15 The Meeting

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Yibo's POV


I heard him calling me. So, I stop my bike and turned my head around after a few meters I rode my bike.

But no. He didn't call me. He's talking to someone. I can't see the person. The pillar is blocking the person. He looks so happy when he's talking to that person. He even extends his hand to reach the person.

I sigh. Why do I feel down? Ahh... Maybe I'm too tired. Yeah... Today is a very tiring day. I turn back and about to ride again.

""If I say yes?"

I hear he speaks louder again. Actually, I don't feelneed to turn around. But the way he's speaking is like someone who speaks with the one he falls in love with. I turn my head again. I see him already standing in front of the lift. He's still talking to... That person. But I can't see the person. Who's he talking to? There is nothing blocking them there now, but I still can't find out the person he's talking to.

Wait. His hand. His hand is floating in the air. I know.... Everyone can do it. But why should he do it? The grasp looks like he is holding on something. Or someone is holding his hand. But there is no one next to him.

He enters the lift. I still puzzle on my bike which the engine is still growling. I see the lift door closes. I shake my head.

"What the hell am I thinking? Pheww! I really need a good rest...." I mutter to myself. Then I ride my bike again,.leaving the flats building, heading to my manor.

About five minutes I'm riding on the street, I'm seeing something. Something flying, passing by my head. Black color. It's like cloth. Gown. I look up to confirm my thought.

Shit! What's that?


I hear the crash. And everything is black. I can't remember anything after that.

I see the bright shine. I don't know where I am. I look around to see something else except for the blinded ray.

Awh! I'm in a meadow. On a hill. I've never been here. I don't know where it is. What am I doing here? How did I get here?


The sound of someone clearing his throat startles me. I turn to the sound,.and I find a man in a black ancient costume. Is he an actor? He looks at me through his sharp gaze that may tear my face apart. His both hands folded over his chest. He scoffs arrogantly and turns away.

"Who are you?" I voiced out.

He turns to look at me again. And a smirk forms on the corners of his lips. He's handsome and the smirk kinda sexy. Like a bad boy. But what does he wearing a classic hanfu?

"You're really look like him....!" He says.

Him? Who?

"Who?" I ask him.

Again, he scoffs and turns away.

"You don't need to know who he is. But he does exist!" He replies.

I don't understand what and who he is talking about. But I don't force him to explain. This kind of person, I know they won't tell me easily.

He drops his hands on the side of his body, then he walks closer to me. I take a step backward and notices it. He smirks again and scoffs.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. But I need your help!" He says, stops walking after three steps in front of me.

"What kind of help?" I ask him again.

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