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(Just Calum and Michael)

Sep. 12, 12:00

Age: 19

"Michael, I think we should go to sleep. I mean, you do have to be up pretty early tomorrow and you know how long it takes to wake you up on a good day."

"Calum, I can't sleep, though."

"Why not?"

"I'm scared."

"Of what? I promise there's no monsters under the bed and, don't worry, I won't bite. Unless you want me too. Luke never has to know, babe."

"Calum! I'm serious here."

"Okay, okay. Then what are you seriously afraid of?"

"Of tomorrow. Of what could go wrong. Of the future and all it has in store. What if it doesn't work out? What if he doesn't love me anymore one day? What if after we get married it all goes down hill? I mean, we are so young. Maybe this was a bad idea from the beginning."

"Michael Clifford, are you fucking kidding me? This was not a mistake. You and Luke are, cheesy enough, meant to be. I've never seen two people love each other more in the most unconventional of ways. You guys are not only boyfriends but best friends. And nothing is going to change about that except that, instead of being called boyfriends, you'll be called husbands.

"Don't back out now, Mikey, not after you've come so far. Your life with Luke is only just beginning and for you to throw it away now over some unreasonable problems you've made up yourself would be, wellーdumb. You can't look back now, you've got to move forward, mate. You can do this."

"Thank you, Cal. Thank you a lot. You mean so much to me, pal. Don't know what I'd do without you."

"Probably wouldn't be as cool."

"Excuse me? You are mistaken. I am the cool one here."

"Yeah, and you're also the sensible one as well."

"Now, now let's not start telling lies here."

"You're such a dumbass, Michael."

"That's my line!"

"Can we please go to bed now?"

"Yeah, okay, old man. Let's get in bed."

"You know, it couldn't have been that much more expensive to book a hotel room with two beds, Mike."

"But I wanted to sleep together with you one more night before I got married and couldn't do it again."

"Just because you're married doesn't mean we can't sleep together anymore, babe. Nothing will stop me from touchy those milky arms of yours."

"Oh, Calum! I'll always be yours. Forever!"



"Now shut up and go to sleep."

"Jeez, this is what I get for being romantic."


guys I'm so tempted to just finish this book tonight you have no idea omfg.

But definitely double update tonight. (-:

Stay Lovely. XXX- Hayley

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