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Dec. 26, 12:04

Age: 15

"Oh my god, your mom's hilarious when she's drunk!"

"I know right? She's so weird though."

"Now we know where you got it from."

"You jerk! Ugh, I hate you."

Ashton pushed Calum on the bed. Calum sat up and gripped Ashton's hips, pulling him between his legs.

"I love you."

Ashton leaned down, pressing a kiss to Calum's lips.

"I love you more."

Before Calum could reply, Ashton gasped and ran off.

"I need to give you your gift!"

"Is it a sexy Santa suit?"

"What the-no! You're such a perv!"

"Only for you, baby."

"Close your eyes."

Calum did as told. He heard Ashton walking up to him and then stopping between his legs.

"Okay, open."

Calum slowly peeked open an eye. In front of him was a nearly wrapped box with ribbon tied around it.

"Wrapped it myself." Ashton said proudly, smiling at Calum with nervous eyes.

Calum took the gift in his hand, "thank you," he said as he tore into the wrapping.

Ashton's hands shook as he watched Calum unwrap the present, and then open the little black box that was inside the wrappings. Within the box was a silver chain with a little pink ball charm on it. Engraved on the charm was the letter 'A'.

Calum's eyes widened, his mouth falling open in obvious shock. But that all was replaced with a look of joy as he slid on the silver bracelet. He looked up at the nervous boy.

"Ashton how do I-wow, how do I even thank you enough for this? It's beautiful."

Ashton smiled, relieved. "Just promise you'll always remember me, even if we're not together and go our separate ways, you'll see this bracelet and remember my name and face. You'll remember that little boy on the bus who was way too energetic and spoke too much."

"Ashton, you know I could nev-"

"Just promise me."

"I promise."

Ashton leant in and kissed Calum. Calum wrapped his arms around Ashton's waist, pulling him close and then flopping down on the bed. Ashton giggled as he rested on Calum and kicked his legs. Calum laughed then flipped them over so he was hovering over Ashton. Suddenly, the mood turned from light and playful to serious and filled with tension.

"I fucking love you." Calum whispered, staring Ashton directly in the eye.

"I love you too."

Calum kissed Ashton passionately, Ashton kissing back with just as much emotion. He tangled his hands in Calum's hair and tugged slightly. Calum removed his lips from Ashton's and pressed kisses down his jaw and neck.

"I," kiss, "love," kiss kiss, "you," kiss.

Ashton smiled, tugging Calum back to his lips by his hair.

"I know. Now come cuddle."

Calum smirked.

"Wanna cuddle naked?"

"Sure thing."


"Ha, no. Sorry but I'm not ready."

"Don't be sorry, I'll wait for you."

"Thank you."

Calum nodded, falling down beside Ashton. He pulled the covers over them and turned to face Ashton, wrapping his arm around Ashton's waist, the other going cup Ashton's cheek.

"Merry Christmas, baby."

"Merry Christmas to you too, Cally."


Guys today I held hands with the person I've loved for almost two years and they called me babe a lot and told me they were going to miss me during break. It felt really nice but I also know that the feelings won't be returned. But I think there's no harm in a little hand holding, right? I don't know, I needed to tell someone this because it made me really happy.

Anyways, hope you all have a happy Holidays. Love you all. Stay Lovely. XXX- Hayley

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