what if

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You think the new blazer DC has was a gift from Kentucky and Georgia 'CUSS I LIKE TO THINK IT WAS

DC called Kentucky and Georgia 'dad' the first time when they cared for him after he was sick when he made himself stand in the rain, because he deserved it (well his father in his brain told him he did)

And when morning broke and so did DC's fever, Kentucky held him close as he slowly started finally falling asleep as Georgia stayed by his side. As DC fell asleep he was letting out soft mumbles, and he looked up at Kentucky and let out a small 'dad'

DC trusts their input, so that's why they always feel welcome to come to him to help. Even if they don't have a goddamn clue what he's doing 

Okay but

Do they let the other southern states mess with DC (other then Florida, Louisiana, and Texas of course) 

Like one of the south is going in about DC and you just see Kentucky being like 'Gia no....no calm down....'

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