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Aug. 18, 12:04

Age: 17

"Calum, I'm scared to start senior year tomorrow."

"Well it would help if you fell asleep soon."

"Please, don't be sassy right now. I'm really anxious." The boy said, running a shaking hand through his unkempt hair.

"Why, baby?" Calum sat up in bed and began gently massaging Ashton's shoulders

"I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. I haven't thought of it up until now and I have absolutely nothing planned out. I don't know what I want to do!"

"Well luckily you have a whole year to figure it out."

"Yeah but-"

"But stressing so intensely over it won't help. Listen to me okay?"


"First we'll search up colleges because no way a mind like yours is going to miss colleges. We'll find out what type of GPA and test average you'll need to get in, narrow it down to a few and then we'll look into what program's they have. After that we can spend some time accessing your strengths and what you enjoy. From that we'll find at least what type of career you might want to go into. Like working with animals or kids or whatever."

"Okay, and what if I don't make it?"

"You will."

"And if I don't?"

"Then we'll have back ups."

"Okay...well what about us? How will we do this whole college thing?"

"I'll be following you wherever you choose to go, okay?"

Ashton turned around, facing his boyfriend. He brought a hand up to cup his cheek, his thumb making circles on his cheek bone. "I still want you to live your dreams, Calum."

Calum smiled at him fondly. "And I will," he assured, "My dreams are to stay with you."

Ashton giggled. "You're such a cheese."

Calum nodded his head and leant in to press a loving kiss on Ashton's lips.

They're finally 17 now, HOLLA.

I'll be publishing my new book(s) in a week or so. I hope you all enjoy them. (-:

Stay Lovely. XXX- Hayley

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