Chapter Ten

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A/N I'm so so sorry!  My life has been so busy lately, I'm moving, working tons, so much more.  I started to feel like writing was a chore.  That is a horrible thing where something you love so deeply seems like a burden because you don't have time for it.  So here is my promise to you.  I will always continue to write until this book is done.  I promise to never give up :)

I can't stop smiling. I can't believe this is happening. I put my binder in my locker. I freeze when I feel someone's arms wrapped around my waist.

"Relax. It's just me." A deep familiar voice says. I smile, recognizing it as Cam's voice. I smile and close my locker. Cam twists me around, pressing my back against the lockers. My heartbeat speeds up as I watch him move closer and closer to me. He leans forward and kisses my forehead. I giggle at the new sensation I am feeling. This romantic feeling is way more intense than I imagined.

"What?!" I hear someone exclaim. I jump back in surprise and hit my head on the lockers.

"Ow." I say. I look over to see Kylie staring at me, her mouth open in shock.  Cam kisses my head, near where I hit it.  I smile widely.  I feel someone grab my arm and pull me away from Cam.  I gasp as Kylie drags me into the girls bathroom.  
"What the hell is going on?!"  Kylie yells.  I laugh.  She glares at me and starts hitting me lightly.
"How dare you laugh?!  I'm your best friend!  What is going on?!  How could you not tell me?!"  She yells.  
"Calm down Kylie.  I was going to tell you but it all happened so fast and I don't even know what it means."  I say.  She looks at me, confused.
"What happened exactly?"  Kylie asks.  I sigh and explain what happened.  My head was spinning even just talking about it.  By the end of my story, I look up to see Kylie staring at me, eyes wide.
"Oh my gosh!  I can't believe you had your first kiss!  With Cameron Blake!  Oh my gosh!  Wow, you and the most popular guy in school, you better watch out."  She says, nudging me at the last part.  I know she was joking but my stomach drops.  Everyone is going to freak out.  They are going to wonder why he chose me.  The girls are going to claw my eyes out.  I groan.
"They are going to eat me alive, I mean me with the newest eye candy on campus.  Ugh."  I say.  Kylie smiles softly at me.  
"It will be okay.  Cam obviously likes you and nothing those girls say will change that."  She says.  I smile and take a deep breath.
"You're right.  You're always right."  I say.  She laughs and throws her arm around me.
"It 's about time you realized that."  She says, making me laugh.  We walk out of the bathroom together.  
"Cupcake, we should get going or we'll miss first period."  Cam says.  I look to my right to see him leaning against the wall, smiling at me.  Kylie removes her arm and nudges me, winking.
"I'll see you guys later."  She says,  walking away.  Cam moves towards me and intertwines our fingers, butterflies erupt in my stomach.   We walk toward my first period in comfortable silence.  We stop right by the door, not wanting to walk into our class holding hands.  The last thing I want is someone in class to say something.  I release Cam's hand, missing his touch already.  I smile at him and walk into the room.  Cam grasps my hand and pulls me back out.  With my back against the wall he puts his arms on both sides of me.  He smirks at me.
"Did you think I would want to go into class without one more kiss?"  He asks.  I gasp slightly as he moves closer to me, my pulse quickening.  He leans in closer and captures my lips.  I get over the intentional shock and kiss him back.  His lips taste like mint and I can't seem to get enough.  His hands grasp my hips and pull me closer.  I gasp in surprise.  I feel Cam smile against my lips.  He pulls away.  I take deep breaths.
"I don't think I'll get used to that."  I say.  He smiles at me.
"Used to what?"  He asks, as if he doesn't know.  I look up into his eyes.
"Kissing."  I say.  He smirks at me.
"Get used to it because there's a lot more where that came from."  He says, leaning down and pecking my lips.  I smile widely at him and push his chest a little.
"We should go inside unless you want to be late."  I say.  He smiles.
"I don't care if we're late, as long as it's more time with you."  He says.  I smile at his corniness.  I still can't believe this is happening.  Cameron being sweet to me.  Caring for me. 
"We should go into class before your corniness suffocates me."  I say.  He smiles and kisses my forehead.
"You love my corniness."  He says.  I laugh and we walk into class, Cam ahead of me.  I instantly notice Makayla glaring at me.  I roll my eyes. What else is new?  Cam sits in his seat just as I walk past her desk.
"You know he doesn't really like you.  You're an experiment.  He wants to see what it's like to be with a fat chick."  She whispers.  I take a sharp breath.  Sadness fills me.  I shake my head, trying to ignore her words.  How could one person be so bitter?  I never did anything to her.  I keep walking and sit in my chair.  Cam puts his arm on the back of my chair.  He smiles at me and I let his smile erase the horrible words and my worries.  I lean more towards him, inhaling his familiar cologne.  I feel someone staring at me.  I look around the room and my eyes land on Jerk Face.  He is staring at me with a look of curiosity on his face.
"Hmm."  I mumble.  I wonder why he's looking at me.  
"What's wrong?"  Cam asks.  I look over at Cam and back to Jerk Face.
"Nothing."  I say.  Cam looks over in the direction I was looking.  Cam frowns and looks over at me.
"Don't pay attention to him."  He says.  I sigh and look at Cam.
"It's hard not to when he is staring right at me."  I say under my breath.  Cam looks over at Jerk Face with an unrecognizable expression on his face.  
"Hey Brad."  Cam says.  I gasp and grab his arm.
"What are you doing?!"  I hiss.  Brad looks over at Cam, smirking.
"Stop staring at my girl.  I know you're jealous because you'll never meet someone as amazing as her but that is no reason to stare."  Cam says rudely.  He looks over at me and kisses my cheek.  I refuse to look back at Jerk Face.  
"Thank you."  I say.  He nods.  The teacher starts to talk to the class.  After a few minutes of the teacher lecturing an announcement comes on.
"Excuse the interruption teachers.  The football game has been moved to tonight at 6pm.  All players must be at the field at 3pm."  The announcement says.  Cam looks over at me.
"I almost forgot! Do you want to go to my game tonight?"  Cam asks.  I smile.
"I'd love to cheer you on." I say.  Cam looks down at his lap with a nervous look on his face.
"After the game, would you like to, maybe, go on a date with me?"  Cam asks.  I gasp slightly. 
"Of course!"  I exclaim, causing some people to look over at me.  I blush and hide myself in Cam's side.  I feel Cam laugh. 
I sit down at our normal lunch table and smile at my friends.  Jake, Kylie, and Cam are sitting at the table with me.  Once Spencer shows up him and I will get lunch together.  Jake and Kylie always pack their lunches or go out after school so Spencer and I always grab lunch in the cafeteria ever since we met sophomore year.  Spencer walks up to the table and smiles at us all.
"Ready to get lunch?"  Spencer asks me.  I smile and nod.  
"I can get lunch for you."  Cam says.  I turn to look at Cam.  I smile at him and kiss him on the cheek.
"That's okay.  I can grab it."  I say.  I stand up and walk to the cafeteria's kitchen with Spencer.  Spencer and I get in line.
"I heard you guys have a game tonight."  I say.  Spencer smiles and nods.
"I'm looking forward to it plus it's our first game with a new player.  Cam is an amazing center."  Spencer says.  I smile.  I'm excited to see Cam and Spencer play together.
"I'll pretend I know what that means.  Truthfully I will probably be asking Jake questions while we watch the game."  I say.  We move forward in the line.
"Cam is a good guy, a great football player, but just know that if he hurts you...I'll destroy him."  Spencer says.  Even though I know he is serious and I love how much he cares, I secretly hope that Spencer will never have to fulfill that promise.  We go through the line and grab our food, Spencer is nice enough to carry both of our trays even though I told him he doesn't have to.   Spencer sets down our trays on our table.  I look over to see Cam frowning.  What's that about?  I shiver from the cold.  
"Hey.  You're cold."  Spencer says, he rubs my arm, trying to warm me up.
"Do you want me to go grab my jacket out of my locker?"  He asks.  I open my mouth to refuse but I see movement out of the corner of my eye.  I look over to see Cam standing up and storming out of the cafeteria.  What's wrong?  
"Cam!"  I yell after him.  I rush after him.  I see him quite a few paces ahead of me, his body language screaming that he's mad.  
"Cameron!"  I yell.  I groan when he doesn't turn around.  I jog up to him and grab his arm.
"Cam!  What's wrong?"  I ask.  He turns around, anger and another emotion on his eyes.
"What's wrong?"  I say lowly.  He runs his hand through his hair angrily.
"Why don't you just date him already?!"  Cam yells angrily.  I jump slightly, not expecting an outburst like that.
"What are you talking about?"  I ask.  Why is he acting like this?  Date who?  The only person I want to date is him.  I cross my arms and look at him, waiting for an explanation.  His eyes turn into more of the other emotion, I can't place it.
"You and Spencer should just date already!  Did you even think about me when you were flirting with him?  Right in front of me!"  Cam says.  I look at him so confused and frankly  a little hurt.  
"How could you think that?!  Spence and I are just friends!"  I yell, trying to get my point across.  He rolls his eyes at me.
"Are you kidding me?!  I see the way he looks at you!"  He exclaims.  I sigh.
"How would you know what his looks mean?  We are just friends.  He has protected me since sophomore year.  We are just close."  I explain, trying to appeal to his rational side.  He runs his hand through his hair and looks at me with those amazing green eyes, which are filled with the emotion I am now guessing is jealousy. 
"I know what that look means because that's the same way I look at you!  His eyes filled with adoration.  Every time he smiles when you do something weird or you're being funny.  It is the same things I do.  I can protect you now.  He doesn't have to."  He says.  I move closer to him and lay my hand on his arm.
"Cameron Blake are you kidding me?  Spencer and I are just friends.  I don't want to date Spencer, I want to date you.  Obviously though you don't trust me.  Maybe this was a mistake, we haven't even gone on a date yet and we are already fighting.  I don't think that this was a good idea."  I say, shaking my head and sighing.  I turn around and walk away from him.  I knew Cam and I couldn't work he's at the top of the food chain and I'm not.  I feel someone grab my arm and twist me around.  I land into Cam's chest.  I look up to see Cam staring intently down at me.    
"Don't say that."  He whispers, he cups my cheek and runs his thumb across it.
"I really like you Hailee.  I do trust you I just let my jealousy control my words.  I don't want to share you with anyone.  I want you to be mine and mine only.  Please forgive me Cupcake."  He pleads.  I look into his eyes, seeing how truly sorry he is.  I sigh.
"Okay I forgive you but you have to know that there is nothing going on with me and Spencer.  I want you to be mine and mine only."  I say, smiling and repeating his words.  He smiles down at me.  He stares down at my lips.  I fell my cheeks heat up.  I stand on my tippy toes and wrap my arms around his neck, I pull him down to me and press my lips against his.  I smile against his soft yet rough lips.  I feel his arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer.  I will never get used to kissing, nevertheless kissing Cam.  I never expected anything like this to happen but it did and I am so grateful.  I pull away, out of breath and smile at Cam.  
"I'm so happy I met you."  I say.  Cam smiles at me and kisses my forehead.
"Me too Cupcake, me too."  He whispers.  I smile in his chest and breathe in his familiar scent.  Maybe Cam is real, the more I get to know him the more I let go of my suspicions and the more I trust him.  After all he has done for me, after I see how jealous he got, all the sweet things he says to me, there is no way it is all a bet or a prank.  Right?
I zip up my jacket, in hopes I will be warmer.  The field is cold but bearable it's the bleachers that are killing me.  They are twice as cold as the air.  I shiver and wait for Kylie and Jake to show up.  
"Hails!"  I hear someone yell.  I look over to see Kylie rushing towards me.  I smile at her.
"It's so cold!"  She exclaims.  I laugh.
"I know!"  I say.  She laughs.
"It's a good thing I brought reinforcements."  She says, smiling.  She turns around to look at something.  I follow her eyes to see Jake struggling and walking towards us with his arms full of things Kylie must have brought.  Jake makes it to us and puts down all the stuff on the bleachers next to me.
"I brought blankets, hot coffee, and hot food.  We are all set.  We should be warm for the entire game."  She says.  Kylie sits down next to me and Jake next to her.
"If you're still cold after all of this, I can warm you up."  Jake says.  Kylie smiles and nods.  I sigh.
"Too bad my boyfriend can't warm me up."  I mumble.  Kylie gasps.  I look over at her, surprised.
"What?!  Is he your boyfriend now?!"  Kylie exclaims.  My cheeks heat up in embarrassment.  I didn't mean to say that aloud or to call him my boyfriend.
"No, he isn't my boyfriend.  We haven't even gone on a date yet.  It just slipped out."  I say.  Jake spreads the blanket on all of our laps.  Jake hands us our coffee and I thank him.  Kylie claps and smiles at me.
"I'm so happy for you!"  She exclaims.  I smile.
"We should go on a double date!"  She exclaims.  I laugh.
"Slow down Ky.  What if our first date doesn't go good?  What if Cam decides he doesn't like me?"  I ask.  She glares at me and turns towards teh field.
"You shouldn't think so negatively.  Plus I don't think that's going to be a problem."  She says, nudging me.  I follow her eyes to see Cam in all his gear except without his helmet.  He is smiling in my direction.  He waves at me.  I smile and wave back.  Out of the corner of my eye I see Kylie smirking at me.  I shake my head at her and watch as the game starts.  I watch as Cam, Spencer, and the other players line up.  Someone yells hike and the begin in the game.  I watch out for Cam's number.  He's number 24.  I know this is an important game for Cam.  It is the first game he is playing at our school, it is an opportunity to show everyone what he is about and how well he can play.  This one game will show his teammates how he plays.  As the game progresses I ask Jake some questions until I get the general idea of what I am watching.  As time goes it turns it is an even score and half time has begun.  I stand up.
"I'm going to see Cam."  I say and make my way down to the field.  I spot Cam talking to another player as I walk down the steps.  I wait on the track, hoping Cam will see me and come over.  I watch as he smiles and laughs with his fellow teammate.  I smile when Spencer joins them and they start joking around together.  I'm glad that Cam can put aside his misplaced jealousy and can be friendly with Spencer.  I watch as the other player, who I am not familiar with hits Cam's arm and points to me.  A smile spreads across face.  He turns to the guys and says something before walking over to me.  I smile at him.
"Hey rock star.  You're playing great."  I say.  I grab a Gatorade I bought for him out of my purse.  I hand it to him.  
"Thanks Cupcake.  I wish I was doing better though.  If I could have it my way we would be ahead, even if it was a little."  Cam says.  I laugh and shake my head at him.
"Don't worry about it, you are doing your best and that's all they can ask of you."  I say.  He takes a drink of the Gatorade then smiles at me.
"It helps me play better just knowing that you are cheering me on."  He says, smiling sweetly at me.  I feel my cheeks heat up.  I look down at my shoes, smiling at them.  I hear the whistle go off, meaning half time is already up.  I look up to see Cam looking intently at me.  I feel myself blush harder under his gaze.  
"You better get back out there."  I say.  He nods and hands me the Gatorade.  I put it back in my purse.  He reaches out and runs his thumb across my cheek.
"Blake!  Get back out here!"  I hear his coach yell.  Cam scowls and groans.  I shove him away playfully.
"Go back to your game."  I say.  He smiles and turns around.  He takes a few steps away from me then turns around and rushes back to me.  He leans in and pecks my lips.  He pulls away and smiles at my stunned expression.
"For luck."  He says.  I smile at him.  He turns back around and walks onto the field.
"Give 'em hell!"  I yell.  Cam turns around and smiles at me before jogging to his team.  I go back to my seat to see Kylie smiling widely at me, I roll my eyes at her.
"Are you two going to Winter Formal together?"  Kylie asks.  I was taken back by her question.  I haven't really thought about it.  I don't know if I am even going.  I shrug and pull my eyes towards the game.
"Do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow?"  Kylie asks.  I turn to look at her to see her eyes filled with hope.
"Sure."  I say, knowing how much she wants me to go.  We turn to watch the remainder of the game.  I don't know how it is possible but Cam is playing with twice as much force as the previous half.  We are now in the last two minutes of the game and we are up by six points.  
"If the other team scores a touchdown we will go into overtime.  If we score or don't let them score we will win."  Jake explains.  Even though I know nothing about football, I found myself feeling anticipation and feeling nervous.  I want Cam to win so he will be fully excepted into the team.  I watch intently as the other teams quarterback runs to get a touchdown.  Oh no.  I watch intently as Cam tackles the quarterback and grabs the ball from him.  Cam starts sprinting towards there side of the field.  We watch as Cam runs into their end zone, scoring the final touchdown of the game.  I jump up and clap my hands, yelling loudly.  I race out of the bleachers, wanting to congratulate Cam before the people storm the field.  I race to the field.  I look around to find Cam.  Where is he?  There are so many people on the field.  I search more.  I see Cam standing by the field goal, with his helmet in his hand and  looking around.  I rush towards him.  Once I get to him I wrap my arms around his neck.
"You did it!  You won!"  I exclaim.  Hugging him tightly.  I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer.
"Thanks Cupcake!  I forgot how amazing it felt to play football again, to be apart of a team, to have friends.  I forgot what it felt like to have a sense of purpose."  Cam says, smiling slightly.  Wait.  What does he mean by that?  Did he not have a sense of purpose at his old school?  I want to ask him about it but I can't not right now at least.  I smile at him.
"I'm so happy for you!"  I exclaim.  He smiles at me and kisses my forehead.
"I couldn't have done it without you.  You really are my good luck charm."  He says.  I shake my head.
"You did that yourself.  I had nothing to do with it."  I say.  He shakes his head at me and smiles.
"I wouldn't have played so hard if it wasn't for you.  You pushed me to join the team and I wanted to win.  Not for me but for you.  I wanted you to be proud of me."  He says, scratching his neck awkwardly.  I blush and wrap my arms around his neck tighter, laying my face in his neck, despite him being sweaty.
"I would have been proud of you even if you didn't win.  Being there for your teammates and playing as hard as you can shows how truly amazing you are."  I whisper.  I feel him sigh happily and run his fingers though my hair.  We stay there in each others embrace for a while until Cam pulls away.
"Now, how about we go on that date?"  He says, smiling widely at me.

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