Chapter 14: The Strongest Team Part 1

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After the whole thing with reclaiming Aster town. I ended up heading home for he day to sleep and went to the guild the next morning. I was sill exhausted from he fight I had thought. Everyone in the guild was doing their usual thing. I just had my head on the bar table trying to rest for a bit.

"Aiko are you ok?" Lisanna asked "You seem tired."

I just mumbled under the table.

"What was that?" Lisanna asked

 "She said she feels like death on a cracker." Senan said.

"She's that tired huh." 

"We had a pretty tough fight on the last job." Senan informed Lisanna who was pouring alcohol for someone sitting at the bar table

I then put my chin on the table so Lisanna could hear me. "It was fine until the guy I was fighting obtained a powerful magic item that increased his power."

"It must have been tough."  

"No kidding. It felt more like an S class mission than an A rank one."

"A least the mayor gave us one million jewel on top of our reward."Senan said.

"Woah really you guys are so lucky." 

"In total we got 1,700,000 jewel." I told her

"Seriously?!" Lisanna exclaimed

"I think it's his way of having pity on us since He knew we could have died with the power up the dark guilds master got from that magical item." Senan explained.

"Yeah but now im super tired."

Suddenly Senan realised something "Hey Aiko."


"Couldn't you have used dispel to cancel out the effect the jewel of empowerment had on Black Bulls master?" Senan asked

With that realization I started banging her head on the table repeatedly. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! The fact that that may have actually worked!" Aiko shouted

"Since the orb was attached to his body using Dispel may have actually negated the jewel of Empowerments effect on his body." 

"I thought so."

Cana then showed up. "Hey Lisanna i'm gonna take this job request okay."


"Thanks." Cana then turned around and left the guild hall.

"She seemed like she was in a hurry." Senan stated.

"Maybe she needs to pay rent soon?" Lisanna said

"Could be."Senan said

"I'm gonna take a nap now." Aiko stated


"So tell me everything that happened on your last job." Lisanna said

Senan told Lisanna all the details of the mission since Aiko was still resting on the table. Time passed and Natsu walked in the guild hall with Lucy Happy and Gray who was on a seperate job. Due to some circumstances on their last job, Natsu and Lucy didn't get their reward so they decide to look for another job.

 Lucy was standing at the request board to find a job she could take by herself since her rent was due next week. She stared reading off job request. 

"Hmm, Finding a magic bracelet, breaking a spell on a cursed cane, reading someone's love horoscope, fighting a volcano demon?!" Lucy said surprised "Geez I had no idea wizarding jobs would be so varied."

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