Chapter Twenty

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I stand in front of Cam's house, lifting my hand to knock on his door.  My mind is still whirling at the events that transpired last night.  I don't know what Brad is planning but it can't be good.  I struggled to sleep last night, too much was on my mind. Why was he at my house? What can he be planning? Should I tell Cam?  The door opens to reveal Cam looking incredibly handsome in his football uniform.  He smiles widely and all my worries melt away.  I throw my arms around Cam and bury my face in his chest. He chuckles, making his chest vibrate as he wraps his arms around me. 
"I missed you too Cupcake."  Cam says, hugging me tighter.
"Cam, we need to talk about something."  I say.  He pulls away and looks at me with confusion.
"Did I do something wrong?"  Cam asks.  I giggle.
"No."  I say.  He releases his breath out as if he was holding it in. 
"Let me get Colby and we can talk after I drop him off at daycare." He says. I nod and wait by his car for him to bring out his brother and the rest of his things.  I lean against his car, waiting patiently as the cold air wraps around me.  Cam walks out, holding Colby's hand and holding his football bag in his other hand.  Colby smiles widely and runs over to me.  I lean down as he runs into my arms.  I hug him close to me.
"Hi Colby, I missed you!"  I say, smiling and I kiss his chubby cheek.  I lift him up and Cam opens the door.  I place Colby in his car seat and buckle him up. I grab his hands and pretend like I'm going to nibble them. He giggles and I smile and kiss his cheek. I sit down in the passenger seat. Cam pulls out of the driveway and starts driving towards Colby's day care.
"I wanna go with you guys! I no wanna go to miss Faith's!" Colby screams in the back. Cam looks through his rear view mirror at his little brother and smiles gently.
"You need to go to daycare Colby or Miss Faith will be sad plus I have to go to work and practice."  Cam says, trying to soothes his younger sibling. He frowns but agrees. We pull up to Colby's daycare and Cam steps out of the car and unbuckles his brother. 
"Hai hai take me!"  Colby screams.  Poor thing is probably sleepy so he's getting cranky.  I smile and step out of the car as Cam sighs and hands his brother to me. 
"I'll be right back."  I say, smiling. I walk into the blue building and set Colby down on the ground. He hugs my legs and runs off into the main room, filled with finger paintings on the walls. He sits next to a little boy with black hair and a toothless grin.
"Hello." A sweet, feminine voice says. I look over to see a teacher with a bright pink apron on, which is covered in paint, her long blonde hair is pulled back into a ponytail, she looked fairly young, maybe 27 or early 30's and her angelic appearance reminds me of the women you always see on cooking utensil commercials. I smile at her.
"Hi, I was just dropping off Colby Blake." I say. It's curious, every time I've come here before I have never met her before.
"Oh! Hello. I'm Miss Faith.  I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting you before." She says.
"Hello, I'm Hailee, I'm Colby's...babysitter." I say, hesitating on what to call myself in front of Colby's daycare teacher.  She smiles, a knowing smile, and polity shakes my hand.
"Hailee, hm, no wonder I recognize the name.  Little Colby has been talking about you a lot lately.  Though I do believe he calls you Hai Hai."  Miss Faith says, smiling.  I smile and gaze over at Colby playing with his friends.
"I am very lucky that I am apart of his life." I say, meaning every word. I have no siblings of my own so it has been amazing spending time with Colby. Plus he has to be the cutest kid I have ever seen.  A bell dings and all the kids cheer.  Miss Faith looks over at the children and back at me.
"Well it's time for the kids to play outside.  It was wonderful meeting you dear."  She says and walks towards the children. I wave once last goodbye to Colby and walk out of the daycare center.  I head towards Cam's car and slip back into the passenger seat. Cam reaches out and cups my cheek in his large hand. He leans in and captures my lips on his, softly kissing me, making my heart beat wildly in my chest. I let myself get lost in the soft passion of his kiss, completely forgetting that we are parked in front of a daycare. I pull away from Cam, my eyes widening.
"I can't believe we just kissed in front of a day care? What if someone saw?" I ask, feeling guilty, even though we technically didn't do anything wrong but I don't want some angry parent appearing at Cam's car door.
"Sorry...well not really."  He says, smirking.  I laugh and slap his arm slightly.
"Come on Cammy, you're going to be late for practice."  I say.  He chuckles and pulls out into the street.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Cam says, his eyes trained to the road.  I gulp nervously and think about how I'm going to explain this without Cam freaking out.
"When I went home from babysitting last night, Brad was in front of my house."  I say.
"What?! Did he hurt you?"  He yells.  His anger clearly visible as his grip tightens on his steering wheel.
"He didn't hurt me,"  I mumble, not telling the entire truth, when he pushed me down onto the street I fell on my ankle which is sore but it's not a big enough problem to tell Cam about.  I don't want him confronting Brad and getting himself suspended or hurt.
"I don't know what he was doing.  He was just staring into my house.  I don't know how he got my address and I don't know why he was waiting for me but honestly it frightens me.  This seems to be escalating into something much more than bullying."  I say, wringing my hands together to stop them from shaking.  Brad scares me, he has gone above and beyond to ruin my life, and now it seems he had resorted to stalking me and my family but the thing that scared me the most about last night is the look in his eyes, the look of pure hatred. I have never done anything to him, at least not to my knowledge.  Cam locks his jaw in anger.
"I swear to you that I will never let him go near you again.  Even if that means I have to stay outside your house and stand guard."  He says, grabbing my hand softly and kissing the top of my hand. I feel my heart race at his touch. I tether our fingers together and I grip his hand for comfort.
"I don't think you'll have to camp out in front of my house, Kylie, Jake, and Spencer are coming over for a sleepover tonight."  I say, reassuring him. He nods his head, satisfied that I won't be alone tonight.
"I can't believe he is stalking you now, he has gone too far, time and time again, but this is a whole new level." He says, anger clear in his voice. I grip his hand tighter.
"Please don't confront Brad at practice, I don't want you to get kicked off the team, or worse. Promise me that you won't start anything? Please." I say, begging him. The last thing I want is to see him get kicked off the team especially since he tried so hard getting on the team in the first place. If he and Brad fight on the field or anywhere else, he will get cut from the team, Brad is the quarterback and the captain of the football team, there is no way the coach won't side with him.  He sighs and pulls to my curb.  He had to drop me off before he goes to practice now that he has his car back. 
"I promise."  He says.  I exhale in relief and smile softly at him.
"Thank you."  I say, releasing his hand and moving my own to his cheek, I giggle as I feel his stubble on my hand.
"I really wish I didn't have to go to practice, I want to spend more time with you."  He says, moving more into my touch.  I smile and slide my hand from his cheek to the back of his neck.  I pull him closer to me and capture his lips on mine.  I kiss him hard, letting my hand run through the back of his hair as my other arm wraps around him and pulls him as close to me as possible while in his car.  I kiss him hard, making my love and passion for him grow stronger, needier.  My mind racing with thoughts of Cam and only Cam as his arm wraps around my waist.  Our lips part and I smile wickedly as I try to regain my breathing. 
"What was that for?"  Cam asks, trying to catch his breath.  I shrug and smile at him.
"Something to make you think of me while you're at practice."  I say.  He chuckles and pulls me closer.
"I always think about you."  He says, kissing my cheek.  My heart swells.
"You're so sweet."  I say.  I grab my purse and grab out the cold red Gatorade from my purse and hand it to him.
"For practice, got to keep you hydrated."  I say.  He grabs the Gatorade from my hand and smiles widely.
"You're the best girlfriend ever!"  He exclaims, pecking me on the lips.  I giggle and step out of his car.
"Have fun Cammy!"  I say, closing his car door and blowing him a kiss. I he pretends to catch it and put it over his heart.  My phone vibrates in my purse just as I was about to unlock the door.  I unlock my door and close it behind me.  I take out my phone and see it's a text from Kylie.
'Hey girl! I'm going to be heading to your house around 6 p.m. for our sleepover! I'll be bringing soda, candy, and Jake. Spencer said he will be by after practice.'  I smile at her text and text her back.
'Okay! Can't wait! My mom already bought some stuff for us!'  I text Spencer too, to make sure he is still coming but I know he won't answer before practice is over. I smile to myself. I am excited for tonight, getting to spend time with my best friends, I feel like I have not hung out with them as much because of babysitting and hanging out with Cam.  I feel bad for not hanging out with them as much.  I'll definitely make more time to spend with them.

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