Chapter Six

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A/N This chapter has been edited. 02/15/2021

I wake up to the sound of someone talking.

"I promise sir." A male voice says. My eyelids flutter open, the bright light, blinding me for a moment.

"Good, the last thing I want is for my daughter to get hurt." A familiar voice says. Dad?

"I would never hurt her." The male voice says.

My eyes scan the living room to see Cam is no longer beside me and Kylie, Jake, and Spender are still asleep.

I stand up shivering from leaving my warm comforter and adjust my pajamas. I follow the voices and find Cam and my dad sitting at the table in the dining room. They both have a cup of coffee in their hands.

Luckily Cam has a shirt on again, my dad would not have liked him walking around without it on, not around me. I walk into the dining room and towards Dad.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask, giving Dad a kiss on his cheek. Dad smiles, a knowing smile.

"Nothing really, just getting to know your new friend." Dad says.

"Did you sleep okay?" Dad asks.

"The best sleep of my life." I mumble under my breath. It is true, I didn't wake up a single time last night. I see Dad didn't hear me but Cam on the other hand did by the slight smile

"Can I have a moment alone with Cameron, to finish our conversation?" Dad asks. I nod, thoughts of what they would be talking about run through my mind.

"I'll get you some more coffee." I say, grabbing their cups. Dad smiles.

"Two-" Dad starts but I interrupt.

"Two sugars and a shot of creamer."

"Thanks sweetie."

"What do you like in your coffee?" I ask Cam.

"Black please." Cam says.

"Thanks." Cam says.

I nod again and walk into the kitchen. I pour two cups of coffee and fix my dad's and then Cam's. I wait impatiently for Dad to call me back. I really want to know what they are talking about but the hum from the refrigerator was drowning out their voices.

Dad calls for me and I grab their cups, walking back into the dining room. I place the cups in front of them and Dad grabs his cup and stands.

"Your mother is upstairs getting ready and I'll be making you guys some breakfast. Why don't you wake up the others?" Dad says.

I see Cam with a mischievous smile on his face. Oh no. Cam stands and rushes to the living room. I follow him quickly to see him grabbing Jake's feet and pulling Jake out of his blankets.

I laugh and do the same to Kylie. Kylie gasps starts squirming. I laugh and let her go, moving to Spencer, grabbing one of his feet and Cam grabbing the other. We pull, making him fall off the couch. Cam and I laugh loudly.

"What the hell?!" Spencer exclaims. Our friends glare at us.

"My dad's making breakfast." I say running away from my irritated friends.

Soon breakfast is over, we all clean up and my friends leave one by one until it's just Cam left. He was having a long conversation to my dad about football when I decided to start getting ready for the day.

I take a shower and decided to dress up today. I get dressed in a blush pink dress with long sleeves and a sweetheart neckline with black tights. I grab my black three inches heels and slip them inside.

I'm dressing up for myself, just for fun, it has nothing to do with Cam, who is still downstairs but I know I'm lying to myself. I want to look pretty for Cam, I want him to see me in more than my normal plain outfits and my cupcake pajamas.

I walk down the stairs, very carefully. I walk towards the living room, my heels clicking on the floor. Mom and Dad are sitting on the couch alone, watching a recording of Hell's Kitchen. Dad's gaze lands on me and he smiles.

"You look very beautiful sweetheart." Dad says. I smile and thank him. Maybe Cam is still in the dining room?

"Cameron left a little bit ago after he received a phone call. He said he's sorry and he'll talk to you later." Mom explains. My heart stings from disappointment. I can't believe he left without saying goodbye. I hope everything is okay. I sigh, kick off my heels, and join my parents on the couch.

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