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May 20, 12:04

Age: 17

"Hey, Ashton, do you know where Kennedy's dog toys are a-Ashton?"

Calum paused in the doorway, taking in the sight of Ashton sat at the desk. The laptop they shared was open, its screen illuminating Ashton's features in the dark room. The boy in front of it had a stone face as he carefully read the text displayed on the screen.

Calum watched intensely, anxiously awaiting some sort of reaction from his boyfriend. Then, suddenly, and so abruptly that it was like someone had literally flipped a switch inside Ashton, the boy broke out into loud, gasping sobs.

"Ashton," Calum nearly yelled, instantly making his way over so he could wrap his strong arms around the boy.

He supported Ashton, letting him lean his weight against Calum's body as he sobbed rivers against Calum's shirt.

"What's wrong?" Asked Calum. Worry lapped at his heart like angry waves on the shore.

With a shaking finger, Ashton pointed to the computer. Calum bent his head slightly and began to read silently:

Dear Mister Ashton Irwin,

Although your essay was exemplary, and your résumé was well written, we regret to inform you that we cannot accept your application to Melbourne University of Australia. You simply did not meet the required GPA and academic standards needed to attend our school. Though we would highly encourage you to apply next semester...

And Calum stopped reading because he already had enough information needed.

"Oh, Ashton," He whispered sympathetically, petting the boy's curls, "Ashton, baby, I'm so sorry. God, this is horrible!"

Ashton did not reply verbally but gave a nod of his head.

"It's going to be okay, honey. We'll just apply somewhere else then. Both of us."

That seemed to snap Ashton out of his depressive haze.

"No," he said sharply, looking Calum dead in the eyes. "You are going."

"But, Asht-"

"No. You promised. You promised me you would go."

"Yes, but I thought you would be going to."

"Things changed and obviously that isn't happening, but you made a promise."

"Yes, I know I did. But I don't want to go if you're not there! I need you, Ashton. You're why I was going to go in the first place!"

"Calum. Listen to me. I am not leaving, this is also not the end of our relationship. This is you simply beginning a new part of your life that won't always involve me in it."

"Don't you see? I don't want a part of my life that doesn't always involve you in it."

"Don't you see that you need a part of your life like this! You have talent. Incredible, amazing talent, Calum. And I will be damned if I let you waste that. Do this. For me."


"Please, Calum, please."


"Thank you. Don't just do this all for me though-"

"You're being contradicting."

"-also do it for yourself. Have fun, learn something, do some good in your life."


"Calum. Please. Promise me you'll try to enjoy this."

"Fine. I promise."

"I love you."

"Sometimes I really hate that I love you so much too."

"You're such a crappy liar."

"I know I am. Ashton, we don't even know if I got in though."

"Yes, we do. They sent your email too. You got in."

"Really? I did?"

"Of course you did. Your GPA is amazing, and you had tons of recommendations from people. You were sure to get in."

"So were you."

"No. I knew I wouldn't get in. I think I was just shocked more than anything. Because I wanted so desperately to believe that somehow, by some godly miracle, I might have had a sliver of a chance of actually getting in. But I still knew deep down I didn't."

"You're putting yourself down too much, Ashton."

"No. It's the truth. Melbourne's too advanced for me. That's why I already decided to go to community college."


"Yeah, I'll go there for awhile and then maybe more up ranks to a better college to get a degree in teaching. I think I want to be a music teacher."

"You'll make a great music teacher. The kids will love you."

"Only 'cause I'm hot."


Before anything, I would like to say I am so sorry for not updating and also not being on very much. I've had a lot going on this past week and so. Family, getting in trouble, etc. But thank you for being so patient. I love you guys.

So, how is everyone? Got any juicy gossip for me? And heart wrenching updates? Tell Mama Hayley everything darlings.

Stay Lovely. XXX- Hayley

Midnight , CashtonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora