have to worry about me. I'll find a way to earn more money. Everything's going to be okay. Grandma is getting better and I have amazing family, friends, and a beautiful girl friend. That's all that matters." I say, meaning every word. Hailee hugs me tighter.
"Thank you for coming to save me." She whispers.
"Always." I say, kissing her deeply.

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