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Feb. 20, 12:05

Age: 21

"Babe, why are you still up? Don't you have that big test tomorrow? For your associates?"

"Yes, I do, Ashton. That's why I can't sleep."


"No, what? Of course not."

"You're totally nervous."

"Maybe just a tad. But it's a big test! This could make or break me getting my degree."

"And that's why you need a good night's sleep so that big brain of yours can work its magic."

"Ashton, this is really important. I need this degree so I can get a good job that pays good money."

"I'll love you no matter what amount of money you bring home."

"It's not about that. I need a good job so that one day we can buy our own house and raise a family of our own. Which we won't be able to do if I fail this test."

"Well, you will fail if you end up sleeping during the test or messing up due to lack of sleep. So it's better to get to bed now."


"And, even if you do fail, you can always retake the stupid thing. We have plenty of time to make a family so don't get so worked up over. You can't do well if you're stressed."

"You're right. I need to be calm. Thanks, Ash. What would I do without you?"

"Cry a lot and never sleep."

"That exactly it. How did you know?"

"I know you better than you know yourself."

"That's freakishly true, though."

"Exactly. Now let's go to bed."

"Okay, let's."

Time jump again YEET. That's going to happen in these last few chapters, just saying.


stay lovely. XXX- Hayley

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