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March 26, 12:09

Age: 18

"Hey, did you hear that Zayn left One Direction?"

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yeah. It was on the news."

"You sure it's not just some rumor that the media made up?"

"Nope. Band said it themselves."

"That's so sad. I feel really bad for everyoneーespecially the fans. Bands are special to fans and it's always hard to let go."

"Yeah, like when Bob left MCR. Tragic."

"Or when NSYNC split up."

"Were you even alive when that happened?"

"Yes, I think. I don't know! But you get the point. It's sad for everyone involved."

"I'm surprised you're getting all worked up over this, Ash. You don't even really like them."

"Just because I don't particularly like them doesn't mean I can be respectful and have empathy."

"Awe, that's so sweet! You cutie!"

"Shut up, Calum. You're annoying."

"You're so rude to me. Honestly, I don't deserve this treatment."

"Whatever. Try leaving then."


"Exactly. Now come here and hold me while I cry because you brought up My Chemical Romance."

"Should we play Welcome to the Black Parade?"

"Okay, it was a joke a first but if we do that I will seriously cry."

"You are so soft."

"Don't even."

"It's cute."

I don't even know what to say. I'm at a loss for words, really. It doesn't even feel real. It just feels like some bad dream and I'm going to wake up and hear about One Direction producing a new album instead. But unfortunately, this is real life.

As much as it angers and saddens me to hear of Zayn's departure, I still will support him and this band no matter what choices they make. As long as he is happy then I will do my best to be happy as well. This band will never be the same, whether it's their music or who they are as a band, but I believe that the rest of the boys will do all they can to make amazing performances and records. I hope all of the boys find happiness wherever it may be and I hope that this fandom will come together and heal. We all need each other right now. Every single one of us. Only together can we pull through this.

My heart goes out to Zayn and the boys, Perrie, and the fandom. It was a good five years guys. We did well.

Stay Lovely. XXX-Hayley

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