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Hello everyone! How have you been? I hope your answer is "good!"

So I have some pretty exciting news...I, Hayley Jade Fenwick (pls don't stalk me) am producing my own, fully original and completely self created book! By the time you read this it will be posted. It's called Seeds of Spring (open to any other title suggestions bc that one is shit and I'm bad at titles) and it's about friends and life and growing up and realizing who you are and sexuality and all that good stuff. While it is more of a coming-of-age type novel there is definitely male romance in it.

I did this not because I write gay fan fiction but because I want to spread awareness. There's few books with just lgbt+ characters and even few focused around them. There's also few with happy endings. And maybe a handful with transgendered characters.

I wanted to write about someone who was gay that didn't die and didn't wind up being unhappy in the end. I wanted to write about trans characters and asexual characters and pansexuals and all types of people from all walks of life because that's what real life is. I wanted to show what it's like to be an actual, living breathing, true teenager and the things they feel. To not make them out as crazy and reckless and just immature. And I wanted to show that sometimes it's not the people on the outside that judge you the hardest. I wanted characters with flaws and problems and some that would never really be able to fully get it all together. Because that's being human.

Sorry, that was a long ass thing but I wanted to make my intentions clear.

Here's the description of the book:

"We were just seedlings until that night. That night--we came into full bloom, transitioning into beautiful flowers, with bright petals of life encircling our budding existence."

Kit believes life is a burden he doesn't want to bear. Caught between wanting to exist and not wanting to, Kit finds himself answers to questions he never knew to ask through friends, family, and a boy hell bent on making Kit love life.

Hopefully it's an okay description since I'm pretty bad at those.

Well, I would really appreciate if you went and checked it out since it is my own work and I'm going to do the best I can on it. Any feed back is more than welcomed! So please leave all comments, good or bad, and tell me your honest opinions.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please have a good night!

Stay Lovely. XXX -Hayley

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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