Chapter 28: Sharing the Burden

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Almost a full week has passed since Aiko first left the guild and went with Daisuke to meet his family after seven years. However during the first night Aiko had a nightmare and hadn't slept since. The others noticed and tried talking to Aiko about what happened but she reassured them she was fine. When Daisuke tried talking to her though she'd end up running away from him due to what she saw.

Daisuke asked Senan what was going on with Aiko hoping she would have an i dea of why Aiko was being weird and not sleeping. Everyone aside from Aiko was in the guest room while Aiko was out shopping for groceries that Daisuke's mom asked her to get.

"Two reasons." Senan said. Cross legged on the bed in her human form. She held two fingers up to emphasize the point " Aiko's acting weird around you because she saw you naked the other day."

"Seriously? How did that happen?" Kikyo asked, narrowing her eyes at Daisuke.

"Hey, she was the one who walked in on me." Daisuke said in his defense.

"Regardless Aiko is feeling depressed right now so we need to cheer her up." Ace said

"Yeah but how is the question?" Daisuke said as he crossed his arms. Everyone looked at Daisuke expectedly confusing him. "What?"

"Well aside from Senan you are the only one close to Aiko." Hinako said

"Are you forgetting the fact that I haven't seen Aiko for over seven years until recently. I'm not sure what she likes or anything."

"Well the rest of us have tried to talk to her but she always found a way out of it." Kikyo said "also I have a feeling she'll listen to you."

"Have you forgotten the fact that she won't even look at me because of what happened."

Everyone in the room just stared intently at Daisuke, pressuring him until he gave in.

"Alright fine, I'll go check on Aiko and try to comfort her."

Daisuke then proceeded to leave the house and walked to where Aiko should be. Aiko was at the supermarket picking up what Hinako asked her. You couldn't tell but Aiko was tired, more so mentally. As the nightmares continued to plague her the more distraught she became. Not to mention the stress of her double life as well with the fear of one day being caught.

Aiko had just got out of the store and started walking towards the Kurosawa house. While walking she was thinking about random things to try and get her mind off of the nightmare.

She then heard a voice shouting her name. "Hey Aiko!"

'That voice is.' She thought as she looked up to see Daisuke in front of her. When Aiko saw him she blushed and looked away due to the memory of the previous night.

"W-what are you doing here?" Aiko asked stuttering

"Well since You always manage to disappear before I can talk to you I decided to come find you. My mom told me you were heading to the grocery store." Daisuke explained "now" he leaned closer towards Aiko's face startling her. "What exactly is wrong with you? You've been avoiding me ever since you saw me naked." he whispered "Are you really that embarrassed over it?"

Aiko continued to look to the side as she tried to find the right words to say "Well I...Yeah I guess I's not like I see a naked guy everyday." Aiko said as she turned around. 'Not counting when Gray is naked since I'm used to it.'

"Well regardless we still haven't had fun together yet." Daisuke said as he stood up straight.

"Had...Fun..." Aiko's already red face became even redder as she imagined something...well something she usually wouldn't. Next thing you know Aiko is over by a pole banging her head against a pole repeatedly while saying "!!!"

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