Childhood Love ~Loki Pt.3

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I wanna apologize if there are any mistakes in it

"Are you Ready to go back to Asgard?" Thor asks and I nod. I'm so exited to go back to my old Home. If anything have changed?

Thor Lifts his hammer into the air and Halmdall brings us back.

We land after a few seconds and as soon as I see him I run over to him and give him a hug.

"Is this is this Little y/n?? Well but now you're not Little anymore you became a gorgous women!!"He smiles and hugs me back.

"Nice that you pay us a visit again. It has been 10 years hasn't it?" he asks and I nod.

"Yes sadly but I'm so happy to be here again. I wanna visit Frigga and Odin" I answer and he laughs.

"Then have fun here" he says and we make our way to the Palace.

We enter the big Dining room and Frigga jumps up from her seat as soon as see notices us and runs over to us.

"Y/n! OMG it's really you. Oh my Little Girl" she has Tears in her eyes and gives me a hug that I have the Feeling she wants to crush me but I wrap my arms around her and hug her more tightly.

"I missed you so so so much" I whisper and she smiles.

"I missed you too my Little Girl How are you? How is your life on Mitgard? You have to tell me everything" she says and pulls me to the table where Odin sits. He stands up and gives me hug as well. Wow thats rare tha Odin gives someone a hug.

"Nice to see you again y/n after all These years.", he greets me and I shake my head yes.

"Come you 3 and eat with us. How are my 2 Boys?" Frigga asks and they both start to talk even Loki doesn't talk a lot. We look at each other and smile.

"So How was your Life after you left us?" Frigga asks and takes my Hand.

"In the beginning it was horrible. I had no Friends and everything was so new for me, but after a While it was okay. Now I have a lot of Friends and I'm a part of the Avenger. They all became my Family." I tell and she nods.

"I knew you will handle it you've Always been a strong Girl." she smiles.

"But I think now you two are too big to Sleep in one bed like you did it when you were Young aren't you?" Frigga asks and I can see her eyes widen after my cheeks became a bit red.

"Oh or not I think you are old enough to decide on your own" she says and gives me a look that Shows me that she knows it.

I sigh and put my head into my Hands.

That's definitely not embarrasing.

After we finish our meal we go to our Rooms.

I share supriseeeee. a room with Loki and I throw myself on his bed and close my eyes.

"Argh that's so embarrasing Frigga knows About us" I sigh and Loki chuckles.

"You can't hide anything she Always finds it out like you know" he laughs and opens the door and steps out on the balcony.

I follow him and lean my head on his shoulder. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and gives me a Little kiss on my forehead.

"You can stay as Long as you want here if you want. Then we can spend the whole time together" he suggestes quietly and I laugh.

"I think we would kill each other if we spend the whole time together and I have my Friends and Family on earth" I chuckle and he sighs.

"I know but don't forget, that you are still mine" he groals and wrap his Hand around my throat and presses me against the wall.

"How could I" I smirk and he kisses me passionately.

He Lifts me up and carries me to his bed and takes off his clothes.

Okay Maybe I have to think About it twice if I wanna leave Asgard in the next time.

Okay this was the last part and its a short part and without any smut I know that.

The next parts will contain a lot of smut again I promise I already have some wish persons from you but everyone is welcome to write your fav. character ( best would be Marvel) into the comments and Maybe I'll make a Story with them.

( But only with persons I like bc I don't wanna write smut Things with them when I don't like them that's disgusting for me haha)

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