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Nov. 12, 12:05

Age: 17

"Senior year is a lot fucking harder than I imagined it would be."

"Mid terms are next month. I'm completely unprepared."

"I know, how the hell am I supposed to pass Pre Cal?"

"Oh my gosh!"


"Cal in Pre Cal!"

"Are you-Ashton stop laughing."

"I-I'm sorry, I just-jesus oh my god."

"You're such a dweeb."

"At least I'm passing math."

"Ouch. That hurt."

"My brain hurts."

"So does mine. Sleep?"


"Maybe sleep will be our always."

"And you call me the dweeb. I'm so done with you."

"You didn't think that last night."


"Or this morning...in the shower."

"I hate you."

"Really because last night-and this morning- you couldn't stop screaming how much you loved me."

"Bye. Leave. Don't come back."

"Who's going to cuddle ya then?"


"Who's going to love ya?"


"Who's going to fuck ya?"

"Ken-wait! Stop laughing you ass!"

"Oh, that was gold."

"Ugh, you suck."

"You bet, baby."

"Let's just go to bed."

"Okay and then afterwards we can go to sleep. If ya know what I mean."

"I wish I didn't."

I got my phone taken up so I couldn't update. )-:

How are you guys? Everyone going good? By the way, thank you to all the people who voted their hearts out on the book the past few days wow. I love you guys.

Stay Lovely. XXX- Hayley

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