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Note: this oneshot is originally from July of 2018, I was young and the writing sucks, but maybe some of the readers will enjoy anyway. I edited it a little, but not much. I only took out EXTREMELY cringe parts. There's still cringe left though, I apologize. Anyways, here's to an update of this story after three years!

I groaned loudly and wiped some sweat off of my forehead. It was so hot, and I was outside, away from all of the air conditioning!

I should really get up and go to the Curtis house, but the heat was making me sleepy, and I didn't feel like getting up.

I stretched out against the old torn up car seat that had been thrown in the lot and closed my eyes.

Today I just couldn't be bothered to do anything. I sighed and stared up at the sky.

Not only was I incredibly hot, but I was incredibly bored. I absentmindedly wished for something to do today, just to get my mind off of the intense heat.

Maybe Ponyboy would want to see a movie or something. I really don't care what we did, as long as its with him, it'd never be boring.

I was hopelessly in love with the fourteen year old. There was just something about the way he managed to see the good in everything.

Before Pony and I became close, I was basically blind to all of the pretty colors and scenery. He showed me all of those things.

Standing up, I sighed and began walking towards his house. Now I really wanted to see him.

I was feeling pretty sluggish and was taking extremely slow steps. I was dreading the entire walk.

But that oh so dreadful walk only last about another two minutes because walking towards me was none other than Ponyboy Curtis.

"Hey Johnny!" He yelled and ran to meet me. "Man, what are ya doing out here in jeans?" He skidded to a halt in front of me and laughed.

My cheeks reddened and I looked down. "Don't have any shorts." I mumbled and we began walking towards the lot. "What were ya doing?"

He grinned and bumped me with his shoulder. "Coming to find you."

I smiled lightly. "There's not much to do at the lot. It only makes you more aware of how damn hot it is."

Pony shrugged. "Maybe we could do something else then."

"Like what?"

He thought about it for a few minutes before snapping his fingers. "I know! The other day I was just following this trail through the woods. I never did get to see where it ended. We could finish it out together if you want."

"Sounds good to me." I played it off as cool as I could on the outside but I'm the inside I was really excited.

It had been a while since it was just Pony and me alone together.

We walked all the way to the edge of town, not as long of a walk as it sounds, and entered the woods.

The walk wasn't long, but it was really, really hot, and I had started to pant lightly.

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