The Past That Haunts

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A chain of delicacies was spread on the table with the head of the pack chairing it. The occasional laughs and murmurs were a frequent occurring. It was a day of celebration of a new era. Everyone had a bright smile across their face. Everyone except the muscular man.

Einar seemed unaffected by it all. He congratulated Bryce for the ceremony and was almost aloof from every one in the party. He acknowledged people only on occasions while he talked to them when it was necessary.

He sighed with a painful heart when he witnessed people flaunting their other halves. Their display of affection was making Einar dejected and jealous to say the least. He picked a plate full of meat loaf and decided to eat away his apathy, alone from the sickeningly happy people.

"Hello alpha Einar."

The voice sent shivers down the spine of Einar. He rested the plate aside and gritted his teeth. "I am not the alpha anymore."

"For me you are." The stranger chuckled "And a powerful one of course."

Einar sighed in defeat for he knew there was no way to avoid the man anymore. He could see a worried Garrick at a distance who was waiting for a call of help from Einar so that he could jump in the situation and save his best friend. Einar half smiled at Garrick and shook his head much to his displeasure.

He turned his body to witness a smug look on the face of middle aged man. The wrinkles on his face were the only proof that the man was at the end of his prime. His shiny black hair and the scarf on the top of his head complimented his slender but healthy body. He wore robes of uniquely blended red and grey color, which seemed appallingly disturbing to the normal eyes. 

He was the priest Einar wished to never see again.

The man gazed at Einar with conviction as if he knew him from the inside out.

Einar stared with a frown "I never expected to see you here."

"I was here to give blessings to alpha Bryce and his sweet little son." He moved his eyes all over Einar's body and smirked "Perhaps my potions are working wonders on you."

"I have stopped taking them." Einar retorted and marched to the deserted place near the end of the forest away from the ceremony. He was wary of the prying eyes and was certainly not interested to be the center of attention. He sighed in frustration when he felt the thuds of the unwanted footsteps following him.

"You are still calm." The priest looked at him with intrigue "Maybe you have come to peace with who you are."

"I have accepted my destiny and I am happy. I don't think I will ever need that potion of yours anymore."

"But I think you do."

"Hmm?" Einar was confused.

"In the centuries that I have lived, I can proudly say that I have witnessed a number of powerful beings on earth... but there was none like you! The doses I gave you were strong enough to kill ten alphas. Yet it hardly had any effect on you."

"You have no idea what hell I went through." Einar spoke in a low threatening voice.

"You are underestimating yourself." The man gazed Einar as a prized possession. The greed in his eyes was now evident "Have you ever wondered what will happen if you just relieve your constraints for a moment? Let the animal in you fulfill his primal desires. Let him satiate his thirst for blood." he bit his lips as his eyes dazzled "Come with me.. I can help you."

Einar did not miss the intense and selfish desire of the priest. He could clearly see through him. He wanted Einar as his puppet. He wanted to own him.

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