Character Ask ; Answers

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Here are the answers for the previous character ask.

• What made you go back to Ashton that day at the park?

"I decided that it was finally time to see him again. I had gone far too long without him."

• Will you ever teach your children how to work a rice cooker?

"I assume so, considering that rice is a good instant food to make and fills you up quickly and goes with nearly anything. If you're implying that I would because you think I'm Asian: fuck you."

• What was your speech for your wedding day?

"Actually, I didn't make a speech. Mainly because Ashton's was so terribly long and also because I didn't think I needed to declare my love for him in front of everyone; I thought I had done that enough. Plus, I believe action speak louder than words. So I just kissed him."

• Were you ever scared to get on that bus?

"Honestly, not really. I was more scared to stay home with the hurricane of a family I had than to runaway. Plus, that bus sort of became a second home to me, so it held a more safe feeling than a feeling of fear."

• When did you first realize you loved Ashton (also, could I babysit the twins)?

"I think it was that night at the park. I knew the moment I saw him, looking like he knew where he was but he was still lost, and that's when it hit me how much I missed him. And how much I loved him. That's why I appeared in front of him again. Also, we'll need a back ground check from you first."

• Why twins?

"Actually, we were only supposed to have one kidーJude. But then the doctors told us they had made a mistake and found there was two kids inside the girl instead. We were given the choice to back out of the adoption but we chose to take it on anyway because, no matter what, we wanted those children."

• Why are you so philosophical?

"Because philosophy is in everything. It is everything. All we have, all we know, stemmed from philosophy. Thus, we are all philosophical. Though Ashton reckons it's because of my 'giant head'."

• For Michael and Calum: What would you do if Luke/Ashton died?

Michael: "Shit, I have no idea. Most likely die with himーdepending on if Brooklynn was around. If she was, then I'd make sure she grew up knowing just how amazing of a man her father had been. I would love her enough so she would never feel the absence of her dad."

Calum: "I would like to think I would pull through quite exceptionally well and move on, for Ashton's sake. But most likely I would keep up the appearance of doing well, then fall apart when alone."

• Were you expecting Michael and Luke to get married?

"Yes. Funny story, the week before Michael proposed, I had said to Ashton, 'I wonder when Luke and Mike are finally going to tie the knot, it's about time,' and then bang! it came true."

• Do you ever think about your mom?

"I do. Not often, but every once and awhile I'll think of her and how she is and where she's at, but I try not to think on it too intensely because she left. She didn't come back either. So there's no point in dwelling on what could have been since it obviously will never be."

• Is Ashton good in bed? (Thanks, Bree)

"Well, personally, I think he is a fucking maniac. He looks so hot and he gets super fucking flustered and loud. Ashton is freaking loud as hell. It's so hot. So, yeah, he's amazing."

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