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Sep. 4, 12:05

Age: 15

Ashton stirred in bed. He flipped to his side and expected to be faced with Calum's warm body but only found the coldness of the bed next to him. He quickly sat up, wide awake, and looked around.

"Calum," he whispered aloud.

"Calum, where are you?"

Ashton uncovered himself and got out of bed. He tiptoed his way out of the room to the hallway. As he crept down the dark, narrow hall he heard the sounds of muffled sobs from the bathroom. Ashton rushed to the door and pried it open, wasting no time to peek inside the room.

There was Calum, weeping uncontrollably on the toilet.

"Calum, baby, what's wrong?"

Calum looked up at Ashton with his blown wide red eyes.

"L-Luke and M-Mikey," he choked.

Ashton leant down in front of Calum, placing a hand on his knee and the other on his face to wipe away the cascading tears.

"What about them, darling?"

"T-They were s-s-so happy to see m-me tod-day. I-I-I couldn't believe it. I f-felt so loved."

Ashton's heart melted, "Cause you are loved, silly. You're one of their best friends. And when you left, Michael wouldn't stop crying. He was probably worst that I was. He loved-well, loves- you so much, baby. And Luke to."

"I love them too."

"I know, baby, I know. Now c'mere and let's get back to bed. We got school tomorrow."

I actually got a bit emotional writing this man.

Stay Lovely. XXX- Hayley

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